Good afternoon PTA leader,
We hope you're savoring all the blessings this holiday season brings—family, friends, and joyful moments. It’s hard to believe a brand-new year is just around the corner! As you begin considering what the new semester will bring, we hope you will set just a few simple goals.
First, take care of yourself and those you serve with, because strong teams thrive when everyone is supported. Together, we combine strengths, tackle challenges, and achieve more.
Second, continue working on membership. This legislative session is already shaping up to be one of the most significant in history when it comes to education. Our success very much depends on the momentum and influence we bring through a thriving and growing membership.
Finally, stay engaged. We hope you will attend Rally Day in Austin on February 24, 2025. It serves as the ceremonial start to our work this legislative session and is an amazing experience for students, family members, and school staff. We hope you can attend!
| Jennifer Easley
Texas PTA President
| | Michelle Jackson
Texas PTA Executive Director
Bill Pre-filing for the 89th Legislative Session |
November 12th was the first day legislators and legislators-elect could file bills for the 89th Legislature, and boy, did they! It was like a bill explosion, with over 1,500 pieces of legislation filed on the first day alone.
Some of the earliest bills address property taxes, healthcare, border and immigration, energy, elections, LGBTQ+ rights, guns, and of course, Public Education.
In an effort to offer schools more financial stability, separate bills were filed to change from the current attendance-based funding to an enrollment-based funding.
Several bills proposing various forms of a voucher program were filed and more are expected. HB 212 would allow the state to reimburse parents for enrolling their children in private schools, and any school-aged child would be eligible.
Several legislators filed bills that would determine what learning materials children are exposed to in school. One of those, HB 183, would allow the State Board of Education to prohibit districts from using library materials the SBOE considers “inappropriate” or “sexually explicit.”
As of this writing, there are over 425 bills in Texas PTA’s tracking file. The full list of these bills is on the Texas PTA website, and you can click on the link to each bill and it will take you to the Texas Legislature Online site and to the text of the bill.
It takes a majority, or 76 votes, to be elected Speaker of the House. After the November elections, the current Speaker, Representative Dade Phelan (Beaumont) believed he had enough votes to put down a challenge from Representative David Cook (Mansfield) who had garnered 48 out of the 88 commitments from the Republican Caucus.
On December 6th, when it became apparent Phelan would not have enough support from the remaining 40 Republicans, he announced he was dropping out of the race. As soon as Phelan withdrew, Representative Dustin Burrows (Lubbock), entered the race.
On December 7th, the Republican Caucus met to select a Republican nominee. After a reportedly contentious meeting, where Burrows and his supporters left the meeting, the Caucus nominated Cook.
Burrows stated he had enough commitments to be elected Speaker and released a bipartisan list of 76 supporters. Some Republican members asked for their names to be removed, reducing the list to less than a majority. Burrows has Democrat supporters, but not enough even coupled with his Republican support to reach 76.
Cook has no Democrats on his list of supporters, and it is thought his number of supporters is now in the low 50’s.
So, the House is at a standstill at the end of the 2024. It is looking like the Speaker’s race may not be decided until January 14, the first day of the session, when, as provided by the Texas Constitution, the House must elect a Speaker. A lot is riding on that vote, including who will be appointed committee chairs, and the general direction that the House will take on public policy issues.
Important Date for the 89th Legislature |
- Tuesday, January 14, 2025 ‖ Day 1 ‖ Regular Session convenes at noon
Legislators will be sworn in and the organizing work of appointing committees begins for the House and Senate. The House will no doubt be a little slower to organize as its leadership will be new. The Governor will announce his emergency items, which will allow the Legislature to begin hearing and voting on those bills sooner than other bills.
Thank a Texas Public School |
Public education has faced some big battles. It's time our schools hear a different message!
| This legislative session is already shaping up to be one of the most significant in history for education in Texas.
Our legislative success very much depends on the momentum and influence we bring through a thriving and growing membership.
How are your membership efforts going? What about others in your community? Check the Local Roster, keep up the great work, stay tuned for a special announcement, and remember:
| Mark Your Calendar & Grab Your Gear |
Feb. 24 - Rally Day 2025: Legacy in Action!
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