The National Wildlife Federation has declared May to be Garden for Wildlife Month, a time for folks to consider the needs of migrating species—butterflies, birds and wildlife of all kinds—as they make their ways to their summering grounds. Back yards are crucial pitstops along that journey. Make your landscape pollinator-friendly by providing food, water and shelter to these creatures in transition.
Southern Living Plant Collection has many varieties that pollinators of
all kinds will be abuzz about!
For blooms aplenty,
'Real Charmer' Leucanthemum offers abundant ornate blooms in shades of cream, yellow and gold all summer. 'Real Charmer' gets bonus points for being deer resistant, too. Or sample the Saucy Salvias,
with tubular flowers that are the perfect fit for hummingbirds as they sip on nectar. From April to November, pollinators will love both the
red and
burgundy varieties (and so will you!).
Read on to learn about other pollinator-friendly plants with which you can help sustain birds, bees and other pollinating wildlife during their migration.