How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! 
We will have one 10:00 am service followed by the Fellowship’s first-ever chocolate party from 11:15 am-1:00 pm. 
Our chocolate party will have something for everyone:
- Snacks, treats, and even a chocolate fountain!
- A fabulous photo booth.
- The opportunity to return your pledge form for double entry in the prize drawing on March 29th! Pledge forms available HERE.
- Let’s get this party trending and share the love on social media by using the hashtag #LoveUU.
The best part of the chocolate party will be spending time with a community you love, and that loves you right back!
Share Your Love with #LoveUU
Tell the world how the Fellowship helps you feel loved and why you love this place!
* Share your story on your own social media page and tag the Fellowship.
* Share your chocolate party photo-booth picture on your own social media page.
* Use the hashtag #LoveUU.
Upcoming Services
Sunday, February 23 at 10:00 am
February 23 (one service only at 10:00 am)
The Healing Power of Relationship
by Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy

What does it mean to be a part of a religious community like this Fellowship? Is it different from other groups, and if so, how? In a world where disconnection seems to be the norm, how can we support each other through the healing power of relationship? Join Rev. Christina and members of our Healthy Congregation Team to find out.
March 1 (9:00 and 10:45 am)
"The truth will set you..." by Rev. Leah Ongiri
Despite what the oft-quoted biblical verse implies, freedom isn't automatically guaranteed by knowing the truth. Squaring with the truth can be a tricky but worthwhile part of healing a relationship with self, other, or community. True release can come from honestly incorporating what we know into our story as we move forward in life. 
Religious Education
RE registration form HERE
Religious Education Feedback Needed ASAP!
As our religious education program grows and evolves, our Religious Education (RE) Committee is examining alternative approaches to educating children and adults alike. In a recent meeting with a highly-regarded UU religious educator and curriculum developer, we learned that changes in our society require that RE changes, too. But every UU community is different. So in that spirit, even if you do not have children, we invite you to provide feedback to us about how you envision our Religious Education Program.
Please complete this SURVEY by February 23!
The RE Program mission is to grow a community of compassionate young people by:
•  Maintaining a safe, welcoming, and developmentally appropriate environment
•  Fostering caring relationships
•  Exposing them to diverse voices and religious traditions
•  Engaging them in critical thinking about values in their world
•  Offering opportunities for meaningful social justice work
Last weekend for the Soles4Souls Shoe Collection!
Your unwanted shoes can provide meaningful opportunities in many developing nations, which is why our Fellowship Youth launched a shoe drive to collect new or gently used shoes. Deposit your shoes in marked bins in the Fellowship lobby through February 23.
Shoes collected will be donated to the non-profit organization, Soles4Souls to help Wear Out Poverty.
Save the Date - Summer Camp for RE kids is coming!
Hey Fellowship parents! Be sure to mark your calendar for Saturday, June 27 and Sunday June 28. We are working on a fabulous weekend of fun and community for our elementary and possibly Pre-K/K aged young people. We will share more information about the details as they are available, but want to be sure you make room in your schedule now!
Upcoming Opportunities
New Moon Mindfulness Meditation / Sound Journey
Friday, February 21st at 6:30 pm
This meditation soundscape will include Buffalo Shaman Drumming, and soundscape recordings of ambience, textures, singing bowls, and sounds from nature. This is all put seamlessly together under a soft candlelit setting.
This month, Adam Hunt from NuWave Counseling will guide us in a guided meditation before the sound journey event. After the Meditation Sound Journey, there will be time for chat/community.
Chairs and cushions will be available. Bring a blanket if you want to lay on the floor. All are welcome to join! Facebook Event HERE.
Open Discussions to Unlearn White
Supremacy Culture
Wednesday, February 26 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm
The second of five open discussions on characteristics and antidotes of white supremacy culture. Need not attend all five sessions for each one to be meaningful. These discussions will be facilitated and are based on the anti-racism learning the staff and Governing Board have been doing this year. We will meet on the 4th Wednesday through May at the Fellowship; please join us. When you look at the readings you will notice they are set up for each month; we will be discussing the ones for February and September this month. The readings are not long and it is helpful if you read them before we meet. Click HERE for the discussion information online or contact Cyndi Polakowski ( in the Fellowship office for paper copies.
Contact Marti Wheeler at with questions.
*February 23: Meet at 9:15 to sing at the 10:00 am service.
Word Art!
Join us March 3 at 6:00 pm at the Fellowship for the next installment of EXPRESS YOURSELF! This time we will be creating art using WORDS--and there will be loads of choices with which to engage. Jan Lesperance will guide you through an opportunity to create Picture Poetry (a picture using words) or an Art Page (using a theme such as trees, create an art page using words, paint, stamps, stencils, photos from magazines, etc. Kind of like a collage with words.) The key to this night of creating art is there are no hard and fast rules. Create what speaks to you. Maybe you will decorate the cover of your favorite journal, create a comic strip, develop a found poem, or simply decorate a single word or phrase.
All supplies provided--stencils, paper, canvas, magazines, some pre-cut out lyrics, scissors, pastels, acrylic and watercolor paints, brushes, markers, etc. Contact Cindy Darling with questions and to reserve your spot at 920.205.9635 or
Volunteers needed at Pillars Adult and Family Shelter
Please join the Essentials JAM by being a part of a team that provides a meal to the residents of Pillars Adult and Family Shelter: 
Monday, March 16th evening meal feeding approximately 60 residents
Pillars Adult and Family Shelter at 400 N. Division Street, Appleton

