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What do we really have to offer to those who show us hospitality?
What do we really have to offer to those who show us hospitality?
January 15, 2016
Matthew 10:12-13
As you enter the home, give it your greeting.   If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you.
New International Version (NIV)
              One of my students has accepted a pastorate just four miles down the road from my first pastorate.  Years ago, as a pastor in that community, I served with two wonderful families, the Hudsons and the Huddlestons.  I stayed in both of their homes.  They had children who married each other and had children.  Their children also had children.  When my young pastor friend asked me to perform his wedding he said, “You know the families of my fiancée.”  So my young pastor friend married the great granddaughter of these two families.  Small world.  Big God. 
                Allen called me recently and said, “I am becoming known as the visiting pastor.  I go and see the people.”  So he is driving down the same country roads which I did in my youth, loving many of the same people and their descendants.  Jesus never envisioned ministry as a sanitized service in a sanctuary.  His ministry was not only “Come and see” but “Go and tell.”  So he sent his disciples out and gave them instructions to stay in the homes of people.
                What do we really have to offer to those who show us hospitality?  Here is what I pray when I visit in the home of one of our members or guests:  “Father, may your peace rest on this home and the lives of those who live here.”  This is what we have to offer:  the peace of God which the world cannot give, which surpasses all understanding.  This is all we have to give.  So give it to someone today.  We all need God’s peace.
Pray with me:  
Father, we hear Jesus saying today, “My peace I give unto you.”  We receive your peace, your shalom, as a gift of grace today.  Help us not to hold it so closely that we fail to share it.  Bless all of those who enter our homes, and all we encounter with your incomprehensible, invincible peace.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.  
Scripture reading for today: 
Matthew 10

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