Academy of Management                                                                      Summer 2015 Newsletter
Convention Center (from
Hello MED members!
We are fully into July with only a month left before the next AOM conference in Vancouver. Somehow the summer has flown by and all of that writing I was supposed to do has been soaked up by the summer sun...or lost in the bottom of a long to-do list (there's still time).  Nonetheless, in a few short weeks MED members will converge upon the city of Vancouver to share ideas, broaden horizons, and build collaborative networks.  I am certain the info you will find in this newsletter will assist in scheduling your time for maximum effectiveness (take special note of the social events).
Thanks goes out again to Darlene Alexander-Houle for motivating us to put together the newsletter, Peter Mc Namara (Program Chair), Miguel Olivas-Luján (PDW Chair) and Jacob Eisenberg (Past Chair) for contributing. 
Don't forget to check out our updated website at
See you soon!
Barbara A. Ritter, Ph.D.                                                                                                               
MED Chair   
Coastal Carolina University                          
AMLE Editor Chris Quinn Trank to Address Sexism & Racism in Campus Culture
A topic that we ought to all think and act upon!
Join us on Monday, August 10th at 11:30 (VCC 001) for the MED keynote address where Chris Quinn Trank will address sexism and racism in campus culture.  As an expert in the institutional environment of education, Dr. Trank will speak to these issues as related to recent events, campus rituals, and entrenched inequality. 
This timely keynote address is sure to make the audience question long-held assumptions and ask themselves how best to take stand up and take action. 
If you can only make one session, come along to our MED keynote.
Celebrate our Best Submissions and Reviewers:
MED Business Meeting
Peter Mc Namara
MED Program Chair
Maynooth University, Ireland
Twenty Six of our MED reviewers will receive an outstanding reviewer award at out MED Business meeting (Vancouver Convention Center room 001 at 6.30pm on Monday) and join us for Sweets, Treats and Drinks at our MED social immediately thereafter). Might you be a reviewer and one of the winners? Come along and find out.
We also acknowledge five outstanding papers and two symposia with awards. These awards were selected through a process of initial shortlisting by MED blind reviewers. This shortlist was then reviewed again by a separate awards reviewer committee consisting of a panel of previous winners. Informed by reviewer recommendations, a final winner was selected by the MED Research Coordinator in consultation with the wider MED Executive Committee. Thanks to Sabine Holdin, MED Research Coordinator, for managing this process so effectively.
Most of all thanks to you, the attendees of AOM, for giving an audience to our management education and development research community and to the reviewers for providing developmental feedback to this community.
6.30 Monday, VCC room 001
Award Sponsors
OBTS and the Journal of Management Education:
  • Best Paper in Management Education
Graduate Management Admissions Council:            
  • Best Paper in Graduate Management Education
Innovative Learning Solutions:
  • Global Forum Best Paper
Sage/Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies:
  • Junior Faculty Best Paper
McGraw Hill/Irwin:
  • Best Symposium
ASFOR: Associazione Italiana Per La Formazione Manageriale
  • Best PDW
Thank you to our award sponsors for helping us showcase excellence in the field of management education!
MED/OBTS/NDSC Friday Night Reception
The MED/OBTS/NDSC kickoff reception (with support from U of Alberta and Mount Royal U also gratefully acknowledged) will take place at the Bill Reid Gallery.  A four-PDW series dealing with Arts in MED: Arts-based MethodsPhotographyVideography, and Dance will be held in the gallery throughout the day on Friday from 9am-5:45pm.  Come early to enjoy the sessions and the Gallery. 
The kickoff reception, with food and drinks, is from 6:45pm-8:45pm.
MED Social
Celebrate the friendship of MED colleagues!
Immediately after our Business Meeting we will have our annual social. This year our theme is Sweets, Treats, Drinks and friendship amongst scholars. Take this opportunity to meet colleagues from around the world who share an interest in the research and practice of management education. Bring along a friend and get them involved in MED. New members are very, very welcome!!
7.30 Monday, VCC room 001
MED Program Highlights
Peter Mc Namara
MED Program Chair
Maynooth University, Ireland

Vancouver will be MED’s largest program in the last five years, with 33 sessions featuring 80 papers and 13 symposia. The hub of our program this year will be in the Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC) where all MED paper sessions will be taking place on Monday and Tuesday and many of our co-sponsored symposia.
MED’s program focuses mainly on 8 themes: Business Schools; Student Engagement & Skills Development; Leadership & Executive Education; Curriculum Re-design Methods & Evidence; Globalization and International education; Ethics and Sustainability; Entrepreneurship Education; and Experiential Learning. Below are some highlights from these and other themes from this year’s MED program. As some sessions cover more than one topic they feature in two themes. Watch out for our award winners – come along to their sessions to see this research in action!
