New Provost, Kopchick Fellow, Faculty Recognition
New Provost, Kopchick Fellow, Faculty Recognition
Interim provost selected for permanent position; biology major to do fellowship at internationally known cancer center; annual Faculty Recognition Award winners announced; and more
A Life-Changing Experience
A faculty member in the University College, Luke Faust makes sure students have the support they need to succeed. Many come to college with baggage or barriers. He knows how to help, because he was once there, struggling in school, in need of a guide. Now, he shows students the world has something better for them. Hear recent graduate Imani Jefferson talk about the influence of Faust and IUP in “A Life-Changing Experience,” from the Connections video series.
Head-and-shoulders portrait of Lara Luetkehans wearing a bright yellow blazer and standing in front of an off-white textured wall

Luetkehans Selected as Provost

Lara Luetkehans has been named IUP’s next provost and vice president for Academic Affairs. Since July, she has served as interim provost. Before that, she served eight years as dean of the College of Education and Communications. Sue Rieg will continue to lead that college as interim dean until a national search is complete.
Scott Semelsberger, a biology/pre-medicine major from Northern Cambria, has been selected for IUP’s 2022 Kopchick Summer Fellowship. He’ll spend 10 weeks doing research at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston with a physician who studies stem cell immunotherapies. Alumni John and Char Kopchick established the fellowship through a gift to the cancer center.
See which faculty members the Center for Teaching Excellence recognized with its annual awards in categories including Collaborative Practice, Inclusive Excellence, Experiential Education, Mentoring, Content Pedagogy, and Teamwork.
The Institute of International Education has selected Oksana Moroz, a student in the Composition and Applied Linguistics PhD program, for a grant to offset financial pressures caused by war in her home country of Ukraine. Moroz becomes the eighth IUP student to receive the institute’s sought-after Emergency Student Fund Award.
The Kathleen Jones White Writing Center congratulates its assistant director, Andrew Yim, on winning the Peer Choice award at Research Appreciation Week’s Three-Minute Thesis Competition. A student in the Composition and Applied Linguistics PhD program, Yim discussed the writing practices of multilingual and second-language students.
Jonathan Warnock (Department of Geography, Geology, Environment, and Planning) and colleagues recently published a record of the relationship between ice age cycles, nutrient input to oceans, and atmospheric carbon dioxide in Nature Communications. Spanning 1.5 million years, theirs is the longest detailed record of these changes.
Geography graduate Nicholas Moctezuma ’19 and faculty members Brian Okey and Sudeshna Ghosh recently published “Assessing Mitigation Strategies for Reducing Bat Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities: A Comparative Analysis” in Pennsylvania Geographer. Their findings suggest reducing turbine cut-in speeds would work best to limit bat fatalities.
Julie Ankrum, Department of Professional Studies in Education, cowrote an article published in the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy describing how the disability studies in education framework can support teachers as they develop inclusive lessons that integrate diverse texts.
Asmaa Radwan, Curriculum and Instruction DEd student, and Crystal Machado, Department of Professional Studies in Education, presented their coauthored paper at the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education conference in San Diego. Their paper described preservice teachers’ use of the online tool VoiceThread to design and facilitate small-group lessons.
Crystal Machado, Department of Professional Studies in Education, and a colleague from Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel-Aviv, presented their coauthored paper at a Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education conference. Their project explored use of the video tool Flipgrid to engage American preservice teachers and Israeli in-service teachers in dialogue.
Ragia Hassan, Curriculum and Instruction doctoral candidate, gave a roundtable at the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education conference in San Diego on a study to investigate the effectiveness of using augmented-reality-based materials on seventh- and eighth-grade students with reading comprehension disabilities.
At a recent conference of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education, Curriculum and Instruction doctoral candidate Ragia Hassan presented a systematic review of literature on the use of educational vlogging to enhance learning and teaching outcomes.
Curriculum and Instruction doctoral candidates Lizoon Nahar and Farheen Mahmood presented a poster at a recent conference of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education on a study to examine the effectiveness of virtual science laboratories from student, educator, and institutional perspectives and the challenges the labs pose to high schools in Bangladesh.
Julie Ankrum, Department of Professional Studies in Education, recently copresented a paper, “Exploring Teacher Metacognition in Instructional Adaptations during Literacy Instruction,” at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
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