B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   M A Y  2 0 2 1
Returning to the Workplace: Hybrid Mode - Is it here to stay?

This past year called on our practice to think creatively about how we could effectively adapt and hone our firm's approach to workplace flexibility for the future. In the transition to a new mode of remote interaction and collaboration, we learned the ins and outs of virtual meeting platforms, leveraged our work with digital tools and resources for design collaboration and presentations, and emphasized strong communication to stay connected with our clients and with each other. 

As BNIM enters our next phase of returning back to the workplace, we will continue to put the lessons of the past year into practice with generosity, intentionality, and patience for others and for ourselves. We are sharing our plans to return to the workplace and some key steps our BNIM team is implementing for a healthy, safe, and organized transition back to our offices. 

R E A D   M O R E
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
I N   T H E   N E W S 
BNIM's Kevin Nordmeyer, Jason Kruse, and Policy Director at the Harkin Institute for Public Policy & Citizen Engagement, Amy Bentley, recently wrote a piece for the Des Moines Business Record,  “Creating an Inclusive Environment that Benefits Business Owners, Consumers and Employees," discussing the new home for the Harkin Institute on Drake University campus.
The facility was designed to create an accessible and equitable environment for Iowans with disabilities and to ensure that anyone entering the Harkin Institute has access to necessary support without having to ask for special accommodations. This is accomplished through generous space, equitable experiences, and proper technologies. Read the full article in the Des Moines Business Record.
B N I M   P E O P L E   +   C U L T U R E
This May, a group of BNIM team members worked with Veterans Community Project (VCP) to build a shelter pavilion in VCP Village of Kansas City. BNIM partnered with JE Dunn to help lead this volunteer effort with VCP to design and construct a new community pavilion. 
The Veterans Community Project provides Veterans across the U.S. with housing and support services. In Kansas City, Missouri, the VCP Village is a welcoming community of 49 tiny houses for Veterans with resources for "health and wellness, education, employment, financial literacy, and the development of a personal support network." 
Learn more about Veteran's Community Project.  

T H O U G H T - L E A D E R S H I P   S E R I E S

We look forward to sharing the beginning of a series of thought-leadership blog posts written by BNIM staff which highlight design specialties, areas of research, and unique project experiences. 
In the first installment of this series, BNIM Project Architect and Associate Principal, Brian McKinney discusses internal air control barriers in his blog post, "The Air We Breathe: Importance of Internal Air Control Barriers in Building Enclosures."  M O R E

mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnim, mindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. To subscribe, please click here
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