MED Program Themed Sessions and Awards
1.  Business Schools and Researcher Careers Theme 
This theme looks at business schools from an institutional perspective, considering strategy, key competitive challenges and management issues, and also from the perspective of individual management education researchers (including themes such as drivers of research productivity, the location and impact of management education research amongst others)
 Our symposia mix leading scholars & deans (Henry Mintzberg, Peter Lorange & Jeffery Pfeffer amongst others), media & alumni exploring:
  • Business School Rankings: Is it Time to Click the ‘Refresh Button’? Monday 9.45. Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC) East Ballroom C. 9.45  MED Best Symposium Award winner!
  • Know thyself: Influences on the Careers of Management Academics. Monday 9.45. Hyatt Regency, Plaza B.
  • Designing the Future of Business Schools: Persistent Problems in Changing Contexts. Monday, 1.15pm. VCC East Ballroom A.
  • The Impact of Business Schools in International Perspective. Tuesday 11.30am, VCC room 224. MED Global Forum Best Symposium Award winner!
  • How to Publish Your Book in the Management Field. Tuesday 3pm, VCC room 109.
Evidence based paper sessions:
  • Research – Practice – Teaching Gap: A Multi-stakeholder Perspective of Business School Trade offs, Monday 8 am. VCC room 113
  • Research Career Productivity, Citation & Management Education Research Journals. Monday 3pm, VCC room 113.
  • Curriculum Re-design & Crisis in Business Schools: From Undergraduate, to MBA to DBA. Tuesday 8am, VCC room 113. Includes Award Winner: Best Paper in Graduate Management Education
  • Competitive Positioning of Business Schools: Education, Research, Customers and Society Pulling Us Apart? Tuesday 1.15pm, VCC room 222.
2. Student Engagement and Skills Development
  • Intuition in organizations: Its effects on learning. Tuesday 8am, Marriott Pinnacle Downtown, Ballroom 1.
 At the heart of business schools is the student education experience. Six evidence based paper sessions explore:
  • Student skills development: Public Speaking Anxiety and Critical Thinking Monday 8 am, VCC room 222.
  • Undergraduate engagement with learning: Empirical Insights and Approaches Monday 1.15 pm VCC room 222. Includes Award Winner Barry Armandi Best Student Paper MED Award.
  • Student Evaluations, Motivation, Performance & Retention in Management Education. Monday 4.45, VCC room 113.
  • Business Games, Simulation & Case Studies: Engaging Students in Management Education. Tuesday 8 am, VCC room 222. Includes Award Winner: Best Paper in Management Education
  • Online Education: Evidence & Strategies to Manage Student Engagement Tuesday 11.30am, VCC room 113.
  • Dark Sides: Undesirable Behaviors & Traits of Instructors & Students. Can it ever be turned around? Tuesday 3pm, VCC room 009.
3. Leadership and Executive Education
  • Filmmaking as an Approach for Exploring Emotional Elements in Management Research and Education, Tuesday 11.15am, VCC room 222.
  • Leading Today but not Tomorrow: Exploring Within-Person Fluctuations in Leadership Behavior. Tuesday 9.45am, Hyatt Regency, Georgia B.
 Empirical paper sessions:
  • Leadership development: Gender, Strategic Thinking & Paradoxical Leadership, Monday 8 am.  Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC Room 121) Includes Award Winner: Junior Faculty Best Paper
  • Practicing Managers Navigating Worlds of Learning & Education: Learning Inside Organizations and DBAs, Monday 9.45am. VCC room 010.
  • Developing Effective Leaders, Follows, Competencies: Empirical Evidence, Monday 9.45am. VCC room 222.
  • International Education & Executive Education: PRME, Cultural Intelligence and Positioning of International Business Schools, Monday 4.45pm, VCC room 009
  • Design thinking and experiential learning. Tuesday 9.45, VCC room 113
 4. Curriculum Re-design: Methods and Evidence
Evidence based paper sessions.
  • Entrepreneurship education: Processes Performance Outcomes, Gender and International Settings, Monday 1.15pm. VCC room 113.
  • Curriculum Re-design & Crisis in Business Schools: From Undergraduate, to MBA to DBA. Tuesday 8am. Includes Award Winner: Best Paper in Graduate Management Education
  • Curriculum Re-Design in HR, OB and Management & Project Teamwork: Evidence based approaches, Tuesday 9.45am, VCC room 113.
5. Globalization and International Education
  • Teaching in the rough: Opportunities and Challenges of Global Business/Management Education, Monday 3pm, VCC room 009.
Empirical and conceptual reflections:
  • International Education & Executive Education: PRME, Cultural Intelligence and Positioning of International Business Schools, Monday 4.45pm, VCC room 009.
