Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
www.ecsnj.org friendsofelysian.org
Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director
Elysian Charter School
Weekly Newsletter

A Positively Different Public School

October 16, 2017         Vol. 13  Issue 6
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays.  When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. 

Please note:  Send news to deb.rosner@ecsnj.org by 9:00 AM on Mondays.
Harry's Corner
October 16, 2017
Bullying and the Law
The following is the legal definition of bullying, according to New Jersey’s anti-bullying law P.L. 2010, Chapter 122 (P.L. 2010, c.122).
The law defines harassment, intimidation or bullying as “any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or series of incidents, that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic… that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus, or off school grounds … that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students, and that a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his person or damage his property.” (italics added)
The phrase, “either by any actual or perceived characteristic…” is important to understand.  According to the law, an incident may legally be described as bullying if it is motivated by a particular characteristic (whether it is an actual characteristic or not).  The list includes race, color religion, ancestry, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, mental or physical or sensory disability, or other actual or perceived characteristics.
So, what does this mean? Let’s say a child on the playground gets into an argument and says to another child, “You are a red-headed creep!” Because being a red-head is a physical characteristic, this is interpreted as a bullying statement.
On the other hand, if the same child gets into the same argument and says, “You are a creep!” It does not match the legal definition of bullying because there is no real or perceived characteristic being attacked.  However, this is clearly a conflict, and must be handled appropriately—it cannot be let go.
An incident that meets the criteria for bullying triggers a formal legal process that includes notification of parents, taking statements of witnesses, evaluating the situation and assigning appropriate consequences.  All conversations with parents, witnesses, aggressors and victims are documented. A redacted copy of the completed Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Reporting Form is provided to the Board of Trustees. The incident is also reported to the New Jersey Department of Education.
An incident that does not meet the bullying criteria is considered “conflict.” It is addressed through the school’s disciplinary process, with an investigation similar to the bullying investigation and the development of consequences in a similar way, but without the formal reporting procedure.
Many times, whether bullying or conflict, there is an interplay between the children that escalates events. In these cases, all the appropriate players may receive consequences.  Other times there is a clear victim and aggressor.  In that case, only the aggressor may receive consequences, but the victim may receive support.
Consequences can take many forms—including everything from a short time out, to a call home or a meeting with parents, to a loss of privilege or exclusion from activities such as recess, to an assignment designed have the child understand the reason he was in error, to suspension.
Parents often ask about consequences to another child. While I understand that parents want to be sure that the consequences meet their own sense of appropriateness, it is inappropriate—and illegal—for me to discuss another child’s consequences or any reasoning behind them.  Additionally, we keep these consequences quiet and between the parent and child.
Town Hall

As you know, Dr. Harry Laub has served as ECS Director since  February 2011 and will be retiring at the end of this school year (June 2018). As mentioned in Harry’s letter on September 11th, the ECS Board has outlined a plan for selecting a new director. The Search Committee, representative of Elysian teaching and administrative staff, parents and the Board, will be leading this process. The Committee’s primary tasks will be to update Director’s job description and spearhead search process yielding a number of qualified individuals for the Board of Directors to select from. The Committee’s aim is to complete the process in time to enable the new Director to start in the summer of 2018.  

The Committee wants and needs your input! All ECS parents are invited to participate in this important process by offering their thoughts on the role and the selection criteria for the next ECS leader during a Town Hall meeting on Monday, October 23rd, 6:00 - 6:45pm.  

Afterschool Enrichment Clubs

The Fall Session of Elysian's afterschool enrichment program begins today.  Your child was sent home last Friday with the welcome letter for those clubs they are enrolled in.... if the form did not make it home, please email me at pam.gorode@ecsnj.org.
As this Wednesday, Oct. 18, is a 1/2 day and dismissal is at 12:30 PM, here is the club schedule for that day:

Fashion Lab - 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Karate Club - 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
4th Grade Book Arts Club - 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Chess Club - 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM(please note Chess Club is 1 1/2 hours each week)

If your club dismissal information is different on 1/2 days, please make sure to email me pam.gorode@ecsnj.org with this information. 

