Newsletter 4-22-19
Newsletter 4-22-19
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken  
Susan Grierson, Director
Elysian Charter School Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School

April 22, 2019                  Vol. 14  Issue 30
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. 

Please note: Send news to by 9:00 AM on Mondays.
                    This Week at a Glance
Tomorrow, TUESDAY, April 23rd
is the LAST DAY to ORDER and PAY for MAY LUNCH
Please place order at: 

Tues April 23 - Fri April 26 - 5th and 6th Grade Testing

Summer Camp - 4 weeks of summer fun!! Registration now available on ecsnj.orgEnrollment is first come, first served.
Off we go!
     State testing (NJSLA) for grades 3 through 8 in math, language arts and science (science for grades 5 and 8 only) is underway for the next few weeks. We ask that your child comes to school on time and has a good breakfast so that they can concentrate and focus. Our third graders haven’t completed a standardized test before so this is different from anything that they have ever done in school. 
     In the other classrooms that aren’t testing, it will be business as usual. The hallways will be a little quieter as we try and make sure we don’t disturb anyone while moving to and from recess and specials. Teachers will continue to teach math, reading, writing, science and thinking - plus more. There are lots of ways to measure on - going success. Test scores are one way that we are judged, but there are many other ways to measure success. Many parents judge schools by the attitude of their child when they get home in the afternoon. Raising achievement is important but creating good experiences for kids is paramount. School culture and climate mean everything when we consider if a school is “working” or not. Without a school culture and climate that values children, nothing else matters very much. 
Susan Grierson
Elysian Rugby Club
The Elementary (grades 4-5) and Middle School (grades 6-8) Elysian Rugby Club are accepting registration forms for the spring 2019 season.  Registration is open to all Elysian students in grades 4-8. 
The Elysian Rugby Club will meet for weekly practice on Thursdays from 3:00-3:45pm at 1600 Park.  The first practice will be Thursday, April 25th and run the following dates (weather permitting) – 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30 and 6/6.  Please have students dress appropriately for outdoor practices and bring a water bottle.  With the field so close, I am able to walk the club members to practice.  Pick-up at 1600 Park is promptly at 3:45. Students attending aftercare will be brought back to the park/school at the end of practice.
I’m also in the process of coordinating time to scrimmage against some other rugby clubs from Hoboken. All Saints has an elementary team and there is a middle school team run out of the Demarest building that would be fun to compete against as well. More details on this coming soon…
The annual NYC Rugby Cup is being held on Saturday, June 8th from 8:30am–3pm. This is the highlight of the rugby season! We’ll field a maximum of 12 players for both our middle school and elementary level teams. In order to be a part of this tournament, you must first and foremost demonstrate good sportsmanship and be a team-oriented player. In addition, you must be able to play rugby at a competitive level.
Like last season, there is a $25 fee associated with participation in the rugby program. This helps defray costs and helps support the program.  Check, cash or payment on orgsonline all accepted.  
Complete the attached registration form (with $25 fee) and return to your classroom teacher by Friday, April 12th
It promises to be an incredible spring rugby season and I look forward to seeing you on the pitch!  
Coach John Rutledge
**Please be aware that all school medical forms must be up to date for your child to participate.  Please contact Diane DeSombre with any questions regarding these forms.

