Dear International Student,
We are excited to launch Sunapsis—a new, improved system to manage international student and scholar cases and services. On March 18, Sunapsis will replace the system we currently use to manage your SEVIS (F and J Visa) records.
The system will transform how we support visa and document-related transactions throughout your entire lifecycle at UC San Diego. It will feature full integration with the Department of Homeland Security's Student & Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), promoting decrease processing times, compliance with F/J reporting requirements, and improve the overall international student and scholar experience at UC San Diego. In partnership with the Information Technology Services, key functionality will be implemented in phases throughout 2024.
How Might This Change Impact You?
ISEO’s Sunapsis Launch is scheduled in phases. During this initial phase, international students will not directly interface with Sunapsis. A second phase of implementation for student facing features in Sunapsis is scheduled for September 2024. Training and outreach will be provided to help prepare students in Summer 2024.
Processing Freeze: What to Expect
In preparation for the March 18th launch, ISEO must take certain steps to ensure the successful migration of data between systems, including thorough testing and user training. To accommodate the transition, a processing freeze will take effect. Between Saturday, March 9, 2024, through Sunday, March 17, 2024, ISEO's systems to process immigration documents will be unavailable.
NOTE: While students may continue to submit requests via, students may experience longer than normal processing times.
To ensure you are prepared for this period of downtime, please be mindful of the following dates:
- February 23, 2024 (FRI) at 4:00PM PST - Students are encouraged to submit iPortal Requests early and no later than Friday, Feb 23, 2024, to receive a due date before the processing freeze. Any submissions after this date may not be processed until after March 18, 2024.*
- March 8, 2024 (FRI) at 4:00PM PST - Students should keep track of pending requests. This will be the last day ISEO Advisors will complete immigration documents prior to freeze. All other requests will not be processed until after March 18, 2024.*
- March 9 -17, 2024 (SAT-SUN) - Processing Freeze In Effect
- Students may submit exceptions for urgent matters**
- While students and departments may continue to submit and review requests via, students may experience longer than normal processing times.
- March 18, 2024 (MON) - ISEO advisors will resume processing requests.
*The timelines provided are based on complete requests; we will make every effort to continue to process within our current processing timelines.
**During the March 9 to March 17 processing freeze ISEO will only process requests for urgent matters, specifically those facing travel or USCIS Application deadlines. All other urgent requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Students will retain access to advising (In-Person and Virtual) via
After Sunapsis Launch: What to Expect
On Monday, March 18, 2024, ISEO will regain the ability to process immigration documents submitted via iPortal.
- Longer than normal processing times: With any new change, we thank you in advance for your patience and support during the transition. Please expect longer than normal processing times as we return to processing post-launch. Students who need support with iPortal should contact ISEO by emailing or by connecting with an ISEO Advisor via
- Phase I Completion: ISEO’s Sunapsis Launch is scheduled in phases. During this initial phase, international students will not directly interface with Sunapsis. A second phase of implementation for student facing features in Sunapsis is scheduled for September 2024. Training and outreach will be provided to help prepare students in Summer 2024. Stayed tuned!
- Logging into When logging into, you may see updates, announcements, and experience a new interface in the months to come. Carefully read instructions provided to direct you to the right menu of services.
If you have any questions regarding the information above, please contact ISEO directly at
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