     Friends of Elysian Meeting
       Wednesday, October 25 @ 5:45 pm

The Friends of Elysian, the school’s parent-led fundraising group, would like to invite you to a meeting and open house next week, on Wednesday, October 25 @ 5:45 pm in the school building (room TBA).  (If you can’t make it exactly at 5:45 PM, please still feel free to stop by a little later!) 

We’ll be giving a quick recap of last year, discussing plans for this year as well as listening to your ideas and feedback. There are lots of different ways to get involved if you’re interested (beyond just the “asking for money” part). The Campaign for Elysian was a great success, but we need you (yes, YOU!) to help us set the next chapter.

At this annual meeting, we will also be confirming and adding new members and voting on our board and slate of officers. We will review these opportunities at the meeting, but if you think you might be interested in getting more involved and want to understand these roles before the meeting, please email us at friends@ecsnj.org.

It’s important that the Friends represent the interests of the entire Elysian community, so we hope you can join us.

Everyone is welcome!      

     PTSO Corner

Picture Day - School Picture Day is THIS Friday, October 20. Individual make-up day will be Friday, December 1. You may purchase photos in advance by cash or check, using the form sent home in backpacks, or you can pay online with a credit card. Please have children bring the form with them on Picture Day! After this Friday, only online orders will be accepted. Online ordering codes will be available to us after Picture Day.  

Halloween Party Date Change - Please note that the Elysian Halloween Party has been moved to Friday, October 27, from 6:30-8:30 pm.

Volunteers Needed for the Halloween Party - Please visit http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c44a4a629a2f49-elysian2 to sign up to volunteer or donate supplies!

Coin Challenge Returns - Start saving your pennies (and nickels, dimes and quarters too!). The Elysian Coin Challenge is returning the week of November 13.

PTSO Dues Reminder - Last Chance - It's not too late to send in your PTSO dues. We are asking $25 per student. Turn into the office in any envelope, with your children's name.

Mamas' Night 2 Hip Hop with Derrick
Thursday, October 19, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Gym
Please sign up.
Notes from the Nurse

Diane DeSombre, RN's email is nurse@ecsnj.org

Please contact her if your child is absent or will be tardy.

Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education
Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you! 
As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regularly.

    Wednesday, October 18
    • 1/2 Day of School for Staff Development, 12:30 PM Dismissal.  After School Program available as usual.
    • Hoboken High School Q & A, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Hillary's Room # 316
    Thursday, October 19
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM, 1600 Park
    • Fundraiser, Mama's Night 2 Hip Hop with Derrick, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM, Gym
    Friday, October 20
    • Picture Day!
    Monday, October 23
    • Track Practice, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM, 1600 Park
    • Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:00 PM
    • 6th Grade Trip
    Tuesday, October 24
    • 1st Grade Trip
    Wednesday, October 25 through Friday, October 27
    • 7th-8th Grade Overnight Trip
    Wednesday, October 25
    • Friends of Elysian Meeting, 5:45 PM, Room TBA
    Thursday, October 26
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM, 1600 Park 
    Friday, October 27
    • Elysian Halloween Party, Gym, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
    Monday, October 30
    • Track Practice 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM. 1600 Park
    • High School Night for parents of students 6th, 7th, and 8th, 5:30 PM   - 7:00 PM

    Thursday, November 2
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM, 1600 Park
    Friday, November 3
    • Open House for Prospective Parents, 8:45 AM
    Monday, November 6 
    • Track Practice, 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM, 1600 Park
    Thursday, November 9
    • 6th Grade Trip
    • 8th Grade Trip
    Friday, November 10
    • Veterans Day, Elysian Closed
    Monday, November 13
    • Track Practice, 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM, 1600 Park
    Monday, November 13 - Friday, November 17
    • Parent Conferences
    Wednesday, November 15
    • 1/2 Day of School
    Wednesday, November 22
    • 1/2 Day of School
    Thursday, November 23 - Friday, November 24
    • Thanksgiving Break, Elysian Closed
    Monday, November 27
    • Open House For Prospective Parents, 6:00 PM
    • Board Meeting 7:00 PM
    SAVE THE DATE - Mark Your Calendars
    Saturday, December 16 is KUUMBA Day!  More Info to Follow

    1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
    Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director | harry.laub@ecsnj.org | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
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