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Dear students,
We hope this finds you getting some time to reflect and rest now that you've completed the Spring 2020 semester. Wherever you are, we hope you are staying healthy and well.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on travel plans, internships, and family responsibilities, we know that many of you find yourselves re-imagining or scrambling to respond to changes in your summer plans. If so, we’d like to connect you to several Duke resources that may prove useful.
First, we want to understand more about your summer plans and how Duke could potentially help you develop meaningful summer experiences.

To help us understand how we can best help you, please complete this Summer Opportunities Survey by Monday, May 18, at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

We will be using the information you share to shape a request to Duke’s 175,000+ alumni and thousands of Duke parents; we are asking that they help provide micro-internships, skill-building projects, or professional mentorship opportunities for current Duke students and 2020 grads. 

Through completing the survey, you will identify the skills and job experiences you seek, and you will register to be among the first to learn more about potential opportunities as they emerge. While we don't yet know what scope or specific options will be available, our aim is to connect as many students and new graduates to meaningful skill-building possibilities with our alumni and Duke partners.

 Second, we encourage you to explore the many summer opportunities through a new website—https://keepexploring.duke.edu/. The Keep Exploring website can help you think strategically about how to make the most out of your summer and connect you to curricular, co-curricular and experiential learning opportunities being developed across Duke. The site pulls together all Duke and outside-of-Duke opportunities in one place. Be sure to check back regularly—the content on this site will be refreshed as some opportunities expire and new ones arrive.

 We know that you will continue to respond with adaptiveness and resilience to the challenges of the pandemic and its disruptions. Know that the greater Duke family continues to stand ready to help you in whatever way we can. Start exploring, and let us know how we can help by emailing us at keepexploring@duke.edu.


Gary Bennett
Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education
Mary Pat McMahon
Vice Provost of Student Affairs
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