Dear Friend, 

Due to new restrictions in parts of Illinois, we need to decrease the number of people who can be in the teaching room at one time at our upcoming retreat. 

In order to accommodate people in a safe and lawful way, we will have 3 separate meeting rooms, connected by large screens and speakers. The chapel will accommodate more of us and the dining room will accommodate all of us--with physical distancing so we’ll be able to meet, greet, and pray together at various times during the retreat. We are looking at ways to rotate people in and out of the various meeting rooms for everyone to have a similar experience. 

If we find that an even greater number of people want to attend in person than can be accommodated in our meeting rooms, there is the option of  participating in the teaching and prayer sessions via Zoom in your private room at USML while taking breaks and meals with the group.  We know that some of you are in need of being away in a retreat center environment and are happy to offer this as an option if needed.

We need a fast turn-around answer from you as to whether you want to remain on our list for in-person attendance or if you would now prefer to participate at home through Zoom. We will do everything we can to help you create your experience at home and will offer you a $200 refund if you think it better to remain in your home, a hotel or an airbnb. (There is a document in your folder that has helpful guidance on preparing for a retreat in your setting. We’ve included it here for your consideration.)

Please reply to this question of attendance as soon as possible. Click here for a form to register your decision--if possible within the next two hours. We will follow up with a phone call if we do not hear from you.

Blessings to you all, 
The TC17 team

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