Patient Experience Newslink
Patient Experience Newslink
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The Beryl Institute
PX Newslink
PATIENT EXPERIENCE NEWSLINK is The Beryl Institute's monthly publication featuring important policy analysis, publications, research, press and current affairs to enhance and inform your work.

Low Consumer Health Fluency Could Lead to Billions in Tax Savings on Table During Open Enrollment
Tax-advantaged benefit accounts, including FSAs, HSAs and HRAs, promise value to consumers, but a new Algeus report finds that despite being widely offered by employers, those accounts are often under-funded and underutilized. (Healthcare Finance, September 2018)
Threat To The ACA Turns Up The Heat On Attorney General Races  
For years, congressional Republicans have vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Now, in a case sending shock waves through midterm election campaigns, Republican attorneys general across the country may be poised to make good on that promise. (Kaiser Health News, September 2018)
Senators Propose Limits on Surprise Healthcare Billing
A bipartisan group of Senators has introduced legislation that aims to end surprise healthcare billing, a practice which can lead to extremely high out-of-pocket costs for consumers. (HealthPayer Intelligence, September 2018)

How Advances in Wearable Cardiac Monitors Improve the Patient and Clinician Experience  
Advances in the technology of wearable cardiac monitors are improving both the experience of the patient and the effectiveness of clinicians to gather data and analyze ECG-based cardiac activity. (Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology, September 2018)
Healthcare's Changing Payment Paradigm: Why Providers are Upgrading the Patient Financial Experience
As competition in the healthcare industry intensifies, and patients take on responsibility for a larger portion of their medical bills under high-deductible health plans, providers should look to increase patient satisfaction by improving the payment process. (Becker's Hospital CFO Report, September 2018)
Emory University Study Demonstrates That Educational Videos Significantly Improve Patient Consent Process and Save Time
The School of Medicine at Emory University has published a study suggesting that educational videos significantly improve the patient consent process versus traditional face-to-face methods. Results suggest that patient facing videos could help decrease physician burnout. (Cath Lab Digest, September 2018) 

Fostering Soul-Full Work - A Special Webinar for You
To advance your efforts to improve the patient, family, and team experience, the Language of Caring team is giving all members of The Beryl Institute a webinar recording presented by Wendy Leebov, Ed.D., along with a facilitator’s guide to engage your team and apply the best-practices explored.

CMS HCC Risk Scores and Home Health Patient Experience Measures
Risk adjustment for patient experience measures needs to be modified by including the CMS Hierarchical Condition Categories risk scores of home health beneficiaries. (American Journal of Managed Care, September 2018)
Proprietary Management and Higher Readmission Rates: A Correlation  
Reducing preventable readmissions among Medicare beneficiaries is an effective way to not only reduce the exorbitantly rising cost in healthcare but also as a measure to improve the quality of patient care. (PLOS, September 2018)  
The “Public Charge” Proposal and Public HealthImplications for Patients and Clinicians  
On September 22, 2018, the Department of Homeland Security proposed a change to immigration policy that would make receipt of certain public assistance, such as health coverage through Medicaid, grounds for denying immigrants lawful permanent residence in the United States. (JAMA, October 2018)  

A New Kind of Patient: Managing Patient Experience in a Changing Healthcare Landscape
Healthcare’ recognition of the patient experience has continued to evolve to the point where it is now considered significant for facilities who want to succeed. In this eBook, ImageFIRST offers actionable insights and observations to help develop better implementation strategies. They suggest four key practices: increasing staff engagement, creating a more comfortable stay, focusing on coordination and organization, and ensuring better cleanliness.


The Smell of Love: An Olfactory PX
As we continue to explore and unpack the Experience Framework, we should also routinely ask ourselves to check our orientation to experience. It is important for experience professionals to become more cognizant of the fact that there are different orientations to Experience Improvement and priorities will shift depending on that orientation. (October 2018)
Employee Perceptions are Key to Culture
Dr. Sara Laskey, inaugural CXO for The MetroHealth System, discusses how employee perceptions are building blocks that make up the experiences we create for all who interact with our organizations. (September 2018)
Preventing Burnout: Investing in Your Staff 
Julie Danker, Chief Experience Officer for Smart-ER, explains the universal truth of burnout, how it impacts an employee’s self-esteem and productivity and what leaders need to encourage every employee to do. (September 2018)


What constitutes the patient experience of children? Findings from the photo elicitation and the video diary study
This paper reports findings from a study in which two participatory research methods, photo elicitation and video diary, were applied to investigate the elements of children’s PX in the context of children’s hospital.
Can an interactive application be used to collect meaningful feedback from paediatric patients and their parents in a hospital setting?
The objective of this study was to determine the acceptability of using an interactive application to understand the experiences and perspectives of children and parents/carers regarding their health care encounter for the purpose of quality improvement and consumer feedback.
Partnering with pediatric patients and families in high reliability to identify and reduce preventable safety events
The aim of this article was to develop a tool that engages patients and families in an effort to reduce preventable harm in a pediatric academic medical center.
Integrating the patient and caregiver voice in the context of pediatric, adolescent, and young adult care: A family-centered approach
This article discusses opportunities that have been identified to operationalize the engagement of pediatric, adolescent and young adult patients and their caregivers into decision making that translates not only to their healthcare, but also to the context in which care is provided.
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The Beryl Institute provides Patient Experience Newslink to share a broad range of current patient experience news and headlines. The Institute does not endorse the views expressed via these links or any products or services offered.
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