As if a meteorite burst open as it fell to Earth!
As if a meteorite burst open as it fell to Earth!
Purchase Glass
"A tektite is nature’s perfect glass: formed in a vacuum, of great antiquity, it is a meteorite that has fallen through the atmosphere and come to rest on Earth. Perfect and ugly, a glass dark and pitted."
-- William Warmus, "Josh Simpson, Alchemy Revealed" (1988)
Unlike natural tektites, Josh's Tektites aren't formed in a vacuum but instead in a studio full of life and creativity. And although they didn't arrive here from the heavens, they are made of same elements as glass meteorites. Josh - still working solo in the hotshop - has now made new Tektites (not antiquities yet), and they are voluptuous.
The four photos below show the changing color of one Tektite as it cools from molten, to red hot, to just very hot, all while still on the pipe. Note the dramatically different Corona glass color in the same piece at room temperature, in the photo just above.
Inside their black and gnarly shell, each Tektite contains a bowl of silky smooth glass: either Josh's signature Corona glass resembling a splash of liquid rainbow, or  iridescent glass that seems to whisper of pearls and shimmering lagoons. Tektites may symbolize that opposites can coexist, or that difficult times contain the potential for better times, or that mysteries abound. Or, if you are like Josh and eschew the philosophical, Tektites may appeal just for their heavenly colors and sparkle.
Corona Glass Tektites
Pink Corona Tektite Corona Tektite
Iridescent Tektites
Iridescent Tektite Irid Tektite
Cady's Advice for UMASS
Josh's wife Cady Coleman added her thoughts to this year's graduation ceremony (you can hear her at 11:48).  In 2011, she was the opening UMASS graduation speaker from her perch aboard the International Space Station.
Removal? Josh hasn't had a haircut in months. Sadly, he doesn't want Cady's help. Even though she can fly military jets, took a Russian rocket to the Space Station, lived in a tent in Antarctica, and has done surgical training, she's truly lethal with scissors (particularly after being quarantined with Josh for two months!). Too bad Cady can't just click the opt out button below to get away... but you can!
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