June 10, 2022Marie's Message
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Hi All, It is exciting to head into June, and the hope of warmer weather coming up next week!
A couple of reminders: 1. Today is the last day to enter in the Dodge County Junior Fair. If you enrolled in 4-H before December 31, 2021 and planned to exhibit at the Dodge County Fair in August, it is a separate sign up that you can find on the Dodge County Fair's website.
2. It was great to see 4-H members learning about photography this week through the state 4-H Take and Learn kits. Please remember to check 4HOnline for other virtual opportunities. Also cake decorating members got a direct email to register for a Take and Learn kit. Registration is due June 21 so make sure to register if you are interested.
It is great to see all of the wonderful opportunities that 4-H clubs and members are participating in, both in Dodge County and the state. Watch for an announcement from Heather in this week's news for an opportunity to help out with a walk/run in July!
I hope you have a great week.
Marie Witzel Positive Youth Development Educator marie.witzel@wisc.edu 920.386.3790 (office) 920.210.3080 (cell)
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BlueRibbon Online Fair Entries DUE TODAY!The BlueRibbon Online Fair Entry system for the Dodge County Junior Fair will close at 11:59pm on June 10. This is a hard deadline! No entries are accepted for the Junior Fair after June 10.
4-H'ers can enter up to 20 exhibits in the Dodge County Junior Fair in project areas they are enrolled in. For Junior Fair information, please visit the DODGE COUNTY JUNIOR FAIR webpage.
Blue Ribbon CLOSES at 11:59PM JUNE 10, 2022.
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Other Youth Event Entry Forms
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Fair Stand Schedules!
Check with your Club's General Leader to sign up for shifts in the following Fair stands:
- 4-H Cream Puff Stand (1 shift left!)
- 4-H/Farm Bureau Food Stand (8 shifts open!)
- WI Women for Ag Ice Cream Stand (9 shifts open!)
- 4-H Promotion Booth (1 shift left!)
- 4-H Fish Pond (All Filled!)
There are times available for everyone to volunteer! Contact your club's General Leader to sign up for a shift!
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Join the 4-H Silent Auction Committee!
Volunteers Wanted! The 4-H Leaders Association is seeking a few adult and older youth volunteers to serve on the 4-H Silent Auction Committee.
Thank you to the 4-H volunteers who have volunteered for this 4-H fundraiser - we need just a couple more volunteers! The 4-H Silent Auction Committee organizes and runs the annual 4-H Silent Auction during the Dodge County Fair August 17-21.
For more information on this fun, leadership opportunity, please contact Marie Witzel marie.witzel@wisc.edu or Tracy Malterer tmalterer@co.dodge.wi.us
Donations of small prizes are needed for the 4-H Fish Pond. Questions on the Fish Pond can go to Janet Zander at 920-623-9013
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Apply for a Dodge County 4-H Endowment Fund Grant!
Who can apply? Any Dodge County 4-H member and/or leader can apply on behalf of his/her Dodge County 4-H club; any Dodge County 4-H subcommittee or group; Dodge County 4-H Leaders Association, Inc.; and/or Dodge County Extension agent.
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Achievers (Leo Panetti) For June Dairy Month the club will help at the vet clinic lunch in Brownsville with cleanup and serving along with the dairy promotion. They will get cheese and have coloring books and stickers to give away.
Herman Hornets (Claire Zuern) July club tour will start at the Borden house and then the go to Gunst’s Farm. Bring a lawn chair for the meeting portion at the Gunst Farm. Quilt making dates will be set and many members can meet during the afternoon.
Richwood Rangers Highway Clean-up has been rescheduled for June. A motion was made and passed to donate five 1,000 piece Ag themed puzzles and money to the Watertown Public Library Agriculture Area.
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Are You a Good Shot?
We're looking for a few good photographers!
Our 4-H youth are working across the state to learn and grow through 4-H. The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation is looking to establish a database of experienced and talented adult photographers who are willing to go to events to take photos of 4-H youth doing 4-H things. Interested? If you want to be added to the photographer pool, please provide your name, email address, phone number and the counties where you are willing to work. If you're not a photographer, you can help by sharing this information with adult volunteers who may be interested in providing photography services.
