Elysian Charter School Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School
June 3, 2019 Vol. 14 Issue 36
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day.
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This Week at a Glance
Monday, June 3 - No Yoga Enrichment
Wednesday, June 5 - School Picnic - 6:00pm - 8:00pm - Columbus Park
Thursday, June 6 - No Debate Enrichment Club Thursday, June 6 - Rebuild by Design Meeting - 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Gym
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Building Community
The Elysian community thrives because of our commitment to community, progressive education practices and you! We hope you’ll find lots of reasons to get involved that include having fun and meeting some great new people, not to mention to strengthen the school- parent- teacher- student relationship. This week is the PTSO sponsored Annual Year End School Picnic from 6-8 at Columbus Park on Wednesday, June 5th. It’s one of the many events we have that are free, fun and a way to encourage a sense of connectedness and community. Your participation helps our children and community grow!
The picnic is a way to celebrate another successful school year before we turn the page to the summer!
I hope to see you there!
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Rebuild by Design Meeting
Elysian will host a REBUILD BY DESIGN meeting on Thursday, June 6th from 7-9pm in the Gym.
We need your support and input.
This plan will impact where our students have recess for many years to come.
At this meeting you will:
• Be updated on preferences for park components that emerged from community input during the last round of Design Zone Workshops;
• Be updated on two design concepts that have been further developed for Cove Park in Design Zone 2 based on community input;
Note: we will not be finalizing the plan, but rather selecting a park concept (from 2) and features that we’d like to include in order to move forward with 1 design for the park.
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Dear 4th , 5th and 6th Grade Parents,
I am so proud of the work that your children did this year and in the spring concert!! I hope you are too.
Now that we are almost at the end of the year, I am asking you to send back to school the glockenspiel that was loaned to your child at the beginning of the year. It is very important that I get all instruments back no later than June 17th. Please remember that all these instruments (almost 100 in total) must be cleaned and packed for the summer.
Please make sure that your child returns the instrument in its case, with all the regular keys on it (12 brightly colored keys), with all the note magnets (12), 4 mallets (two with black heads, two with pink heads) and the three chromatic keys (black metal keys: low F sharp (f#), low B flat (B ), and high F sharp. It is very important that all accessories come back with each instrument!!!
I will keep a record of your child’s name, date of return, and condition of the instrument. If your child’s instrument is seriously damaged, missing keys, or is not returned you will be billed accordingly.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Best wishes,
Mary Guthrie Music Teacher
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Notes From The Nurse
Dear Parents,
Warm weather has finally arrived! There are a few health reminders for the warm weather season:
● Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning before school. They go outside for recess weather permitting.
● Send reusable water bottles in order for students to remain hydrated.
● Make sure your child wears appropriate weather attire and shoes that will not slip off.
Diane DeSombre, RN
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Track Practice Update
Track is scheduled for June 6 and adding June 13, from 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park.
Thank you.
Adam Froimowitz, Coach
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Friends of Elysian - Annual Appeal Update & Next Meeting
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Please be on the look out for tomorrow’s All-In Newsletter in which we discuss the importance of our annual operational grant and give lots of "Donor Thanks!" In case you missed last week’s newsletter, you can find it here: May 28 All-In Newsletter.
Let’s keep our school growing, ensuring academic success for all our 288 students!
Or, to make a donation by check, a pledge form is available here. Simply return it by mail or in-person to the school office.
Don't Forget Matching Gift Programs!
A number of companies match employee gifts. Please be sure to check whether your employer offers a matching program. We will provide any information needed to complete your request form. (Any questions? Please email friends@ecsnj.org.)
More than 10% of funds raised in last year’s Appeal came from company matching! It has a huge impact on making our annual goal!
Thank you for your support!
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PTSO Corner
FIELD DAY THANK YOUS! - A gigantic thank you goes out to Adam Froimowitz and Nina Blake for yet another amazing Field Day! Without you guys, we'd just be a bunch of kids and a patch of grass!
Thank you also to Sara Green, Michele Linder, Kandace Simpson, Abbe Rivers, Mona Sarafa, Anna Stanin, Darcy Peterka, Cecilia Bejar, Jenifer Semenza, Christopher Gizzi, Lisa Gale, Danielle Moss, Maureen Phalen, Pamela Strell, Andrea O'Connor, Ana Benavente, Lisa Spear, Nathalie Crews-Vargo, Brittany Vogel, Ayelet Levy, Jennifer Napolitani, Jamie Cooper, Cvetanka Avramov, Sylvie Honig, Michael Gazaleh, Chris DeFilippis, Stephanie Gaasterland, Katrina Virtusio, Kevin Goldberg, Michael Nieves, Maureen Quinn, Miriam Jaffe, and many others for volunteering! Big thanks to Bob Maltese for being super helpful in getting all of the equipment to the field, and setting up and breaking down everything! Thank you to Roberto Rosa and Jennifer Nilsen for being amazing action photographers! And a special thank you to all of the teachers and staff for their enthusiasm and making it a great day for everyone!