Student Name ____________________________
Age ________             D.O.B. ___________                 Grade/Teacher _________
Parent/Guardian #1: __________________________ Cell# __________________ 
E-mail address:  _______________________________
Parent/Guardian #2: __________________________ Cell# __________________ 
E-mail address:  _______________________________
After practice, my child has permission to:
___  Self-Dismiss                  ___ Picked-Up by: ____________________________
___ After-Care
Does your son/daughter have any medical problems or allergies that we should know about?___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
If yes, please describe the type of medication, dosage, frequency, and 
administration; as well as authorized to administer.  ______________________  ___________________________________________________________________
**Like last season, there is a $25 fee associated with participation in the rugby program. This helps defray costs and helps support the program. Check, cash or payment on orgsonline all accepted. 
________________________________                         _________                                     
SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN                          DATE
Elysian Spring Track Team  
● Track is open to students from Kindergarten through 4th grade.
● Uniforms:  There is no specific uniform that is required for track meets, but a green Elysian shirt is encouraged.  The runner should dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather. (Athletic shirt and pants/shorts and running sneakers.)
● Practices will be held at 1600 Park Avenue Field from 3:00 to 3:45 pm, every Thursday.  Practice dates TBA. Students will be walked over to and from practice by Coach Adam Froimowitz (, arriving back at school no later than 4:00 pm.  Dismissal instructions will be based upon the instructions below. 
● All track meets will take place at Lincoln Park in Jersey City, entrance at Duncan Avenue (blue track), generally on Saturdays.  All track meets start at 10:00 am.  Meet dates TBA.  
● Track meets will be canceled if it is raining on track meet dates. 
● Parents are responsible for bringing and picking up their children promptly from track meets and practice. 
All students MUST have a completed physical form (physical completed within the last 365 days).  If you have not turned this in, you can find the forms on our website, then click on   “Forms & Information”. 
Parents MUST sign off on the “Student Physical & Sports Participation” form.  This indicates that parents have reviewed the information found on our website,, about misuse of opioid Drugs, concussion identification, management & return to play policy, and sudden cardiac death in young athlete’s policy.  
Students will not be able to participate until all documentation has been received. 
Please return registration form to the school office ASAP.  
Student’s Name:     _______________________          Teacher / Grade:   ________
Dismissal Instructions:    
____   Parent will pick up child or Name of person picking up:  ______________________
___   Aftercare Program           ______   Child may self-dismiss
 Name of parent & Phone number where you can be reached:  ________________________________________________________________________
____ Yearly registration fee of $25.00   (pay at orgsonline or by check to ECS.)
____  I am requesting a scholarship for the registration fee.  (All requests are confidential.)
____  Pre-Participation Physical Examination Form is on file with the nurse.
____  All pre-sports information has been reviewed.
Parent’s Name/Signature & email address:
(Please print)
Note from Adam our Track Coach
Our first track practice will be Thursday, May 2 from 3-3:45pm at 1600 Park.
More information will be provided when I receive it. 
Parent Signature Required - To Be Returned To The Office
Student-Athlete and Parent/Guardian Sign-Off 
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41.10, public school districts, approved private schools for students with disabilities, and nonpublic schools participating in an interscholastic sports program must distribute this Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet to all student-athletes and cheerleaders. In addition, schools and districts must obtain a signed acknowledgement of receipt of the fact sheet from each student-athlete and cheerleader, and for students under age 18, the parent or guardian must also sign. 
This sign-off sheet is due to the appropriate school personnel as determined by your district prior to the first official practice session and annually thereafter prior to the student-athlete’s or cheerleader’s first official practice of the school year.
Name of School:  Elysian Charter School
 I/We acknowledge that we received and reviewed the Educational Fact Sheet on the Use and Misuse of Opioid Drugs. *See Link Below
 I/We acknowledge that we received and reviewed the Concussion Identification, Management and Return to Play Policy. *See Link Below
 I/We acknowledge that we received and reviewed the Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes Policy. *See Link Below
Please PRINT Student’s Name____________________________________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature (also needed if student is under age 18): 
*Link to :  Student-Athlete and Parent / Guardian Sign Off
A copy of this form will be held by Diane DeSombre, RN. and the Main Office.

Friends of Elysian - Spectacular Sign-Ups!
(Plus a couple of auction items still available)

In case you didn't attend the 2019 Annual Party & Auction, or simply missed the sign-up section of the auction website, there are still a number of opportunities for kids, adults, and families available. 

  • THIS FRIDAY, April 26, 7:00 - 8:30 PM! ECS Goes Positively Pilates:
    Join Elysian mom and owner of Positively Pilates, Carrie Campbell, for a Pilates Happy Hour this Friday evening. Enjoy a 45 minutes Pilates Sculpt class (all levels welcome) followed by a reception catered by The Cheese + Wine Shop of Hoboken. $40. BYOM (Bring your own Mat!).
  • Parents Night Out hosted by Angela and Josie: Friday, May 10, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
  • Weekend Jewelry Workshop with Abra and Melissa: Saturday, May 18,
    11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Basketball Tourney: Thursday, May 23, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Chromebooks for the Classroom: Help expand Elysian's ability to equip every student with a Chromebook.  
A quick link for more information, or to register, can be found HERE.
We also have a couple of items still available that didn't receive a bid which are available for purchase at the above link.
Thank you for your support!
PTSO Corner
MIDDLE SCHOOL SPRING FLING - The Elysian Middle School Spring Fling dance is coming up on Friday, May 3, at the Kolo Club from 6-9 pm. Please watch out for permission slips to be coming home this week in your middle schooler's backpack!

