Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
www.ecsnj.org friendsofelysian.org
Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director
Elysian Charter School
Weekly Newsletter

A Positively Different Public School

March 20, 2017         Vol. 12  Issue 27
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays.  When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. 

Please note:  send news to lynne.shapiro@ecsnj.org by 1:00 PM on Mondays.
Harry's Corner

I know that many of you work at home some or all of the time.  Here are some anecdotes that had me chuckling about things that can go wrong. (From the NY Times Well Blog, March 13, 2017)  
‘Mommy, Come Wipe Me!’ and Other Perils of Working From Home
Professor Robert E. Kelly, of Pusan National University in South Korea, was being interviewed on BBC television when his children joined the live broadcast. Credit BBC

Professor Robert E. Kelly, a political-science professor at Pusan National University in South Korea, sat down on Friday in what appeared to be his home office for a BBC World interview via Skype on a serious subject: the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye.
Then his children burst in.
Soon after the segment began, video footage shows, a toddler casually strolled into his office, punching the air with her elbows. She was soon followed by a baby in a walker. Then his wife slid frantically into the room, grabbed the two kids and herded them out as Professor Kelly remained mostly composed.
Many readers said they could relate to the slapstick interruption of Professor Kelly’s serious moment, sharing stories of disruptions not only from kids, but pets and naked spouses, too.
Here is a selection of tales received on the website and Facebook page of The New York Times. Comments have been edited for length and clarity.
 ‘My Child Woke Up’
I was on a long conference call with a colleague and some clients, calling in from home as I had a sick child sleeping in the next room. As a subject matter expert, I only had about five minutes of the call in which I actually had to speak, and everything seemed to be going along fine, until my child suddenly woke up, came looking for me to tell me that he felt sick and proceeded to vomit all over the stairs. Which coincided with my colleague asking me to provide the crucial information the client needed from my area of expertise.
I took the phone off of mute and calmly said, “I’m sorry, my child has just thrown up on the stairs; can I have five minutes?” Client was very gracious, got my kid cleaned up and tucked back in bed then chimed back in acting every bit the total professional.
‘Shoved the Pacifier in His Mouth’
As a playwright with a new production coming up, I was doing a telephone interview on live radio on the home phone. I thought my baby Sam was asleep in his crib when his deafening cries started. As the interviewer began his next question, I dropped the phone receiver, ran into Sam’s room, shoved the pacifier in his mouth, ran back to the phone and started answering a question I hadn’t heard, trying to use impressive sounding abstract theater jargon that might be applicable. I loved this video, and it made me and thousands of other worker parents feel less alone!
‘I Looked Up to See My 1-Year-Old Rolling Down the Stairs’
Once upon a time I was presenting our monthly numbers to the sales team when I heard a loud bang over and over. I looked up to see my 1-year-old rolling down the stairs with my wife chasing after her. She picked her up and raced back up the stairs. I continued with my presentation and never heard a cry. She logrolled and didn’t hurt herself at all, thankfully!
‘The Candidate Had Locked His Children Out’
I am glad professor Kelly was not applying for a job. I was once a member of a panel hiring a school director. We were interviewing a candidate via Skype, and in the middle of it we could all hear a door being pounded. It turned out the candidate had locked his children out of his apartment in an attempt to have a quiet environment for his interview: The kids just couldn’t take it, and started banging the door. It was not a determinant factor in the hiring, but it did cause an impression, and I am afraid it was not positive.
‘Daddy, Whatcha Doing?’
This happens to me sometimes when I have to take a call and I’m working from home. My office door opens and I hear, “Daddy, whatcha doing?” Any shushing just prompts him to ask louder. I either put the phone on mute or ask if I can call the person later. Worse is when my two kids get into a screaming match.
‘The Interviewer’s Husband Walked Into the Frame Completely Nude’
I once had a Skype interview and, in the middle of the interview, the interviewer’s husband walked into the frame completely nude. I tried my best to keep a straight face while he figured out that I could see him. I’m not certain she knew I had just seen her husband, but we both pretended nothing happened and faked our way through the rest of the interview.
My mom likes to tell a story of taking me to work with her when I was little. I couldn’t go to school, but she had a deadline that couldn’t wait. She set me up in a conference room and told me to read and color quietly until she was done. Angry at being shut up all by myself, I made a sign saying, “I HAVE LICE” and taped it to the window of the conference room for all her co-workers to see. Kids are unpredictable.
‘He Began Rolling His Toy Trucks Over My Toes’
When I was doing an important telephone interview at home for my newspaper, my youngest son decided I wasn’t paying enough attention to him, and after trying to get my attention and failing to do so, he began rolling his toy trucks over my toes. I can fully relate to this situation. I think it’s hilarious. It’s what comes with having kids.
‘Mommy, Come Wipe Me!’
Oh, this brings back memories. My favorite was when I was on a call with the executive team of the Fortune 500 health insurance company I worked for discussing health care reform when one of my children yelled from the bathroom, very loudly, “Mommy, come wipe me!”
‘My Toddler Decided to Take His Clothes Off’
I don’t work from home unless I’m on call. I once took a phone call and stepped outside to get some quiet. My toddler decided to take his clothes off and run around the front yard and then start down the street. So I chased a naked child for a few minutes before negotiating with him to put clothes on. I did a pretty good job of keeping the phone muted when I didn’t need to talk. Except for one time when I said: “O.K. fine, you can stay out here with me, but you have to put clothes on. At least shorts.”
‘The Cats Show No Respect’
I am on the phone all morning while working from home. My talking puts my two dogs fast asleep, and other than the occasional snoring, they are quiet. The cats, however, show no respect. There is a piano just outside my work area, and during a call when I was training a group, the cat decided to jump up on the keyboard and slowly walk on the keys, playing his own tune. Luckily, everyone on the call enjoyed the show and we continued on after completion of the interlude.
I know it is hard, but…
In the last few weeks we have had several situations where parents were unable to pick up their sick child.  When a child does not feel well it is important that he/she go home to his/her own house and rest.  Modern life is difficult; we all have obligations and sometimes the best laid plans fall apart.  Please have a backup plan in case your child needs to stay home or be picked up from school due to illness.  Let your child know what it is so that he/she is not caught by surprise.  It is unfair to both your child and to the other children to have someone sick in the classroom.
Notice:  Use of gym
No children may use the gym without a staff member being present.
The 3rd Graders will perform AWESOME NEW SONGS
At the Annual Meeting, Tuesday March 21st at 5:30
Rock the Vote, then Rock Out to some New Jams!AW