YEAR END PICNIC THIS WEDNESDAY - The Elysian annual picnic is THIS Wednesday, June 5! Every family is asked to bring something to help make this a success (please see flyer below!). It is a potluck, so we ask that you bring food according to the grade(s) of your kid(s): K - 2nd Grade: Entrees – pasta, pizza, sandwiches, chicken, etc. 3rd - 5th Grade: Salads, Sides or Fruit. 6th - 8th Grade: Dessert, Water, Juice Boxes.
We are keeping an eye on the weather for Wednesday, and will make a call the day of. Our raindate is Thursday, June 6.
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Spring Sessions of Enrichment Clubs This Week
- Dance with Derrick - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - LAST CLASS will be June 17th
- Yoga Workshop - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - NO CLUB TODAY, June 3rd - LAST CLASS will be June 10th
- Debate Club - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - LAST CLASS will be June 3rd (Field trip to UN on June 12th)
- Crazy Chemistry - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - LAST CLASS will be June 10th which will be 1 1/2 hours
- Back to Basic Board Games - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - LAST CLASS will be June 4th
- Fitness Fun - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - LAST CLASS will be June 4th
- Chess - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - LAST CLASS will be June 19th which is 1/2 day, class will be from 12:45pm - 2:15pm
- Chopped Jr. - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - LAST DAY will be June 5th
- Introduction to Karate - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - LAST DAY will be June 5th
- Debate Club - No Thursday Debate, Both sessions of Debate will meet on Mon June 3rd, (Field Trip to UN on June 12th)
- Airplane Explorations - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - LAST CLASS will be June 6th
- Lego Architecture - 3:00pm - 5:00pm - LONGER CLASS TODAY - Last Class will be June 6th
- Let's go Green-Recycling Craft - 3:00pm - 4:00pm - LAST CLASS will be June 13th
- Rock Climbing - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - LONGER CLASS TODAY - LAST CLASS will be June 14th
- Introduction to Modern Art - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - LONGER CLASS TODAY - LAST CLASS will be June 14th with Student Exhibition
- Health Minds in Active Bodies - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - LONGER CLASS TODAY - LAST CLASS will be June 14th
- Cartooning & Comic Book Drawing - 3:00pm - 4:15pm - LONGER CLASS TODAY - LAST CLASS will be June 14th
If you have any questions about the club schedule, please email pam.gorode@ecsnj.org
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Lost and Found
Please write your child's name in their outerwear/sweaters and label their water bottle so if it is lost we can return it to them.
We have a collection of sweaters and jackets.
Please come to the main office and take a look to see if anything looks familiar.
Things left behind at the end of the school year will be donated to charity.
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| Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education
Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office! Thank you!
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| As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regularly.
June Calendar
Monday, June 3
- Play - Dress Rehearsal
- 7th Grade (partial class) Trip
Tuesday, June 4
- Play - 1st Show at 9:30am, 2nd Show at 10:45am, 3rd Show at 1:30pm. Evening Shows at 5:30pm and 7:00pm. Shows are 1/2 hour long.
Wednesday, June 5
- 8th Grade Trip
- Picnic (raindate June 6th)
Thursday, June 6
- Rebuild by Design Meeting - 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Gym
- Rugby Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
- Track Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
Friday, June 7
- 6th Grade Spring Concert - 9:00am - Gym
Saturday, June 8
- NYC Rugby Cup - 8:30am - 3:00pm
Tuesday, June 11 - Thursday, June 13
Wednesday, June 12
Thursday, June 13
- Morgan Book Project Presentation - 5th Grade Classrooms
- Probability Carnival - 9:00am - 11:30am
- Track Pratice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm -1600 Park
Friday, June 14
- Community Meeting - 8:45am - Gym
Monday, June 17
- 8th Grade Trip
- Board Meeting - 7:00pm
Tuesday, June 18
- 1/2 Day - 12:30pm Dismissal
Wednesday, Jun 19
- 1/2 Day - 12:30pm Dismissal
- 8th Grade Graduation - 7:00pm - DeBaun Auditorium - Steven's Institute
Thursday, June 20
- 1/2 Day - 12:30pm Dismissal - No Aftercare
- Last Day of School
- Report Cards Distributed
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2019-2020 School Calendar
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| A note about attendance: The New Jersey State Law is very specific about school attendance.
By law, children are expected to be in school every day unless they are ill.
There is no room in the law or regulations to excuse any children who have prior plans.
We must mark all children absent who are not in attendance.
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1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Susan Grierson, Director | Susan.Grierson@ecsnj.org | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576 |