Corona Vortex Planets
Do you feel like life has been spinning out of control all year long but (maybe? please!) things will settle down soon... Perhaps these new Corona Vortex Planets express a bit of that feeling.
We keep saying this barn is like an archeological dig. Do you think we're exaggerating? Okay, listen to this: a few weeks ago, Josh noticed a heap of dusty cartons beside the door that leads to the dumpster. That day, despite having walked past this pile at least a million times, he just happened to pause and say, "Hey, wait a sec, what's in these?" Turns out they held box after box of crushed glass that had been saved from Corona mixtures made between 2008 and 2012! And the hand-written notes inside? Almost as good as carbon-dating!
So, in a flash, Josh imagined a new way to make a whole new kind of Corona Planet using that vintage Corona glass. Very cool. Every single one is unique. The colors and patterns are amazing!