Friends, this email was drafted before the tragic shooting which claimed the life of one of our TC18 members, Katherine Koonce. Please continue to pray for her family, the families of the other victims, the students and faculty at The Covenant School in Nashville, her TC small group and our larger community.

Dear friend,

Take a moment to think back to the beginning of your TC17 journey.  Reflect on why you decided to enter into this experience. Can you remember the state of your soul at the time?  Now, think about how your soul is doing now.  What a long way we have come! We give God thanks for the ways our souls have been strengthened in this community!
Is there one word or phrase that comes to you that describes your journey?  We would love to hear your one word/phrase, as well as receive your insights/suggestions/feedback on the Gentle Noticing (blue) form. Please do share your thoughts and experience with us!

Our quarterly gathering times have come to an end, but our community continues in very real ways.  Below you will find several options to intentionally stay connected in community. We are praying for you as you craft your Rule of Life and write your concluding reflections.

With deep gratitude for our journey together,
The TC17 Team

Support for During the Quarter

The books you'll need for this quarter can be found at our online store. 

As we bring this experience to a close, remember that the webpage has all the emails that have been sent, including information you might need about reading lists, missed retreats and/or the certificate process. Final papers need to be submitted by Friday, July 14th. Please email Dalene with any questions or concerns.

To support you in the content from this last retreat...

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