  • International Education: Student Performance Outcomes, Skills Development and Language, Tuesday 1.15pm, VCC room 113. Includes Award Winner: Global Forum Best Paper
6. Ethics and Sustainability
  • Sustainability Education across Generations and the Globe, Tuesday 8am, VCC room 009.
  • Wishful thinking? Fostering the “Right” Values, Attitudes and Behaviors in Business Students. Tuesday 1.15pm, VCC room 009.
Empirical and conceptual papers:
  • International Education & Executive Education: PRME, Cultural Intelligence and Positioning of International Business Schools, Monday 4.45pm, VCC room 009
  • Designing Sustainability and Ethics into Business School Curricula. Tuesday 3pm, VCC room 113.
7. Entrepreneurship Education
  • Indigenous Management Education and the Management Academy, Tuesday 3pm, VCC room 222.
Empirical paper session
  • Entrepreneurship education: Processes Performance Outcomes, Gender and International Settings, Monday 1.15
8. Experiential Learning
  • Implementation of Community-Based Experiential Learning: Challenges, Opportunities and Insights. Tuesday 11.30am, VCC room 222.
Empirical and conceptual papers:
  • Design thinking and experiential learning. Tuesday 9.45, VCC room 113.
How did papers and symposia get on the program?
Peter Mc Namara
MED Program Chair
Maynooth University, Ireland
This year we had 162 paper submissions and 20 symposia. We were only able to select 50% of papers, and by partnering with other divisions we were able to sponsor 13 symposia. All papers that were not selected for a session on the main program were offered the opportunity to develop their work with journal reviewers and editors at the MED Writers Workshop (ably led by Kathleen Barnes, whom we recognize this year in the Business Meeting with the first MED Outstanding Member Contribution and Leadership Award).
Three Hundred and Thirty Five people volunteered to be reviewers. These are the heart of the program: our volunteer reviewers provided developmental feedback to all submissions and for that we are very grateful. Reviewers were very busy this year, with an average of 2.4 papers reviewed each for MED to ensure that all papers were assigned 4 reviewers, thus giving developmental feedback to our submitters. Please do volunteer to be an MED reviewer for next year’s conference so that we can share the work and widen the diversity of our reviewer pool to match the growth in number of submissions and diversity of themes that we as a community are researching.
From your PDW Chair
Miguel R. Olivas-Luján
PDW Chair
Clarion U of Pennsylvania  
This year, MED’s PDW (Professional Development Workshop) submissions increased 108% relative to 2014. Fifty-two proposals were submitted last January (25 in 2014)! This is great news, as the “raw material” for a great program is a good number of high-quality submissions! Unfortunately, AOM’s hours for PDWs are determined by the previous three years of membership and submissions, which this year meant only 33 hours. Thanks to our colleagues’ flexibility and collegiality, we were able to reduce the number of hours requested and put together a few PDWs that had the potential of creating a stronger PDW together. Still, only twenty-four PDWs could be scheduled, which yields a 54% rejection rate (32% in 2014).
Rather than highlighting a few PDWs from the program, we would like you to notice threads that serve our many constituencies. The educators among us can find inspiring classroom activities, some of them theme-specific, such as Leadership, Cross-cultural Management, Emerging Technologies, Diversity and Inclusion, Big Data, Entrepreneurship, and so on. Other PDWs cut across disciplines using an Evidence-based view, or the arts. Another thread deals with Social Entrepreneurship, Responsible Management and other Sustainability issues. Sessions on Executive Education, Assessment, and, of course, Open Governance are there too.  Authors and researchers should find case writing, teaching, publication and reviewing PDWs most helpful. In fact, this year we have two research-oriented PDWs, the 2015 Writers Workshop for manuscript refinement and another on Addressing Reviewer’s Comments.  Also consider coming to the Gala Celebration and Awards that we are co-sponsoring with the Practice Theme Committee on Sunday (4:30 pm, VCC #118)!
Judges for ASFOR (the Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale)’s “Best AOM MED Division PDW Award” will have a hard time finding a winner! We are also indebted to the Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE), the Journal of Management Education (JME), to Organization Management Journal (OMJ), and to Management Learning (ML) for their support of MED Writer’s Workshop. ML is kindly sponsoring refreshments that will be available during this event! This year, The Case Centre ( also renewed its sponsorship for the PDW on case writing, teaching, publication and reviewing
And remember that, in addition to making sure that MED is one of your divisional affiliations, submitting PDWs, manuscripts and symposia is the only way to ensure that our program will have more hours to allocate among our high quality submissions! I look forward to seeing you in Vancouver!
MED 2015 Election Results
Jacob Eisenberg
MED Division Past-Chair
Smurfit Graduate School of Business, University College Dublin

The 2015 Academy MED Division elections came to conclusion and I am delighted to share with you the results. We have a very impressive cadre of colleagues joining the leadership team and I have never felt more confident about the future of our division. Please join me in congratulating them!
