Fall Move-In, Named Spaces, Makerspace Funding
Fall Move-In, Named Spaces, Makerspace Funding
Find details about moving into residence halls next fall; see which campus spaces will be named for IUP community members; learn about a makerspace expansion; and more
In a sunlit, wooded area, a man with a beard and a gray IUP baseball cap talks with a young person with braids in a baseball cap whose back is to the camera.
Ben Ford, professor of anthropology, has been selected as IUP’s 2023–24 Distinguished University Professor. This is a title he and past recipients of the award will hold for life.
A member of the faculty since 2009, Ford has chaired the Department of Anthropology for six years. His scholarship has focused on archaeology involving human interactions with oceans, lakes, and rivers and on historical archaeology, specializing in the frontier period of western Pennsylvania.
During his year as Distinguished University Professor, Ford will launch a project called Heritage Futures, which aims “to leverage heritage to heal past wrongs and foster a healthier future.” Involving students in the project, he said, will help them build research skills and become more caring and productive members of society.
Living on campus next fall? Find move-in dates, how to look up room and roommate assignments, a list of what not to bring, and other important housing information.
Last Thursday, the IUP Council of Trustees approved the naming of three campus spaces: a lab in Kopchick Hall for a former geoscience professor, conference rooms in the Kovalchick Complex for an IUP fraternity, and a tennis court for an alumni couple who met at the Maple Street courts.
In April, Information Technology Services held sessions on OneSIS, the student information system the State System is adopting. View the presentation slides and/or watch a recording of the session. 
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