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October 2016
In This Issue
  • Stout Distance Learning Week
  • Spotlight Feature
  • Instructional Designer eTips
  • Where do you study or teach?
  • We're Moving Soon
  • Congratulations
  • Scholarship Recipients
  • End of Semester Aid
  • Dates to Remember
We're Moving Soon
UW-Stout Online and the Graduate School will be moving into a new location — next to the Clock Tower Plaza — the week of November 8-11. 
During this transition time, there may be delays in our follow-up, but we will respond as quickly as possible.
Please make note of our new address:
First Bank & Trust Building
200 East Main Street
Menomonie, WI 54751
All staff telephone numbers and email addresses will remain the same.
Thank you for your patience during our move.
Graduation mortar
Congratulations to the 218 CI students who graduated this past spring and summer from nine undergraduate and 14 graduate distance education programs.
CI Scholarship graphic linked to scholarship website
CI Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to the 24 customized instruction students who received this year's scholarship awards.
Brainfuse icon and link to Quick Start guide
End of Semester Aid
Remember to take advantage of Brainfuse eTutoring, the FREE online tutoring service accessed within your Learn@UW-Stout CI course. Live tutor support is available in more than 15 subject areas, or take advantage of the writing lab.
Dates to Remember
10/31/16  Spring 2017 registration begins
11/7/16-11/11/16  National Distance Learning Week (Also see 11/28/16-12/2/16)
11/24/16  Thanksgiving
11/28/16-12/2/16  Stout Distance Learning Week (See lead article)
12/13/16  Fall courses end
12/14/16  Evaluation week begins
12/17/16  Commencement
12/20/16  Evaluation week ends
1/3/17  Winterm classes begin
1/16/17  Martin Luther King Day  (No classes)
1/23/17  Spring classes begin  
Stout Online Facebook USDLA Certified
We pledge to respond to your inquiry within 24 hours, except for weekends, holidays and during out-of-office absences.

Stout Distance Learning Week 
In recognition of National Distance Learning Week, the Graduate School and Stout Online are hosting a weeklong celebration, including opportunities to tour our new office.
Click here for full details of the week's activities.
Spotlight Feature

Mandy Wolbert
UW-Stout Online Adult Student Services Coordinator
In addition to getting to know Mandy  from her perspective  we're pleased to share that Mandy received the Outstanding Service Staff Member Award in July, an annual award based on greatest number of votes by the undergraduate student population.
Congratulations, Mandy!
How long have you worked for UW-Stout Online and the university in general?
I have been at UW-Stout since 2009 and with Stout Online since 2011.
What is your role in UW-Stout Online?
I am an adult student services coordinator, supporting three undergraduate, one graduate and three certificate programs.
What do you like most about working with the online programs?
The students. I love working with students. I’ve been an adult learner before, going back to school after a number of years away — balancing work, family, kids, other activities/volunteering — so I understand what students are experiencing. And I like helping others as they are on their journey through school. I like helping people succeed, and am truly happy for them when they meet their goals — even little goals along the way. 
Is there other professional information you would like to share?
I worked on a campus during my undergrad years in a student-support role and loved the experience. After graduation, I worked in industry for a number of years, but always felt that returning to a university was where I wanted to be. Now, with this role, I am “home.”
What place in the U.S. would you most like to visit and why?
Disney World with my family. We haven’t taken our kids there yet and I’d like to get them there someday.
What is one of your favorite quotes?
When you’re doing the work you love, life is good. –John Russell

What do you want to be doing in 10 years?
Well, after I’ve won the lottery… Realistically, though, I still see myself at Stout in 10 years. I worked as a student on campus the first time I was in school and loved it. I like being in higher education.

If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?
Attitude plays such a large part in success. If you set your mind to accomplish something  and believe you can  then you likely will.  
Jamison Patrick, UW-Stout Online Instructional Designer
Instructional Designer eTips
Jamison Patrick, UW-Stout Online’s instructional designer, and his ID team members offer helpful tips for online instructors.
This issue's eTips are brought to you by Danae Cowell, our recently hired accessibility professional.  
10 Effective Strategies for Online Discussions
  1. Provide guidelines for discussions and expectations.
  2. Instill the importance of respecting each other and differing views on discussion boards.
  3. Encourage and cultivate a community environment, where individuals can interact and get to know other students and you, as the professor.
  4. Create group discussions of smaller than 10 individuals.
  5. Make discussion topics relevant and thought provoking; focus on critical thinking.
  6. Model appropriate posts and interactions.
  7. Encourage linking of ideas and connections.
  8. Be supportive, but do not “outshine” or stifle student ideas and discussion.
  9. Controversial topics often obtain the most engagement as students are constantly debating and clarifying their thoughts and ideas.
  10. Assess and provide timely feedback for discussion posts.
These strategies may be used in the following approaches:
  • Brainstorming activity
  • Broad, open-ended question
  • Case studies
  • “Choices” (pick and respond)
  • Debates
  • Handout, reading or video discussion (active learning activity)
  • Role play
For full article and references, click here
I'm studying @UW-Stout from here! graphic
I'm teaching @UW-Stout from here! graphic
Where in the World...
By now, all students in an online degree program and all instructors teaching a distance education class should have received our invitation and decal to share where in the world you study or teach.
We'd love to share with our Facebook friends and followers pictures of you studying or teaching from your favorite spot. Student photos are featured every Wednesday and instructor photos every Friday.
Please secure your decal to your laptop or computer, take a selfie and email it to
If you've misplaced your decal, feel free to email for a replacement decal. (715) 232-2693
140 Vocational Rehabilitation Bldg P.O. Box 790 | Menomonie WI, WI 54751-0790 US
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