Come Walk and Roll With Astonished!In harmony with the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities Astonished! is hosting our 10th annual Walk and Roll, a family-friendly pledge event that aims to raise funds to support the work of Astonished!
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Music with EmmaMusic Therapist, Emma Cameron, is exploring music with Astonished! Core Members in two settings this semester. Emma meets monthly with Astonished! Student Researchers at the University of Regina, and twice a semester A! Student Researcher, Rebekah Lindenbach, hosts Music with Emma at her condo. On September 22 Emma focused on colours in music titles or songs. How many song titles come to mind? Here are a few to get you started: Yellow Submarine, Blue Suede Shoes, Red.
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At the Astonished! Teaching and Learning Centre, we've been having so much fun. Celebrating the first days back together, celebrating birthdays (Happy Birthday Jerome, Saydi and Shaista), and going on exciting adventures like a stadium tour!
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For the last few weeks A!TLC Students Researchers have been collaborating with Brenda Rossow-Kimball's Kin 341 class to put together an Adapted Physical Activity Day! On Friday, October 4th, the Student Researchers participated in the APA day and we were happy to have Jennifer Wood from Saskatchewan Soccer Association also in attendance! Check out a few of the activities:
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Dennis, Brenda Rossow-Kimball
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Nathan and Kin 341 students
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End of Summer BBQ
We had the perfect evening for the last Big Sky Summer Adventure. We cannot believe how fast the 10 weeks went by! Thanks to everyone who came out to have some fun adventures with us!
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Bo, Nora, Sean, Pebbles, Bubbles
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Thank you to the City of Regina Sport and Recreation Stream grant for supporting the Big Sky Summer Outdoor Adventure.
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Garden of Wellness
August 26th was our LAST Garden of Wellness! It was a wonderful summer in the garden! The final garden of summer 2024 included a salad station with our veggies from the garden, we made solar art, and did glitter tattoos!
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September Social Club
The September Social Club Event had us move our outdoor movie night into the garage due to the weather. That didn't stop us from enjoying the movie, eating great food, having Doogal cuddles, and being together!
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Holiday Feast
The holiday season is just around the corner, and we're excited to invite you to our annual Holiday Feast. This special event is a time to celebrate together, express our gratitude, and share in the festive spirit.
The Details: What: Holiday Feast Date: Saturday, December 14th, 2024 Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Location: 177 Sunset Drive
We encourage you to bring your family members/loved ones to join in the festivities. Your loved ones are more than welcome to share this joyful occasion with us.
**RSVP by November 13th:** To help us plan accordingly, please confirm your attendance by November 13th. When you RSVP, kindly provide the number of people attending with you. Please RSVP to Mel: melissa.turbuck@beingastonished.com
We are delighted to inform you that there is no cost to attend this event. For those who wish to contribute financially and help support the expenses, we will have the option for a goodwill offering at the event.
We look forward to coming together, sharing delicious food, and enjoying your company this holiday season. We can't wait to celebrate with you!!!!
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Thank You
We are thankful for our collaboration with the City of Regina. Astonished! receives funding from the City of Regina Social Development Grant - to partially fund the Social Club.
In the letter accompanying the grant, the city wrote “Your program provides supportive, meaningful, and accessible social, recreational, and cultural activities to young adults with complex physical disabilities. The committee acknowledged that your program responds to a great need in community and aligns strongly to the City’s social development priorities.”
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Thank You
Thank you, Fidelity Investments, for supporting the work of Astonished through a generous donation to support our overall programs.
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Thank You
Thank you to our volunteers. You helped to make this semester fly.
Volunteers: Mikaylia Davis, Nick Cuthbert, Amanda LaRose, Elisa Wong.
Thank you to this semester's placement students.
Social Work Placement: Madison Huber.
SRS 130 Students: Hunter Paranuik, Wyatt Harkes, Deiondre Boychuk.
CNUR 100 Students (Nursing): Pamela Morale, Kaylee Robinson, Nadia Most, Benjamin Paterson, Kafayat Obalende.
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University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK | S4S 0A2 CA |