SAVE THE DATES - So many fun PTSO-sponsored events coming up! Save the dates for the Elysian Block Party (May 19), Field Day (May 29) and End of Year Picnic (June 5).

DUES NEWS! - Now there are TWO ways to pay your PTSO dues (it's not too late!!)! We are making it easier than ever to contribute before the end of the year. We still have so many great events planned: Spring Fling, the Elysian Block Party, Field Day, the Annual Picnic, and Teacher Appreciation Week! 

If you've been waiting for online payment options, here you go! You can now pay dues via VENMO and ZELLE. Our Venmo account is @Elysian-Ptso-1460 or log onto your personal bank's app or website and click on the Zelle money transfer option (not all banks have Zelle), then direct your $25 per child in dues to Payments can also still be made the old-fashioned way, in an envelope to the office with "PTSO Dues" and your contact information on the outside. Checks can be made out to Elysian PTSO.

May Lunch News!
Any day now, we will post the May menu from Red Rabbit. As promised, the classic menu items will appear on the order form at For now, only classic menu items will be listed. There are some details to consider:
  • Red Rabbit serves only fresh and freshly made food. They reserve the right to make unannounced changes to the menu. This will mostly affect the fresh vegetables and fruit choices.  These will not be posted, to give them an opportunity to select what is market fresh on any given day.
  • Should there be a change in entree items, we have requested that Red Rabbit swap out like items (vegetarian for vegetarian, chicken for chicken.) They will do their best, but it not guaranteed. Most likely, it would be a change of sauces, as those also depend on fresh produce. They feel fairly confident that the entree's will remain consistent. 
  • Already ordered? When I posted the May menu in March, menu choice was not an option. If you are not sure if you ordered, you can go into your account on and select "View Orders". I will be closing out the first May menu and creating a new May menu with listed items.  
  • If you have already ordered and need to make changes, call or email Susan Gilbertson at 201-876-0102 or
  • This is a test run for both Elysian and Red Rabbit. This arrangement will have to work for both parties. Please bare with us while we hash out the details of our new menus! Not being able to view the menu has been one of the biggest obstacles to both students and parents enjoying our freshly made lunch. The food is fantastic - the best we have ever served here at Elysian. We hope that this will allow more families to participate in our lunch program! 
As always, Bon Appetite!  
Susan Gilbertson / Food Service Director
The Spring Fling is Friday, May 3rd at the Kolo Klub. The party will be from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm.
Parent volunteers are needed in the following areas:
Security: 2 Parents - make sure no one sneaks out!                                                                  
Chaperones: 2 Parents - walk around the room to make sure no one is causing trouble!
We are hoping to find parents of non-middle school children to be chaperones. Just think, do you want to be at your child’s dance? The kids would prefer current middle school parents not attend! Kindergarten...first grade...this job is for you!
Permission slips are going out this week. No one is admitted without the permission slip. 
To volunteer or if you have any questions, please contact Shana Lee at
Spring Fling Permission Slip 
May 3, 2019, 6 pm - 9 pm
The Middle School Spring Dance is being held Friday, May 3rd from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm at The Kolo Klub, 1422 Grand Street, Hoboken. If your child is attending please complete the Permission Slip below by April 29 and return to your child’s Homeroom teacher. The cost is $20.00 per student. 
No one will be granted access without a permission slip.
Once you hand in your slip, your name will be placed on the guest list. No money will be accepted at the dance. Once students enter the dance they will not be allowed to leave until pick up. No re-entry. Elysian students agree to abide to school rules on behavior.  
Student _____________________ Grade_____  Teacher_____________________
My child will be picked up at 9:00pm by __________________________
Emergency Contact
Name____________________________________________  Phone____________________________________________
Allergies/ Medical Alerts_______________________________________
I give my child permission to attend the dance on May 3rd, 2018. 
Parent Signature__________________________________________________
Please pay by cash or check payable to ECS PTSO
____  I have enclosed the $20
____  I can help by donating extra!
Do you want input to the song selection at Spring Fling this year?  
Do you want to hear a certain song? No problem! 
Write down your ideas and hand it in to Hillary!
Don't forget to hand in your permission slips by this Friday. April 26th.
We'd like to get an accurate count for the venue.
You don't want FOMO on this super fun night for all middle schoolers!
New Spring Sessions of Enrichment Clubs This Week
  • Dance with Derrick - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Yoga Workshop - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Debate Club - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Crazy Chemistry - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Back to Basic Board Games - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Fitness Fun - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Chess - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - Last Class June 19
  • Chopped Jr. - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
  • Introduction to Karate - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Debate Club - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Airplane Explorations - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Lego Architecture  - 3:00pm- 4:00pm
  • Let's go Green-Recycling Craft - 3:00pm - 4:00pm 
  • Rock Climbing - 3:00pm - 4:00pm 
  • Introduction to Modern Art - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Health Minds in Active Bodies - 3:00pm - 4:00pm 
  • Cartooning & Comic Book Drawing - 3:00pm - 4:00pm 