We need several people to sign up to be there between 4:00-7:00pm and prepare the meal along with other tasks.
We need other people to drop off food items in advance.
Find out more and signup to help by clicking HERE .
If you have questions, please contact Angie Miller at 920.810.7968 or Thank you!
UU Parenting Support Group
First Monday of the month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm
People who are parenting or preparing to serve in a parental role, and/or taking care of children as a guardian, grandparent, etc. don’t always get the support they need.
Do you long for time to debrief the joys and woes of life with littles?
Do you wonder how to manage the day-to-day responsibilities of children?
Do you wish for space to talk to other parents about parenting? 
If so, this is your group!
Led by Fellowship members with professional expertise Erin VandenLangenberg and Katie Demerath-Cook, this peer support opportunity is a wonderful way to get help with all aspects of parenting, including learning how to support kids without ignoring one’s own needs, accessing community resources when necessary, and talking to kids about social development, spirituality, behavior choices, and more. Childcare is available for those who RSVP at least 24 hours in advance HERE.
Traveling to the Border
from Marie Luna, Director of Congregational Life
I and others from the Fox Valley have been called to travel again to the border, this time to Brownsville, TX, which is across from Matamoros, Mexico. We will join activists and faith leaders from around the country protesting the US “Remain in Mexico/MPP” policy towards Central American migrants. While we are gone, we will share about our journey on the local “Fox Valley Witness: Ending Migrant Child Detention” Facebook group HERE. Please follow along and share with your circles! There will also be a local vigil at Houdini Plaza on Saturday, February 29th that I hope you will join. Facebook event HERE.
Fellowship History Tidbits
The previous tidbit question was: What unfortunate decision in the mid 1970’s resulted in a loss of many Fellowship members? The Answer: The enrollment and attendance in children's religious education classes had dropped so much that the Fellowship voted to disband RE and send our kids over to First Congregational church on East South River St. We ended up losing almost all of the parents of those children there. The question for next time is: What caused the Fellowship to move from the rented house that was the Girl Scout Headquarters from whom we had rented for about 10 years? Watch for the answer in an upcoming Scroll. The information is provided by Dave Gerlach.   
Grants to Assist Elder UU Lay People
The Midwest Unitarian Universalist Conference offers a grant to assist elder (age 65 and older) Unitarian Universalist lay people. The Laughlin Fund grant can be used to help with the following: 
Hearing aids
Rent assistance
Medical expenses
Food subsidy
Funeral expenses
Utility subsidy
Personal care assistance 
This grant can be used to reimburse expenses recently incurred or to fund pending expenditures. The grant, however, is limited to discrete, one-time requests, and not ongoing support. Any grant will be made based upon need. Applicants can expect a decision on their application within 4 to 6 weeks, after receipt. 
The typical size of a grant is about $500. To apply and for more information, click HERE.
General Assembly
Wednesday, June 24 through Sunday, June 28, 2020
Providence, Rhode Island
General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. This 5-day immersive experience is where we participate in inspirational worship services and informative workshops, and explore our bustling exhibit hall. GA is an unforgettable experience for the thousands of UUs who attend. Meet us in Providence and you’ll leave with renewed energy and innovative ideas to share with your congregation and community-at-large!
The theme for General Assembly in June 2020 is Rooted, Inspired, & Ready! We are in touch with our theological roots, we are engaged in transforming our faith, and we are fired up to take action in the wider world. Check out for more information and to register. 
General Assembly will take place in Milwaukee in 2021.
Upcoming Child Dedication Ceremony Date
Dedicating a child at the Fellowship is a powerful and precious ritual, designed to welcome your young one into life and into the loving embrace of our community. Any member or committed friend of the Fellowship may request a child dedication by contacting Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy.
April 26 9:00 and 10:45 am: Earth Day services. Sign up by March 26.
Click here for the current financial report.
Click here for the current Governing Board meeting agenda.
Thank you for reading The Weekly Scroll, and pardon any typos. 
Quick Links
Anti-racism Learning (for home, or groups)
Characteristics and antidotes of white supremacy culture
February: Power Hoarding and Fear of Open Conflict - click HERE 
Joys and Concerns
As your faith community, we want to celebrate your joys with you and support you through times of concern.
To share a joy or concern with our ministers and/or at services, please email Rev. Leah at
To be added to the Joys and Concerns email list, contact Cyndi Polakowski at

Weekly Calendar  


Thursday, February 20
7:00pm UU Book Club
Friday, February 21
6:30pm Sound Journey/Meditation
Saturday, February 22
7:00am Joyful Mind Zen Sangha
10:00am Spanish Charla
Sunday, February 23
9:00am Green Sanctuary
10:00am Worship Service
3:00pm American Sign Language
6:00pm Smiling Dandelion Sangha
Monday, February 24
9:00am Goddess Group
Wednesday, February 26
6:30pm White Supremacy Culture
Thursday, February 27
7:30pm Fellowship Choir
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