July 7, 2023
Marie's Message
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Happy July!
The Endowment Fund committee had a chance to review the year end reports from the 5 grants that were given this past year to clubs. It was fun to see the projects that are happening to represent 4-H around Dodge County.
The Horse project got a grant to get some new tables and chairs that were used when they hosted the State 4-H Horse project educational days. Trenton Highlights were able to get some tables for the Trenton Town Hall, and represent their club at a town board meeting. Juneau Victorians were able to get some funds to help with the recycling effort at the Dodge County Fair. Astico Perseverance was able to work with the Dodge County Parks Naturalist to do a Prairie Restoration at Astico Park. Tri-County Twisters was able to work with a landowner and the City of Waterloo to create a covered box for a neighborhood food pantry. Have a great weekend,
4-H Youth Development Educator
UW Madison Dodge County
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Upcoming Events
Wild Wacky Weekdays:
- Friday, July 21, 2023; 9 AM - 2:30 PM. Lakeview Park, Beaver Dam. $18/camper.
- Wednesday, July 26, 2023; 9 AM - 2:30 PM. Discher Park Pavillion, Horicon. $18/camper
- Monday, July 31, 2023: 9 AM - 2:30 PM. Harnischfeger Park, Ixonia. $18/camper.
Contact 4-H Intern, Cassandra Luedtke, in the Extension Dodge County office with questions. 920-386-3792.
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Club Happenings
Lakeside 4-H Congratulations goes out to the Lakeside 4-H for putting on another great display during the Watertown’s 4th of July Parade this past Tuesday, celebrating America’s Independence Day.
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Watertown Badgers, Watertown Boosters & Richwood Rangers (Thomas Singer) In celebration of Dairy Month, the Watertown Badgers, Watertown Boosters, and Richwood Rangers delivered goodie bags to the Watertown Police Department. We decorated our bags for Dairy Month. I decorated my bags with cows. I painted one bag black and white. During our June club meeting, we filled the bags with water, yogurt, cheese sticks, and other treats. At the end of our meeting, we celebrated by having an ice cream sundae bar. It was delicious! Our group leader and two members, Jocelyn and Peyton, joined the other clubs and delivered the bags to the police department. We thank them for everything they do in our community!
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Congratulations Hyland Prairie!Congratulations to Vivian Lichty for being selected as a junior individual that is invited to participate in the State 4-H Dairy Judging competition.
The 2023 State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest will be held at the Dodge County Fairgrounds in Beaver Dam in conjunction with the State Ayrshire and Milking Shorthorn show on Monday, July 17th.
Good luck Vivian!
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Fair Stand Schedules!
Check with your Club's General Leader to sign up for shifts in the following Fair Stands:
- 4-H Cream Puff Stand (3 shifts left!)
- 4-H/Farm Bureau Food Stand (5 shifts left!)
- WI Woman for Ag Ice Cream Stand (14 shifts open!)
- 4-H Promotion Booth (2 shifts left!)
- 4-H Fish Pond (3 shifts left!)
- Youth Building Supervisors Needed
There are times available for everyone to volunteer! Contact your club's General Leader to sign up for a shift!
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Beef Project Display Challenge!
The Wisconsin Beef Council and Wisconsin 4-H Foundation are offering a display contest to all Wisconsin 4-H beef project members. The goal of the contest is to encourage 4-H beef project members and exhibitors to create an informative and appealing display that will educate consumers attending fairs or other events throughout the summer.
Get all of the details here:
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Cloverbud Judges Needed
Are you in seventh grade or higher and interested in being a Cloverbud Judge at the county fair? Then this is for you! Cloverbud judging takes place in the Youth Building on Tuesday, August 17 from 9 am to 7pm or until finished. Judging shifts are 9-11am, 11-1pm, 1-3pm, 3-5pm and 5pm until finished. Let us know what shifts will work best for you.
There will be a Cloverbud Judging Training workshop on Wednesday, August 9 at 6:00pm in the Youth Building on the fairgrounds for all new judges and optional for returning judges.
Sign-up by clicking the button below; you may sign up for 1 or 2 shifts.
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2023 Wild Wacky Weekdays is Cool!
Wild Wacky Weekdays Day Camps will be held Friday, July 21 in Beaver Dam, Wednesday, July 26 in Horicon, and Monday, July 31 in Ixonia. Wild Wacky Weekdays is open to ALL youth in Dodge County in 5K through 3rd grade. See flyer for more information!
In addition to campers, we are looking for older youth in 8th grade through one year beyond high school to be counselors. If you are interested in being a counselor, please contact Cassandra Luedtke at cluedtke@co.dodge.wi.us with the dates you are available and t-shirt size.
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Want to be the next Administrative Support Specialist with UW Extension?
We currently have a full time position open with our office. If you are interested, please click the Dodge County job posting link below for job description and details!
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Dodge County Pig Pals
We will be running another exciting Pig Pals Event at the Dodge County Fair this year on Sunday morning, August 20, 2023. The “Pig Pals” Swine Show offers individuals with different abilities the opportunity to learn about swine, work with our junior swine exhibitor mentors, and show swine in a FUN Fair environment.
If you are a swine exhibitor and/or family member, and are interested in joining the fun as a: Mentor (7th grade on up) Pig Pal Participant (grade 5 and up) limit is 15 participants Ring Safety/Water Help Barn/Hallway Safety Help Barn Door Monitor We would love your help.
We are looking for youth and adult help this year. We already have a beginning list of interested helpers, so hurry to get on the list. All helpers and participants will be getting an awesome Pig Pals T-Shirt again this year!
If you or your club would like to help sponsor this wonderful event, and be advertised on our t-shirt, and other event advertisements, we are accepting sponsors until July 15th , to get on the t-shirts. Our Dodge County Pig Pal Program sponsorship is $100. T-shirt are offered to all our mentors, participants and program helpers. Sponsorships can be made out to: Dodge County Pig Pals
Please text Mary Pat Boschert at 920-382-7943 or email at billboschert@gmail.com your information: * youth and/or adult names, address, youth age/grade, and interest area to help and we’ll send you out an application to participate and/or get you on the list.
It takes many hands to make this a fun, safe and very cool experience for everyone, so THANK YOU ALL!
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4-H Cavy Project Meetings
July 20 - 6:00 PM
Dodge County Fairgrounds Small Animal Building
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Dodge County Fairgrounds Small Animal Bldg Herdsmanship/Showmanship
July 24 - 7:00 PM
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July 20th - 7:00 PM at Dodge Cty Fairgrounds
Questions? Contact Dan Schwandt at 920-763-8030 or schwandtdutch@aol.com
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Goat Project Meetings Dodge Cty Fairgrounds
July 27 - 7 PM
August 12 | 8:00 AM - Pen Set-up at the Fair
Any questions: April Doll at 920-219-1953.
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6:30 PM | Dodge Cty Fairgrounds
July 10, 17, 24
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County 4-H Dog Leaders: Shannon Desjarlais Caine 920-887-2545 Tiffeny Herioux 920-285-32 Julie Schmeidlin 608-695-8899
Dog Project members have been emailed a project letter with meeting and training information!
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Fair Update:
The new Fair Entry Clerk is Natalie Siedschlag. She is your new contact for Blue Ribbon/fair entry questions. Her number is: 920-386-3834 and email is: dodgecountyjrfair@gmail.com
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