- Manure composting field day
- Corn silage harvest and cover crop considerations
- New Field Notes Episode: Farming + Solar = Agrivoltaics
- Research opportunity: On-farm winter camelina trial
- El "Break" Info-Lechero: Dairy Spanish Webinars
- Research opportunity: Colostrum management study
- Research opportunity: Milk quality study
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Spot Spray Technologies Webinar l Zoom
September 6, 12 pm - 2 pm
For more info and to register, click HERE
Manure Composting Field Day l Sime Farm, Stoughton
September 12, 9:30 am - 12 pm with free lunch following
More info below, register HERE
Fresh Cows: Fetching the Cow and Blood Money l Badger Dairy Insight Webinar
September 19, 11 am
For more info and to register, click HERE
Key Factors in Milk Quality Improvement Programs l Dairy Spanish Webinar El "Break" Info - Lechero
September 20, 12 pm
More info below, to register click HERE
Cover Crops Following Small Grains and Grazing Cattle l Schultz family farm, Watertown
September 21, 10 am - 12 pm
For more info and to register click HERE
Importance of Colostrum Management l Dairy Spanish Webinar El "Break" Info - Lechero
September 27, 12 pm
More info below, register HERE
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Manure composting field day
Bruce and Karl Sime Farm near Stoughton, WI (1192 Starr School Rd)
Interest in manure composting is growing among farmers due to potential benefits associated with storing, hauling and application flexibility to established hay and other crops. A short field day will be held to demonstrate and discuss manure composting at 9:30 am on September 12, 2023. The field day will feature a panel of dairy and beef producers currently managing a portion of their manure with composting. UW-Extension researchers will provide practical insights into the science of composting as well as guidelines for sampling and lab submission for estimating nutrient availability. Considerations for appropriate compost site location will be discussed by the Dane County Land and Water Conservation Department. The field day will wrap-up with a compost turner demonstration and lunch at 12:00 pm. For more information, contact Will Fulwider, 608-220-3577 or
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Corn silage harvest considerations and cover crop options
In the recording below, Joe Lauer, UW-Madison State Corn Argonomist discusses timing, drydown, other corn silage related advice, and research results. Afterwards Dr. Brian Luck, Biological Systems Engineer, UW-Madison Associate Professor, and Extension Specialist shares information on silage harvest machinery setup, real time evaluation of kernel processing, and other potential technology to implement on a chopper.
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During the July 26 Badger Crop Connect, Dr. Matt Ruark, UW-Madison Professor and Extension Soil Scientist, shared cover crop options after corn silage and the effect of those cover crop choices on nitrogen availability to the following corn crop from applied manure.
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Field Notes Episode 11: Farming + Solar = Agrivoltaics
There is a lot of solar being sited in Wisconsin with some projects reaching a pretty massive scale. The traditional narrative has been hello solar, goodbye agriculture, however a new crop of farmers, researchers, and solar companies are thinking differently: how can we continue to farm this land between, under, and around solar panels?
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Winter camelina and nitrogen loss/tie up trial
Cereal rye is VERY good at preventing nitrates in the soil from leaching, but it also holds onto that nitrogen for a long time as it decomposes. Winter camelina can be planted as late as cereal rye, but decomposes much quicker in the spring, releasing that nitrogen to the corn at time of crop need. We (Extension) are testing to see if winter camelina can reduce nitrate leaching similar to cereal rye and avoid the nitrogen tie up at planting. Interested? Check out the flyer below and contact Will Fulwider ( or 608-220-3577).
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El "Break" Info-Lechero: Dairy Spanish Webinars
To help Wisconsin Spanish speaking dairy workers and the Spanish speaking parts of the dairy industry, UW-Madison Division of Extension has developed the webinar series, El “Break” Info-Lechero. These webinars, delivered in Spanish, are an update on different dairy topics covering reproduction, colostrum management, fresh cow management, milk quality, and more.
Join this event in 4 different sessions, starting at 12 pm CST, and take the opportunity to learn from and discuss with the experts.
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Colostrum management study
This study aims to determine the colostrum management practices between dairy replacement heifer calves and beef x dairy crossbred calves. Dairy-breed bull calves would also be sampled if available.
Jugular blood samples will be collected from calves 1-7 days old to measure serum IgG levels, an indicator of the success or failure of transfer of passive immunity from colostrum feeding. UW-Extension staff will visit the farm to collect samples and later take Brix refractometer readings. All size farms are welcome to participate in the study. Participating farms will be asked to provide information on overall colostrum management practices and a brief questionnaire on each calf in the study (birthdate, assisted vs unassisted calving, time of colostrum feeding, etc.). Extension staff will coordinate with each farm the best time to visit and to find times when farm staff can help identify calves eligible for sampling. This study is planned to run from Sept 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024. Afterward, participating farms will receive a report indicating what percentage of their calves ranked Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor for transfer of passive immunity. All farm information will be kept confidential and anonymous.
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Milk quality study
Prototheca bovis is a new mastitis-causing pathogen with little known about its prevalence on Wisconsin Dairy Farms. UW-Extension is seeking farms to participate in a year-long study to help identify the prevalence of Prototheca bovis in Wisconsin. UW-Extension educators will coordinate with farm personnel the best time to stop in to collect milk samples quarterly on 10 random animals. Quarter samples will be collected aseptically and cultured for Prototheca bovis. This study is planned to run from Sept 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024. Participating farms will receive information on the presence or absence of Prototheca bovis mastitis on their farm, along with the somatic cell count of the sampled animals.
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Building Understanding of Phosphorous Stratification in Soil Health Systems - Extension's Ag and Water Quality Porgram is looking to collaborate with individual farmers or farmer groups on a soil test phosphorus survey. Individual participants will gain soil test results and an analysis on how nutrients are distributed within the top 6 inches of their fields.
Pain Management Survey - The division of Extension seeks participants in a Pain Management Survey. This survey aims to collect information from farmers about their use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for various conditions/procedures in cattle.
Learn the most up-to-date information on topics including diary and livestock production, forages and farm management.
Dairy resources from UW-Madison Division of Extension
The Farmer to Farmer Hay, Forage and Corn List put Wisconsin's farmers in touch with one another for the purpose of buying and/or selling corn and forage.
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| Will Fulwider
Regional Crops Educator - Dane and Dodge County Extension
Email: l Ph: 608 220 3577
Alison Pfau
Regional Dairy Educator - Dane, Dodge, Jefferson, Rock & Walworth County Extension
Email: | Ph: 970 402 9710
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| To insure equal access, please contact the Extension office if you require accommodations to read this newsletter in another format. Please make requests to the Extension office for reasonable accommodations for Extension-sponsored educational programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service or activity. An EEO/AA employer, Uiversity of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements.
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*You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website, field day, or educational program from Dodge County Extension.
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