Courtney, John, Ashley

What's Your Style Dance

Over the past six-plus years Astonished! has been offering dance sessions. Each dance leader brought his or her own flavour to the sessions. This year John Loeppky is the dance leader and he brings his own unique spins and turns to the dance floor. We are pleased to partner with the City of Regina in this inclusive dance opportunity. The next dance session is March 26, 2020, 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Mâmawêyatitân Centre 3355 6th Ave, Regina. Please e-mail Melissa if you are interested in participating. 
Abbey (Gabriella) Patallas

Abbey (Gabriella) Patallas

Abbey Patallas knows the experience of the roads diverging. Five years ago, Abbey set out on the road of a degree in Kinesiology and Health Studies with a major in in Human Kinetics. Abbey is now in the last semester of her degree. In January she began her major practicum with Astonished! Some things have become clear to Abbey; she is really interested in the ongoing relationships with A! Student researchers, enjoys working one-to-one, developing and delivering programming, teaching and learning, and the social aspects of Astonished! She has discovered through experience that she is less interested in the clinical aspects of assessment and rehabilitation, but that knowledge of the human body will serve her well wherever her future takes her. We are delighted to have Abbey on the A! Team this semester. To read more.......
We hope you will join us for a fabulous evening at the 8th Annual Astonished! Spring Gala, Saturday, March 21, 2020 at the Queensbury Convention Centre, Ballroom B, 1700 Elphinstone Street, Regina, 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm. For event details and ticket information please click here
West Jet
Brenda, Rebekah, Vianne

Dr. Vianne Timmons

Thank you to A! Student Researcher Rebekah Lindenbach, and her team, for hosting a party on Wednesday February 5, 2020 to express our gratitude and thanks to Dr. Vianne Timmons for her decade-plus of advocacy and support of Astonished! Party guests included A! Student Researchers, staff, board, volunteers, practicum students, families, companions, Stuart Mason, Dr. Stephen King, and neighbours and friends at Prairie Spruce Commons Cohousing, Rebekah’s city home. Dr. Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Regina, is moving on April to St. John’s Newfoundland, where she will become the President and Vice-Chancellor of Memorial University. We will miss her and wish her all the best in her new undertaking.  To see more photos from the event click here.
Jordan, Sean, Nick, Landon

A! Social Club

The Astonished! Leadership Team plans, organizes, and hosts monthly Social Club events for A! Core Members. In January everyone had a blast watching the Saskatchewan Rush Lacrosse game at The Owl. Thanks to the The Owl for the great hospitality and the yummy food and drinks! Thank you to the City of Regina | Municipal Government for the Social Development Grant, which partially funds our monthly Astonished! Social Club event! February 28, 2020 is a night to bowl and glow at the Glencairn Bolodrome. Click for details
Elisa Wong

Elisa Wong

Imagine swapping places in an organization, for example you take on much of the job of your boss. Well that is the experience Elisa Wong is having with Astonished! While our executive director, Bonnie Cummings-Vickaryous is on maternity leave Elisa is filling in as Interim Manager. Elisa is learning lots about what goes on behind the scenes. Her focus has been the multitude of details required to host a successful Spring Gala, searching out and writing grant applications, and organizing for the A! Summer Literacy program. Elisa is really enjoying planning for the Gala and stretching the edges of her comfort zone with the financial aspects of the job, especially creating and understanding spread sheets

Travel is a passion for Elisa. In the summer of 2019, she took a trip to Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan with her family. She loves vlogging about her travels. In September Elisa will be a student in the Faculty of Education, focusing the studies required to become a teacher in early elementary (Pre-K to grade five). Thanks Elisa for being part of the A! Team.

G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation

We were thrilled to receive the news that we were chosen for a grant from the G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation. A grant that is directed to operations is an extra special gift because it allows us to support core operations and capacity building that strengthens the overall work of Astonished! It is always a pleasure to read the biographies of G. Murray, Edna, and Atholl Murray on the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, to be able to look back and see how they contributed to the well being of community in their lifetimes and beyond.

Astonished! gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund at the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, which is a public foundation serving the people of South Saskatchewan. The SSCF builds permanently endowed charitable funds for the changing need and opportunities of the community and provides grants to eligible charitable organizations in culture, health, education, environment, recreation and social service sectors. 
Mia Bell

Mia Bell

At Astonished! our creativity originates in, and responds to, the unique lives of the A! Core Members. Mia Bell is a good fit for this creative process. Mia is in the first semester of her Interdisciplinary Masters Program in the Faculty of Media + Art + Performance (MAP) at the University of Regina. As part of her studies Mia is the support person working at the VOICE Lab. To read more ...........
Abbey, Landon, Nick, Sean, Bonnie

Oaklynn Vickaryous

Thank- you A! Student Researcher, Kaitlyn Hoar, for organizing a fabulous shower at The Owl on February 4, 2020. We had a blast showering our fearless leader Bonnie and baby Oaklynn! To see more photos from the event click here.
Katherine, Bonnie, Maggie, Avery, Deb (2017)

Royal Road Race

Each year, the Jaleta Pacers, a performance-oriented distance running club, holds the Royal Road Race. They partner with the RCMP, providing a unique opportunity to run within Canada’s RCMP Training Academy, Depot Division in Regina. The Jaleta Pacers are a group of individuals committed to fostering vibrant, sustainable and inclusive opportunities in Regina, Saskatchewan and contributing to the overall quality of life in our community. Since it began, they have chosen a local charity to donate to each year and we are grateful to be chosen as the charitable recipient for 2020. The race will take place on Saturday May 9, 2020.

  This event requires volunteers for race day and some tasks include water stations, course marshals, package pick up and envelope stuffing, etc. Please email Elisa Wong if you have any questions or would like to volunteer

Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Foundation

Thank you to the Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Foundation for their support of the Astonished! Mind Check project. This three-part series was created to deliver information and strategies on mental health and anxiety to our Core Members.  It is not uncommon for individuals with brain injuries to struggle with brain related anxiety and depression. This is often treated with medication but developing more self-awareness and skills to help reduce anxiety and depression is also important. Each of the participants benefited by being able to share their life experience and what works and doesn’t work for them. They increased their self awareness, and each created a Mental Health Tool Kit that they could take home with them and use on a daily basis to help them reduce the anxiety and stress they experience.
Astonished! gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Foundation Fund at the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, which is a public foundation serving the people of South Saskatchewan. The SSCF builds permanently endowed charitable funds for the changing need and opportunities of the community and provides grants to eligible charitable organizations in culture, health, education, environment, recreation and social service sectors.
Your donations contribute to the vitality of this innovative expression
of social inclusion. 
Thank You.
We are indeed Better Together!
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