Email joanne@wis4hfoundation.org to register on the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Photographer Pool.
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Picture Yourself Learning with Us!Take & Learn and the Virtual Learning Community INVITE YOU(TH)
Join us for a NEW distance learning opportunity open for all youth! (Youth do not need to be enrolled 4-H members to participate). This is a chance for us to learn together about our cameras and how to take even better photos! It doesn't matter if you use a phone, a point-and-shoot camera, or a DSLR camera. Any of those work, and we can't wait to see what you create! This series is for all ages and abilities, but there are many ways for youth to choose to participate. REGISTER HERE!
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Summer Archery Dates
The schedule is set for our summer archery meetings on Monday's beginning June 13th through July 18th 6:00pm-7:30pm at the Horicon Bowmen Club. No meeting on July 4th. We will meet outside of the club house in Horicon as our meeting will be outdoor shooting. We will still have equipment for the kids to use if needed. We will be hosting our own competition this year at the Bowmen on July 23rd. Please contact Eva or Jessie Lynch at evalynch@live.com if you are interested in helping. Link to the entry forms are HERE.
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Youth Livestock Project
Youth Livestock project members that are enrolled in 4-H, FFA or other approved Dodge County youth groups, are able to find information on Education Opportunities, Market Livestock Identification, YQCA and the Dodge County Meat Animal Sale Committee at the Extension Dodge County Youth Livestock Project webpage.
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4-H DAIRY JUDGING RESOURCES(There’s also an app available for Android and Apple users)
Please use the resources for further explanation of cuts and how classes are scored. Questions? Please contact Kari Behling at 608-444-2441.
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Goat Project MeetingsJune 28 Sheep Barn, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 7pm
July 26 Sheep Barn, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 7pm
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Rabbit & Cavy Project MeetingsJune 20 Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds (6pm Cavies only)
June 27 Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds (6pm Cavies/7pm Rabbits)
July 25 (CAVIES ONLY) Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 6pm
July 28 (RABBITS ONLY) Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 7pm
For questions, email docorabbits@gmail.com
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Poultry Project MeetingsContact Dan Schwandt, Poultry Project Leader at schwandtdutch@aol.com or 920-763-8030.
- June 16 7pm - Small Animal Building @ Fairgrounds
- July 21 7pm - Youth Building @ Fairgrounds
- September 15 - Youth Building @ Fairgrounds
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WI STATE FAIR YOUTH EXHIBITS:Calling All Creative, Artistic, & Crafty Youth!
🖌 Arts & Crafts 🛠 Mechanical Sciences, Woodworking & Natural Resources 📸 Photography, Black and White 🖼 Photography, Color 🧵 Textiles & Home Furnishing
Entry Deadline: Monday, July 25 – 5 pm *New for 2022* - County Fair Judge’s Favorite award: The Judge’s Favorite award is given to County Fair project exhibits of outstanding quality. Judge’s Favorite award-winners are eligible to advance to Wisconsin State Fair with no entry fees. Projects no longer need to be exhibited or selected at a Wisconsin County Fair/District Fair. Review the entry information or submit your nominations here.
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- June 10 Junior Fair Entry DEADLINE
- June 13 Summer 4-H Archery Session Begins, 6pm Horicon Bowmen Club
- June 13 4-H Fashion Revue, 5:30 Extension Fond du Lac County
- June 13 4-H Dog Project Meeting, 6:30pm Fairgrounds
- June 16 4-H Poultry Project Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 20 Cavies Project Meeting, 6:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 20 4-H Dog Project Meeting, 6:30pm Fairgrounds
- June 21 4-H Leaders Association Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 27 Beef Fitting Clinic, 4:30pm W9120 County Rd S, Beaver Dam
- June 27 4-H Dog Project Meeting, 6:30pm Fairgrounds
- June 27 MAS PRE-SALE Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 27 4-H Rabbit Project Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 28 4-H Goat Project Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
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