Special Elysian event
at Local Barre! 
Sunday, March 26 from 12-2 PM
720 Monroe Street, Rm C300 • Hoboken, NJ 07030 
Spots are still available! Help raise funds for Elysian while having fun and getting a great workout! 
For a $25 donation to the Campaign, you can attend a private barre class created for the Elysian community! (BUT Elysian community members can also bring non-Elysian friends or extended family. Same price for everyone.)
The event will include:  
• 60-minute private “open barre” class with our own “barretender.”
   Class will be designed for your fitness level. (Beginners welcome!)
• 1 pair of sticky socks to take home
• Champagne and appetizer reception following the class
Join us at Local Barre for some fitness, cheer and to support Elysian!
Please sign up soon! Thank you!
Deadline for registration: Wednesday, March 22

Please make note of the remaining dates for our winter club session (there will be makeup classes for last Tuesday's snow day).

Monday Clubs:       March 20, March 27
Tuesday Clubs:       March 21, March 28 
                              Calligraphy Club will run 2 hours on March 21 and that will be final class.
Wednesday Clubs:  Crafts with Erica will end on March 22
                              Fitness & Sports Conditioning and Fashion Lab are over 
                              Chess will continue to run through May 10 (this is a 14 week club)
Thursday Clubs:    March 23, March 30 
                             Creative Clay will also meet on April 6th (makeup class)
Friday Clubs:        Beginning Jewelry Making will end on March 31

CALLING ALL PARENTS!!!   If you have a hobby or interest that you would like to share with our students, please consider leading an after school enrichment club.  It's a great way to get involved in the school AND provide our students with a fun activity after the school day.  Previous parent led clubs include Board Games, Knitting, Tinkercad and SCRATCH programming.

The Spring Session of clubs will being the week of April 24 and run through the end of school.  If you have questions, or would like more information, please email pam.clubs@ecsnj.org.   Thanks!!
5th Grade Grilled Cheese Fundraiser, Thursday, March 30 and Friday, March 31 
We are selling Grilled Cheese to raise money for our Mystic, CT trip.  These tasty treats, prepared and grilled up by our very own 5th grade students, will be available for the low, low cost of $2 per sandwich.  We’re selling these tasty treats at lunchtime for grades K-3 on Thursday, March 30th and then at lunchtime for grades 4-8 on Friday, March 31st. Sandwiches will also be available for purchase on BOTH days at dismissal. Please help us out and buy some grilled cheese awesomeness!  
Thanks, John & Cristina
PTSO Corner 
IT ALL STARTS WITH THE ART!! - Once again, Elysian Charter has teamed up with Square 1 Art to celebrate your child's artistic accomplishments while raising much needed funds for our school! Last week, your child's custom catalog featuring their one-of-a-kind artwork (some new products have been added too!) should have been sent home. Deadline to order is Friday, March 24th. Orders can be placed online at www.square1art.com/shop or you can return the paper order form to your child's teacher. Together, we can support our school, build your child's self-esteem and create lasting keepsakes from your child's unique artwork. Please contact elysianptso@gmail.com with any questions.
iGIVE MONEY-MAKER - Every new member who joins iGive and makes their first purchase by March 31st earns a $5 Bonus for Elysian! All you have to do is click on this link to join: https://www.iGive.com/ElysianCharter For those who are already members, join our recruiting efforts!  

Starting at 5:30 pm (so that parents may vote before going to the 5th and 6th grade basektball games)/ Meeting will begin when a quorum is reached.  

