November Newsletter
November Newsletter

People Who Collaborate

Chris Colson, a regional biologist with Ducks Unlimited makes his home in Boise, Idaho but he spends a lot of time in Harney County as an active partner with the Harney Basin Wetland Initiative (HBWI). Chris manages a wetland and waterfowl conservation area that encompasses eastern Oregon and southern Idaho. Working with others within Ducks Unlimited as well as local and regional partners Chris works on conserving, restoring and enhancing wetlands like the wetlands of Harney Basin. This work is all-encompassing and incorporates elements of science, planning, policy, advocacy, education and outreach. “My interest in wetlands science and conservation began during my undergraduate time in college. That interest led to graduate research in wetland biogeochemistry in forested wetlands of the South. That forestry work then brought me to Idaho to assist in Boise Cascade Corporation research. I then worked briefly as a Bureau of Land Management botanist which positioned me for an ecologist position with an environmental consulting firm where I began cutting my teeth in wetland restoration and mitigation design. Then it was a short leap to Ducks Unlimited.” Read more.
Check out the article below about the replacement of Tyler and Sweek dams that is happening this fall. Chris has been instrumental toward new Tyler and Sweek dams becoming a reality.

Dam Replacement Projects Benefit Landowners and Wildlife

When the perfect storm of opportunity presents itself, it’s wise to take advantage of the situation, and that’s precisely what happened for the Harney Basin Wetlands Initiative in the form of grants awarded to demolish and replace two local dams, the Tyler and Sweek dams, that were falling into disrepair. Read more.
The video above is of the Silvies River gushing through the Sweek Dam this past April prior to its removal and replacement this fall.

Recognizing Jack Southworth

Wednesday, November 6 more than 20 individuals will be honored for their contributions to bettering Oregon's landscapes and a book, A Generous Nature, that profiles each of those honored, will be launched. Jack Southworth, a past High Desert Partnership board member, a Seneca rancher and a long-time facilitator of the Harney County Restoration Collaborative will be one of the individuals honored at this invitation only Oregon Community Foundation event at the Oregon Historical Society in Portland. We are very much looking forward to seeing the spotlight on Jack and meeting the other honorees. Watch for a recap of the evening in December's newsletter.

Learning The Learning Cycle

In Harney County we have an extraordinary and generous scientific community who enjoy sharing their knowledge and expertise in the community. These members of our community are teachers, biologists, naturalists, rangeland managers, wildlife managers and more. They participate in activities throughout the year to help our community learn more about the ecological treasures in Harney County. These dedicated scientists regularly participate in nature walks, field trips and field days, range and science camps, and other activities throughout Harney County. They are also always looking for ways to better encourage participants in more meaningful ways to create a stronger connection to their work. Read more.

Savoring Carp?!

Three brave, talented chefs: Bonnie Morales of Kachka; Aaron Barnett of St. Jack and Lyf Gildersleeve & Erik Englund of Flying Fish Company will be serving us delicious Malheur Lake carp at this year's Wetlands & Wellies, an annual fundraiser for Harney Basin Wetland Initiative partner The Wetlands Conservancy.  It will be an evening of new tastes including tasting some of the non-native foods that are living in our wetlands. Find more about this event here.

Strength In Diversity

"That diversity that often you see divides people around issues, we're using that diversity to come up with unique ideas and unique problem solving. That's what makes HDP successful is the people  . . . their relationships . . . and the diversity in thought perspective." ~Chad Karges
This is one thought shared from Chad Karges during a presentation and Q&A he, Gary Marshall and Brenda Smith gave at an event Friday, Sep 27 in Bend. This event was made possible through a partnership between City Club of Eugene and City Club of Central Oregon. Watch the talk for more about collaboration in Harney County. As one attendee to the event shared: "Wow, there's a lot going on in Harney County."

Reviving Malheur Lake

A short film about Malheur Lake, its current condition and what is being learned to help stage its revival.

Upcoming Events    

Tuesday, November 5 | Harney County Restoration Collaborative Meeting
Thursday, November 6 | Event at Oregon Historical Society Honoring more than 20 individuals and their contributions to Oregon, including Jack Southworth. The book A Generous Nature by Marcy Houle which features Jack and High Desert Partnership will be launched.
Thursday, November 14 | Wetland Conservancy's Wetlands & Wellies Annual Event
Thursday, November 14 | Harney County Wildfire Collaborative Meeting
Wednesday, November 20 | Harney Basin Wetlands Initiative Collaborative Meeting
Wednesday, November 20 | High Desert Partnership Board Meeting
Wednesday, December 18 | High Desert Partnership Board Meeting

Sagebrush Collaboration

A heavily researched story by professor and author Peter Walker of the strength and resilience of Harney County as the community faced a challenge it could have never anticipated.
Thanks to The Ford Family Foundation for adding Sagebrush Collaboration to their Select Books program. Select Books is an amazing program providing resources to educate and help us make a difference in our communities. If you live in Oregon or Siskiyou County, CA "you may order one copy of this book at NO CHARGE if you provide feedback about it."
Also, books can be purchased through Oregon State University PressThe Duck Store and Amazon

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