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ESD 123 Early Childhood Services

January 2021 Newsletter

January's Featured Program:

Early Childhood Inclusionary Practices

The ESD 123 Inclusionary Practices program provides resources and support for school districts involved in Pre-K Inclusion Chapions iGrant, as well as assessment, recommendations, and coaching on inclusive practices in Early Childhood Classrooms.
AESD Inclusionary Practices Project (IPP) provides free professional development for school leadership teams wanting to address educational inequities experienced by students with an IEP and create more inclusive education environments using the lens of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Find regional, state, and national trainings and resources on early childhood inclusive practices

ECEAP Impact on Early Learners

A retrospective study completed by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP) concluded the impact of ECEAP on later student test scores is nearly twice the average effect of early education programs in other states. When compared to similar non-participants, children who participated in ECEAP had: 
  • A 23 percent higher passing rate on the state fifth-grade reading test. 
  • A 16 percent higher passing rate on the state fifth-grade math test. 
This means children in ECEAP are outperforming their peers five or six years after their last participation in ECEAP. WSIPP is currently engaging in a study to evaluate high school test results and graduate rates for the cohort in the 2014 study. These exceptional short and long term outcomes are the result of ECEAP’s holistic design.
We find that ECEAP participants have higher academic test scores in third, fourth, and fifth grades than similar children who do not attend the program. The effect of ECEAP on test scores is nearly twice the average effect of early childhood education programs in other states (p.13).
(Source: Outcome Evaluation of Washington State’s Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program, Washington State Institute of Public Policy, 2014)
The National Research Council’s report, From Neurons to Neighborhoods, concludes that environmental factors play a crucial role in children’s development, especially during the early years. As a result, it is important to provide low-income children and families with additional services to promote child development. A recent review of studies on health and nutrition services for low-income children indicates that children are less likely to receive physical and dental check-ups and follow-up care and tend to have a less nutritional diet compared to children enrolled in Head Start, where these comprehensive services are a requirement of the program.
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Upcoming Dates

Watch for more early learning workshops and trainings in the ESD 123 Events Catalog:
Smiling preschool boy wearing glasses

ECEAP Comprehensive Services

Education – Preschool classes with a comprehensive research-based curriculum, developmental screening, ongoing assessment of development and individualized planning to support kindergarten readiness.
Family Support – Individualized approach to enhance family resilience, stability and financial security using the Mobility Mentoring® approach. 
Health – Ensuring each child is up-to-date with preventative care and screening, receiving nutritious meals and referred for mental health services if indicated.

Other Early Learning Resources:

Kellie Musick
Kellie Musick
Director of Early Intervention Special Services
(509) 544-5754
Matt Bona
Matt Bona
Executive Director of Early Learning
(509) 544-5753
Portrait of Jenny Kelly

Jennifer Kelly

P-3 and Migrant Academic Coordinator
(509) 544-5755 
Portrait of Kelley Correio

Kelley Correio
Inclusionary Practices Coordinator
(509) 531-2237

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