midterms and late drops
midterms and late drops
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Hi everyone!! We are finally on Week 11, can you believe it?! Although this is an exciting time as we approach holidays, we would love to remind you all that we are here to support you through your classes. I am sure many of you have many projects and upcoming tests, and this time may be more stressful for some of you. Remember you are not alone, and to take time for yourself. Prioritize your breaks and come back stronger to finish all your tasks. We believe in all of you!
     Remember, this week we have the Day of the Dead Tour on Wednesday November 1 at 3:30pm. This Thursday, November 2, we also have a Dia de los Muertos event at SSB(ACE) from 3-5pm. Below in the events category, you can find more information and the rsvp for these events!

- Valeria Esparza & Jasmin Alanis
L@s GANAS Ambassadors (Newsletter Coordinators)

ASP w/ Liz Herrera

Last week, we talked about transferable skills and how we can apply them within our resumes. We learned how all roles can contribute to transferable skills in unique and varying ways. We also left with fundamental resources for our future career aspirations.

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