IMPORTANT!  This is the most important Elysian event of the year - we need as many people as possible to attend so that we meet the quorum of 70 families.  Please plan to stay until the results are in.  This is so that, in the event of a tie and we need to vote again, the quorum has still been maintained and we can vote again.  ( If the quorum is not there, we will have to conduct the entire meeting again - so please plan on staying!)
Each family is counted as one member, regardless of how many children they may have enrolled in the school.  In addition, all employees of the Elysian Charter School who have been employed for the six months prior to an election are voting members.  

Elysian is governed by a nine-member board of trustees. Each trustee is elected to a three-year term.  Not all trustees are elected at the same time. 

Board members are unpaid volunteers willing to spend extra time and energy on behalf of the Membership in support of the Elysian Charter School.  

While we are waiting for the results there will be entertainment (by the 3rd graders) and a pot luck dinner.  In order to cover all food categories for the pot luck, families please bring the following: 

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th grades – Entrees
5th grade – Appetizers
6th grades – Salads
7th – 8th grades – Desserts 
Water, plates, utensils & napkins will be provided
(Due to a lack of preparation areas, please bring food that is cut and ready to serve!) 

Childcare (all ages) will be provided upstairs by Francine & Brenda.

Please call 201-876-0102 or email susan.gilbertson@ecsnj.org to reserve childcare.

$5 per child payable upstairs the day of the event.
Pizza dinner will be served to all kids.
Drop kids off before coming downstairs please, this is an adult event. 

DEADLINE FOR ABSENTEE VOTING:  4:00 pm on 3/21/17 -School Office

To absentee vote - see Deb Rosner in the office between 8 am - 4 PM

Vote Counting provided by Jaclyn Cherubini – Hoboken Clergy Coalition 
A mountain is growing in the office at Elysian!  The amount of lost and found clothing has grown so much that we need to find a home for these items. There are so many items, we can no longer hold them in the office.  The bins will be available in the gym on the evening of the Annual Meeting.  You may also come at pick up, dismissal or aftercare to locate lost items before the meeting, next Tuesday, March 21st.   After Tuesday evening, we will bag them up and donate them to charity.  Last chance to claim lost items!  
Friends of Elysian Auction/Raffle Round UP 2017 
(Abridged version) 
An earlier “post Auction” email was sent out thanking everyone (please check it out if you can!), but, in case you missed it, we wanted to add one more giant “THANK YOU!” to everyone who both supported the event and helped make it happen. We are definitely “All In” together and it really showed on Friday night. 
SHORT RECAP: So, thanks to all of you—while we are still finalizing finances/expenses—as of now it looks like we grossed more than $64,000! 
50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS: It looked a little rough for a while, but in the end, a total of 1,689 raffle tickets were sold, translating to a total pot of $16,890! Elysian of course receives half that amount: $8,445! Great job, everybody!
And the classroom winners are…La La Land! No, wait. It’s actually:
1st Place: Alyssa’s 4th Grade class
2nd Place: Josie’s Kindergarten class
3rd Place: Melissa’s 2nd Grade class 
And one more reminder to check out the earlier email for LOTS more well-deserved appreciation. Thank you!

Does the thought of figuring out your child's summer camp plans each year put you in a state of anxiety?  Is your child destined to sit in front of video games all summer because the thought of 2 hours a day on a camp bus isn't very appealing?  Well, we have the answer.... The Elysian Charter Day Camp!! 

The camp will be open to Elysian children entering kindergarten (Fall 2017) through current 5th grade.

Daily activities will include science, arts & crafts, sports, woodworking, field trips and much more.

The camp staff will be Elysian employees.

For our inaugural summer, there will be 2 one week sessions --  the weeks of July 31st and August 7th.  You can sign up for one or both weeks. 

Hours of fun, air conditioned classrooms, familiar counselors ..... and no 1 hour bus ride there and back!  

The camp is being organized by John Rutledge (renowned 5th grade teacher and everyone's favorite Mystic tour guide!) and Pam Gorode (enrichment club organizer and Assistant Business Manager).

You can find registration forms and more information on the camp at www.ecsnj.org/elysian-summer-camp/camp-registration-form/   
Student Dress
Parents, please be sure to dress your children appropriately for winter weather. When we have our monthly fire drills, students do not have time to get their coats.
Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education: 
Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you! 
As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regularly.
    Tuesday, March 21
    • Rescheduled Annual Meeting and Election of Board of Trustees, 5:30 PM, in the gym.
    • Championship 5th Grade Basketball Game, 6:45 Wallace
    • Championship 6th Grade basketball game, 7:45 PM
    Wednesday, March 22
    • Film Seminar trip
    Friday, March 24
    • Community Meeting is rescheduled for today, 8:45.  All are welcome!
    Monday, March 27
    • Board of Trustees Meeting
    Thursday, March 30
    • Grilled cheese fundraiser for students, K- 3, lunchtime
    Friday, March 31
    • Grilled cheese fundraiser for students grades 4-8, lunchtime.
    Please make note of the following calendar changes:
    1.       May 19—the Community Meeting will be the 6th grade concert and will begin at 9:00 AM
    2.       The June 9th Community Meeting is changed to June 16th
    3.       On June 9th there will be the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade concert which will begin at 9:00 AM
    1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
    Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director | harry.laub@ecsnj.org | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
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