    If you have any questions about the club schedule, please email

    Remember, we will not be holding Chess on the Wed 1/2 days for the current session. 
Lost and Found
Please write your child's name in their outerwear/sweaters, so if it is lost we can return those items.
      Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education
          Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you!
        As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
                   Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regul
    April Calendar
    Tuesday, April 23
    • 5th & 6th Grade NJSLA Testing
    Wednesday, April 24
    • 5th & 6th Grade NJSLA Testing
    Thursday, April 25
    • 5th & 6th Grade NJSLA Testing
    • Rugby Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    Friday, April 26
    • 5th & 6th Grade NJSLA Testing
    • Friends Fundraiser - ECS Goes Positively Pilates - 7:00pm - 8:30pm - Monroe Movement Space
    Monday, April 29
    • 3rd & 4th Grade NJSLA Testing
    • Parent/Teacher Conferences
    • Board Meeting - 7:00pm
    Tuesday, April 30
    • 3rd & 4th Grade NJSLA Testing
    • Parent/Teacher Conferences
    May Calendar
    Wednesday, May 1
    • 3rd & 4th Grade NJSLA Testing
    • 1/2 Day - 12:30pm Dismissal - No Chess Club
    • Parent/Teacher Conferences
    Thursday, May 2
    • 3rd & 4th Grade NJSLA Testing
    • 8th Grade Trip
    • Rugby Practice -3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    • Track Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    • Parent/Teacher Conferences
    Friday, May 3
    • 5th Grade Trip
    • Parent/Teacher Conferences
    • Middle School Spring Fling - 6:00pm - 9:00pm - Kolo Klub
    Monday, May 6
    • 2nd Grade Trip
    Tuesday, May 7
    • 1st Grade Trip
    • 7th & 8th Grade NJSLA Testing
    Wednesday, May 8
    • 7th & 8th Grade NJSLA Testing
    Thursday, May 9
    • 7th & 8th Grade NJSLA Testing
    • Rugby Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    • Track Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    Friday, May 10
    • 7th & 8th Grade NJSLA Testing
    Monday, May 13
    • 7th Grade Trip
    Tuesday, May 14
    • 4th Grade Trip
    • 5th & 8th Grade ScienceTesting
    Wednesday, May 15
    • 5th & 8th Grade Science Testing
    Thursday, May 16
    • Rugby Practice- 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    • Track Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    Friday, May 17
    • 6th Grade Trip
    Sunday, May 19
    • 2nd Annual Block Party
    Monday, May 20
    • Board Meeting - 7:00pm
    Tuesday, May 21
    • 4th Grade Trip
    Thursday, May 23
    • Rugby Practice -3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    • Track Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    • Friends Fundraiser - Basketball Tournament - 6:00pm - 8:00pm - Gym
    Friday, May 24
    • 1/2 Day - 12:30 Dismissal - Aftercare until 3:00pm
    Monday, May 27
    • Elysian Closed - Memorial Day
    Wednesday, May 29
    • Field Day- Raindate June 11
    Thursday, May 30
    • Rugby Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park
    • Track Practice - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - 1600 Park 
    Friday, May 31
    • 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Spring Concert - 9:00am - Gym
    A note about attendance:  The New Jersey State Law is very specific about school attendance. 
    By law, children are expected to be in school every day unless they are ill. 
    There is no room in the law or regulations to excuse any children who have prior plans.
    We must mark all children absent who are not in attendance.
    1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
    Susan Grierson, Director | | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
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