A big thank you to all members who took part in this election! First and foremost, thank you to the candidates who ran for the election: I appreciate your readiness to contribute to the division and I invite you to remain involved and consider running for officer roles in the future.
Thank you to all the members who voted in the election: 20.83% of MED members voted this year, which is the highest voting rate we had in the Division since the 2008 elections! I hope that even more of you will vote next year.

The incoming MED officers, who will assume their roles at the end of the Academy meeting in August 2015 are:

PAUL HIBBERT from University of St Andrews, UK Paul is a Professor of Management at the University of St Andrews who has visiting research roles at Auckland University and the University of Queensland. His research focuses on collaborative and relational processes of organizing and learning, and is published in leading international journals. He is also an Associate Editor of Management Learning, an Associate Editor of OBTS' forthcoming new journal Management Teaching Review and a co-Guest Editor of a forthcoming special issue of the Journal of Management Education. Paul is also a committed teacher, interested and invested in reflective practice in education. All of that serves to say: MED is very much his home community! Paul served MED in various ways already, including: reviewing (five-time recipient of outstanding reviewer awards); delivering many MED-oriented PDWs; and serving as an at-large representative, a role which has enabled him to source sponsor funding for the MED writers' workshop at the Vancouver conference and to 'fly the MED flag' at workshops on management education research in the UK and Australia.
JOSH DASPIT from Mississippi State University, USA Joshua J. Daspit, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Management at Mississippi State University and a member of the university's Center of Family Enterprise Research. His research interests include examining knowledge processes at and across various levels and within unique contexts. At the firm level, he has examined knowledge from the perspective of absorptive capacity, and at the individual level, he has examined the influence of various factors on learning outcomes. He has published in journals including Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Management Education, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Managerial Issues, Journal of Business Strategies, Team Performance Management, and Cross Cultural Management. He is on the review board of Family Business Review, serves on the editorial board of two other journals, and is a guest editor for an upcoming special issue of Journal of Managerial Issues. Josh has remained involved in the Academy by serving as a reviewer, discussant, session chair, presenter, and mentor. He has also worked with the MED Division to host a PDW on case research. Prior to joining academia, he worked as a senior consultant for an international consulting firm and served as Director of Community Affairs for a member of Congress.
SABINE HOIDN from University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Sabine is Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer teaching university courses on active learning strategies and research methods at the University of St. Gallen. She currently serves as the MED Research Coordinator of the MED Division. Her research focuses on international and comparative learning sciences research (e.g. self-regulated learning), management and teacher education, and empirical research methods. Her recent research project investigated effective student-centered learning in higher education classrooms in the US. Sabine has been the recipient of several grants and fellowships (e.g., Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Commission) and a recipient of an Outstanding Reviewer Award from the MED-Division. She has developed a broad scientific network due to research stays at various international universities in the US and UK, as a participant of and reviewer for several academic journals and conferences in the field of (management) education and as a regular participant of international conferences (e.g. AERA, AOM, EARLI). Sabine earned a BS and MA in Business Education from the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) and a PhD from the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland).
MELANIE P. COHEN from U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development, USA Melanie P. Cohen has worked at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as the Information Technology Strategist since December 2001. Her work at HUD has focused on maximizing business and technology integration and the role of information technology in organizational productivity. Melanie hosts a monthly series of webinars featuring experts from academia and the public and private sectors discussing leadership, management and behavior in organizations helping to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Prior to joining HUD, she was the Chief of the Strategic Planning Unit at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Melanie is an adjunct Associate Professor of Management at the University of Maryland University College Graduate School. Melanie has been an active member of the Academy of Management since 2007 engaging in scholarship and practice in the PNP and MED Divisions through participation in paper sessions and workshops. Her research has been published in the Journal of Business Ethics and the Public Administration Review. She recently contributed a book chapter In J. Liebowitz (Ed.), Bursting the big data bubble: The case for intuition based decision making (2014). Melanie Cohen earned a Doctorate in Management from the University of Maryland University College.
APRIL L. WRIGHT from University of Queensland, Australia April Wright is an Associate Professor of Strategy at the UQ Business School at the University of Queensland. Dr Wright's research focuses on the processes of institutional maintenance and change and she has a particular interest in the threshold concepts in management education. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Business Venturing and Organization. Dr Wright's co-authored paper on threshold concepts in undergraduate introductory management courses was awarded the Fritz Roethisberger Award for the best paper published in the Journal of Management Education in 2012. Dr Wright co-edited with Professor Paul Hibbert the special issue of Journal of Management Education on threshold concepts in management education. She has won numerous teaching awards, including a national citation for outstanding contribution to student learning from the Australian government and was the 2011 Management Educator of the Year for the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Dr Wright serves on the editorial board of Journal of Management Education.

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