L@s GANASThanksgiving Edition
L@s GANASThanksgiving Edition
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We hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving break filled with love, family, friends and some much-needed rest/self-care. We are thankful to have an amazing student community at L@s GANAS and look forward to continue to support you in your academic journey at UIC. 

-L@s GANAS Staff
I am thankful for my parents who support me for anything and everything I dream of doing with my life.
-Diana EspinMentoring Con GANAS
"All the people that are there for me when I felt alone. I am thankful for clean water, a heater for the winter, and warm blankets."
-Giselle Medina | Mentoring Con GANAS
"My health, well-being, and my familia including my dog! Also, all my supportive UIC advisors that have helped me get to          (Diana and her parents)    this point and continue to encourage me." 
                                             -Ruth Covarrubias |  Mentoring Con GANAS
"Having the opportunity to study at a university and having my parents support me while doing it!"  
- Daisy
"Getting to experience Everyday"-
Dayane Padilla | Mentoring Con GANAS
"Mine/my families health this year so we can celebrate together!"
-Sophia Silva | Transition Coach
A job that lets me do what I enjoy every day! Also, my family and support system! 
-Liz Ramirez " AD L@s GANAS                                 (Liz Ramirez and her family)
What are you thankful for?

Tamales with a nice cup of champurrado. -Giselle Medina | Mentoring Con GANAS
Ham -Diana Espin | Mentoring Con GANAS
Jamon and Pumpkin Pie! -Ruth Covarrubias |  Mentoring Con GANAS
Mashed Potatoes Dayane Padilla | Mentoring Con GANAS
Mashed Potatoes -Sophia Silva | Transition Coach
Mac and Cheese! - Liz Ramirez | AD L@s GANAS
Pozole! - Daisy

Thank you to all of our participants that shared!
What is your favorite dish?

Research Fellowship Deadline: 12/1

LAS GANAS Research Fellowship Apply here
Preview Application Here
Apply HERE
Hear about the research fellowship from a current fellow:
Being a first-generation college student in STEM has its challenges but L@S GANAS provides the stepping stones to understanding how to navigate it! This research fellowship program specifically helped me understand not only what was research but also provides workshops so I was better prepared when entering my first lab. I work in a psychiatry lab in the College of Medicine and it was a great match for me thanks to my advisor through the program that helped me figure out how to email labs, how to prepare for interviews, etc. You are also surrounded by people who are in your same shoes trying to navigate this field in your cohort of research fellows. I would highly recommend this program to anyone interested going into any science research field!
-Nallely Ramirez 
I got involved in research during my sophomore year. I realized that I wanted to do something to make my time at UIC meaningful. I started looking for a mentor and a lab where I can make my ideas come to life. After many, many unsuccessful attempts at different labs, I came across L@s GANAS. Through this program, I applied for the L@s GANAS Research Fellowship and mentorship program where I was able to make new connections and get the support I needed. I also met my current research mentor, Rachel Havrelock, and I began my research around the Chicago River with the Freshwater Lab that led to the making of The Backward River. 
-Citlalli Trujillo
Current Research Fellows, share your thoughts here!
I plan on applying!

Interested in meeting with other students in STEM?

Students have requested a time and place to gather to chat about their experience and share potential opportunities in the UIC STEM Community.
Learn about the L@s GANAS Research Fellowship Application!
We are hosting our fourth meeting next Thursday, December 2nd from 2-3:30 pm, please RSVP!
Science Chats RSVP
RSVP Today!
Click here to learn more about the LARES Tuition Award due December 1st. 
College Healthcare Opportunity Click to learn More

Technology Transition Entrepreneurship Program

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) Entrepreneurship Program, which provides students with both a stipend and great opportunities for learning and networking.
Learn more here or contact OTT-EP@orise.orau.gov  The application is available through Zintellect and is due January 3, 2022.

CIM²AS Summer Research Internship applications are now open for 2022. Please distribute this flyer to any students you feel might be interested. Click here for more information

Are you interested in a virtual healthy lifestyle program?

We are conducting a research study examining a virtual healthy lifestyle program –Enhanced Project Health – at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

All group sessions, focus group sessions, and assessments will be conducted virtually via Webex and all group sessions will be recorded.
Participation in this study will involve 2 in-person visits to the study sites. Students will be compensated up to $30 for their participation.
This program is being provided by Sylvia Herbozo, Ph.D., and her research team. All information you provide is confidential.
For more information, please call (708) 320-8331 or email sherbozo@uic.edu.

Freshwater Lab Internship Course
Emergency Funding for UIC Students

U & I Emergency Fund 

This fund provides temporary, short-term financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. This emergency funding program is designed to offer financial assistance to students in the form of one-time awards (typically not exceeding $1000). Please be prepared to show documentation supporting claims. 
Examples of expenses typically covered: overdue rent, eviction, medical emergencies, safety needs. For more information click here
The application can be found here
Talk to your transition coach, advisor, or program coordinator for additional aid opportunities.
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