Starting Fresh, Staying Focused
Fall 2020 is arriving soon in North America! For the majority of us, this year is not turning out as we hoped. So many changes have occurred in our daily lives, our plans, and our dreams. Some of us think, "Will this year ever end?" One meme I saw stated, "2020 needs to just pull over and let me out… I'll walk!"
Maybe, you, like me, want to hit the "reboot" button and simply start over!
In the summer curriculum released by The Foundry Publishing, the adult curriculum included a journey through Ezra and Nehemiah. In the Old Testament book of Ezra, the people of Judah were released from exile in Babylonia and invited to return to Jerusalem in Judea. As the people returned, there must have been a feeling that they were given a second chance, a chance to start fresh.
We learn all throughout Scripture that our God is a God of second chances!
Amazingly, God makes a "start over" possible for all who by God's grace repent and put their trust in Jesus. We call this Good News! God’s saving grace gives humankind a second chance. For each of us, who were sinners by action and by nature, God has made a way for our sins to be forgiven and our nature to be restored. This way begins with God's invitation to "start fresh."
Nazarene discipleship is all about a journey of grace. When along life's journey, individuals repent of their sins; God's saving grace makes a new creation out of sinners! Real life change is possible because of this miracle of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" (NIV).
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Keeping Focused on God's Mission
The effects of this pandemic can, if we will let them, bring greater focus to the most important things for Christ’s church. On Saturday morning, July 11, 2020, God spoke into my heart as I prayed. He reminded me of His calling on my life. I am called to help the church reach lost people and see that they are discipled into Christlikeness. There are many good things that could easily take my focus away from that calling. His words to me on July 11, however, felt like a fresh start, a chance to focus again.
Christ's mission is to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). Will you join Him in His mission? This is our co-mission. Let's start fresh this fall with increased focus and intentionality on making Christlike disciples in the nations!
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Scott Rainey, SDMI Global Director
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| Treasure Quest: A Virtual VBS Experience!
After having to cancel summer camps, the Oklahoma District looked into different ways to engage with kids through web and digital media. They landed on the idea of a digital VBS using the Treasure Quest currciulum.
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| | Advances in Global Partnering for Children's Discipleship Curriculum
Nazarenes understand that Jesus called His Church to intentionally make disciples. Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) is intentional in making disciples by seeking the lost and guiding them to salvation in Christ and to sanctification by the Holy Spirit. Read more
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Monthly Stat Reporting Authority Changes
Because of a change to the SDMI bylaws in 2017, the SDMI office in the Global Ministry Center will no longer be requesting monthly statistics from the districts in the USA/Canada Region. Now the primary global SDMI statistical report will be through the Annual Pastors Report. Read more
| | SDMI Global Office Transitions
Over the years, the SDMI Global office has been blessed with the dedicated service of a number of staff members. Everyone who has served brought skills and passion to the mission of making Christlike disciples in the nations. Few have been more effective in modeling Christlikeness and serving the Church of the Nazarene than Jeanne Hubbs and Leslie Hart. Read more
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| Looking ahead to the 2021 VBS – The Journey of Grace!
In 2021, the Church of the Nazarene's VBS will invite children to follow in the footsteps of a girl named Grace as she embarks on a journey that is open to everyone but few are brave enough to take. More information will follow in the next edition of SDMI Connections!
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| The Discipleship Place Free Online Resources Now Available
The Discipleship Place recently launched two online small group courses. Traditionally, the courses have been designed for individuals. While the content can be downloaded and taught in a small group context, the website has been geared toward individuals that go through the courses and then take the corresponding exams.
We are excited to announce two courses that can be done as a small group with fellow Nazarenes. As you go through the course material (text or videos), you can comment with others in the same course. More courses will be coming soon. In the meantime, the following courses are available.
How to Study the Bible. You can go through these seven lessons and even take the exams through this small group platform. Please feel free to join and comment with many others that have started this course!
Towards a Theology of Shame and Love. You can go through the 11-video series at your own pace. Please feel free to join and comment with many others that have started this course!
If your church would like to embed these courses on its existing website, contact us, and we can help you make this a reality. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email DiscipleshipPlace@nazarene.org.
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| SDMI's Leadership Conference (LC2020) Rescheduled for November 9-11, 2021!
Because of the pandemic and the financial challenges related to it, the Board of General Superintendents, in consultation with the Global Ministry Center Senior Leadership Team, canceled or postponed all meetings, conferences, and conventions funded by GMC entities through December 2020, unless required by the Manual.
Within a week of the cancellation, the SDMI office contacted each registrant to process a full refund of all collected registration fees. The Ridgecrest Conference Center graciously refunded all fees and rescheduled the SDMI Leaders Conference for November 9-11, 2021.
Planning for LC2021 has already begun. The new program and schedule will be publicized within the next few months on the SDMI website, in SDMI Connections, and through your SDMI field and SDMI district representatives. Please be praying with us for this key leadership and discipleship-equipping conference.
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| Important news about the annual Bible Society Offering
For many years, the SDMI office has worked with the American Bible Society to develop a theme for a yearly Bible society offering. In 2017, a significant change was made within the appendix of the 2017-2021 Manual that affects how this offering is taken. Read more
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| Guidance for Reopening your Church to Children Ministries
Envision your first Sunday with open children’s ministries. What does it look like? How do you prepare to make it happen? Should you consider adjustments to policies? These and other questions were recently addressed on one district through a panel discussion. Read more
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