All Voters, Please Help Me - Before it's too late
All Voters, Please Help Me - Before it's too late
Dear Voter, What is so big that the county attorneys, judges, mayors, a sheriff, and a pharmaceutical lobbyist will go to ANY LENGTHS to keep me from being elected as Juvenile Court Judge? I can't do this alone - I need everyone to read this and HELP ME by TELLING and SHARING! I have been working tirelessly for nearly thirty years to protect your children and grandchildren from something you may not even be aware has been happening. Do you know our children can be arrested and taken to chldren's prison for smoking a cigarette? Have you ever had cops surround your home so that a DCS social worker could remove your child based on anonymous allegations after obtaining a secret court order? In 2013, the most recent year for FBI youth arrest statistics, Tennessee saw nearly 29,000 juvenile arrests, or 7.7 percent of its youth population aged 10-17. The same year in Williamson County saw 764 juvenile arrests, at 11.2 percent of its youth population - nearly 50 percent higher than any other Tennessee County. Why is this? Tennessee's Billion Dollar DCS budget can only survive by removing children from their homes. Headlines from the Williamson Home Page and the Williamson Herald: HEADLINES 2019 - "Williamson County exploring options for juvenile detention center, current facility 'absolutely out of space'" says county mayor - Rogers Anderson who is also on my opponent's re-election team. "There's a lot of work on the front end of how we are going to pay this," Williamson County Mayor Rogers Anderson said. 'The Public Building Authority master plan estimates are as follows: Juvenile Justice & Alternative Learning Center: $44,467,575 (construction) $58,697,198 (total) Jail Facility: $105,854,350 (construction) $138,669,199 (total) Sheriff's Office: $38,656,000 (construction) $51,680,753 (total): Sheriff Dusty Rhoads is on my opponent's re-election team. Court Operations: $23,347,500 (construction) $31,517,257 (total) Total construction costs: $212,325,425' 'Total project costs: $280,564,407' The more children who are in custody, the more psychiatric medications, and vaccines can be administered without parental consent. Josh Brown (Pharmaceutical and prison lobbyist) and Mary Kate Brown are working VERY HARD on my opponent's re-election team. This juvenile detention center will have to stay full of children to make money. Please post, call, walk over to your neighbor and tell them about Connie Reguli before we lose our only chance to stop this. We must make sure your children and grandchildren aren't jailed for everything and anything. - These are excerpts from the Williamson Herald who refused to run my ads, print our letters to the editor or ask for comment. Connie Reguli - Juvenile Court JUDGE Candidate or call me with questions: 615.500.4407
Connie Reguli for Judge3326 Aspen Grove Dr, Suite 275, Franklin, TN 37067
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