| Trustee Update Michelle Aarts • Ward 16: Beaches-East York Toronto District School Board 416-395-8787 • Michelle.Aarts@tdsb.on.ca |  | | |
Reminder - November 30th Public Meeting - School Catchment Boundary Review for Secord P.S., Crescent Town E.S., George Webster E.S., DA Morrison Middle School
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) would like to invite you to a virtual public meeting to discuss a proposed attendance boundary change involving Secord Elementary School, DA Morrison Middle School, Crescent Town Elementary School, and George Webster Elementary School. The review applies to new students enrolling for the 2024-25 school year who live in the Goodwood apartment complex.
Secord Elementary School has been experiencing significant enrolment growth due to demographic changes and new residential development that have resulted in enrolment exceeding capacity at the school. To address overcrowding at the school, the following actions have been taken:
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2024 Provincial Budget Consultations now Open
The provincial government has launched its 2024 Pre-Budget Consultations. In addition to an online survey, Ontarians can also submit written submissions by January 31, 2024.
We invite you to complete the online survey - please see Question 5 that asks, “When you think about your community, what services or resources could use more government support? Please choose the top 3 priorities that you feel are the most important.” One of the options is “Education supports (like before and after school programming, special education and developmental support programs).” We encourage you to list this priority should you wish to support public education.
The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will also be conducting public meetings across the province during December 2023 and January 2024. More information on the list of public hearings can be found here: Ontario Public Hearings
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Going to High School
Opportunities to explore secondary schools and programs continue through December and January. Please use the links below to find information on secondary school open houses, Local Programs, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs, Specialist High Skills Major, Alternative Schools, and Out-of-Area attendance.
- Beyond 8 interactive website contains information, resources, links and dates for the Grade 8 to 9 transition process.
- Secondary school open houses - https://www.tdsb.on.ca/High-School/Going-to-High-School/Open-Houses-and-Information-Nights
- Local Programs are enhanced programs of study (arts, STEM, advanced placement) offered to students at their home high school. Based on the application data from Central student interest programs and student voice Local program offerings will be expanding for fall 2024. Contact your local school for more information about the programs they offer or are developing.
- Local Arts Programming - Explore arts programs and courses at local secondary schools using the interactive menu found here: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/High-School/Your-School-Day/Curriculum/The-Arts
- Specialist High Skills Major offers an opportunity to complete your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) within a Ministry of Education accredited program that supports transitions to college, apprenticeship, university and the workplace. Some SHSM programs are also linked to Facilitated Access into Skilled-Trades (F.A.S.T.) programs.
- The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is program for students in Grades 11 or 12 who may
be interested in apprenticeship careers through a cooperative education program. Learn more at the TDSB OYAP website.
- Alternative Schools - The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has 21 Secondary Alternative Schools that use flexible methods of teaching in distinct learning environments to meet the needs of learners. Applications for secondary alternative schools are received at each secondary alternative school.
- Out-of-Area Admissions Website - the status for applying to schools outside your home catchment is now available. The Out-of-Area Admissions application will become available online after the Winter break.
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Upcoming Events and Registration Dates!- Early French Immersion Application Process closes DECEMBER 1
The application to the Early French Immersion program for 2004-25 (Junior Kindergarten entry) will remain an online process managed by the TDSB’s Central French Department, and applications must be completed online between November 6 and December 1, 2023. An offer of placement in the program (not a specific school) is guaranteed to all eligible on-time applicants. Families with an older sibling currently in an Early French Immersion program are still required to complete an online application for the new student. Interested families can apply via the Application Link.
- Raise a Reader - Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 6:30pm - Register here.
TDSB Community Support Workers invite you to join us as we review and continue to learn new strategies to build and strengthen our children's reading skills. Thank you for allowing us to walk alongside you as we shared strategies to improve your child's reading skills while encouraging and building the joy of reading.
- City of Toronto Parks and Rec Winter Registration - Central Toronto and East York registration opens December 5th
- Semester 2 e-Learning Day School Registration - Tuesday, December 5, 2023
A list of courses being offered can be found here. Students are asked to connect with their home school Guidance Counsellors to complete their registration.
- Learn4Life Adult Community Programs - Winter 2024 Registration Now Open!
- International Languages - Elementary and African Heritage Programs - Registration ongoing over the school year. International Languages programs offer elementary students a chance to learn (or refresh) a language or learn about a culture. No prior experience necessary.
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It's Respiratory Virus Season!
We can all help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses (Influenza, RSV, Covid-19) if we layer our protection against respiratory viruses with some simple steps. These steps work better when used together:
- Stay up-to-date with your vaccinations for the best protection against getting very sick this respiratory season. (Even if you have had a recent COVID-19 infection, it’s still important to stay up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccines.
- Stay home if you are sick or have symptoms of illness, even if they are mild. The symptoms for different respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19 and the flu, can look the same.
- It is recommended everyone consider wearing a high quality, well-fitting mask in crowded indoor public settings with poor ventilation, especially if you or people around you are at higher risk (such as seniors, those with a weak immune system, or young children).
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Updates from the Boardroom- Congratulations to Trustee Rachel Chernos Lin and Trustee Neethan Shan on their re-election as Chair and Vice-Chair of the TDSB for 2023-24.
- Combatting Hate and Racism Strategy and Student Learning Strategy.
Hate and racism in any form has no place in schools and workplaces and we are committed to interrupting and confronting racism, discrimination and hate, in all of its forms when we see or hear it. We must continue to do everything in our ability to be more precise in our actions and strengthen our determination to eliminate all forms of hate and racism in our schools and our system. The TDSB’s Anti-Hate and Anti-Racism Strategy is a community-led and TDSB staff facilitated initiative that uses data from the TDSB’s Racism, Bias and Hate reporting portal, which tracks incidents of racism, bias, and hate, which are submitted by staff. In turn, this data will help establish a comprehensive two-year strategy and action plan for the TDSB. The Student Learning Strategy for Combatting Hate and Racism is a proactive and student-centred approach to creating respectful and culturally safe learning environments for all students.
- TDSB Mathematics for Families & Caregivers and the NEW Math Achievement Action Plan
- TDSB Early Reading Instruction: Family and Caregiver Guide and Translated Guides
- TDSB Response to the Ministry of Education 2024-25 GSN consultation - Each year the Ministry of Education invites feedback on the Grants for Student Needs (GSN) funding for the next school year. The Ministry invites answers to specific questions and general comments. You can read the response from the TDSB here.
- Status of Childcare Services (Funding) - From 2017 to 2019 the TDSB entred into agreements with the Province to build 28 childcare centres in TDSB schools in high needs neighbourhoods. Due to delays in approvals to proceed from the Ministry and lack of sufficient funding these projects have been unable to start. The TDSB is committed to building early years childcares in our schools to benefit high needs communities but requires both funding and removal of administrative red tape from the Ministry.
- 2023 Climate Action Plan Annual Report
- Please visit TDSB Advocacy Letters to view letters on the topics below:
- Endorsing Toronto Youth Cabinet’s Statements on Food Insecurity and Mental Health Supports for Youth
- Funding Request to Help Address Mental Health and Psychoeducational Assessment Backlog
- Reducing Respiratory Viruses in Schools
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