November Update – Trustee Sara
Friends, the days are getting shorter and darker, the news from around the world is difficult to take in, and it’s feeling like everything is just harder. For many, it’s feeling like everything we’ve worked and advocated so hard for is falling apart.
I’m feeling it too.
This month marked two years since I was elected as your public school trustee. Despite many challenges, I remain so honoured to be in this role. I hope you will continue to share your frank feedback on how I can better serve our community.
When I ran for office I knew that serving at this particular time would not be easy. But - I need to say it – it should also not have to be this hard.
Every day I am hearing from families who are finding the conditions in their local school and classroom unacceptable. I am hearing this more than before. And I agree with the concerns I’m hearing. It should not be this hard for parents and education workers to access very basic funding and support measures for children and schools.
There have now been multiple years of successive cuts to school-based staff at the TDSB due to provincial education funding not keeping pace with inflation. Multiple school boards are now facing deficit situations. There are fewer adults in school buildings despite very clear indications of higher student needs, keeping in mind families and children are still reeling from the impacts of pandemic shutdowns.
I’ve been asked several times why more people are not speaking out about this situation. I’ve included below links to media pieces over just the last few days that really highlight these issues.
Trustees, parents, the media, experts, are all speaking up. And I’m grateful to our MPP Peter Tabuns who has also been speaking up at Queens Park about the need for more supports in schools.
But we need a provincial government to truly listen, and to increase funding for more staffing inside schools. Our children deserve so much more and I believe it is within the means of our province to fund this for the sake of our children.
Whenever I’ve felt troubled I have always found hope in community through organizing. I am not giving up and I urge you not to either. I will keep organizing and advocating for public education and I hope you will too.
And I hope everyone will complete Ontario’s 2025 Budget Survey that recently opened and indicate that you wish for increased funding for education.
I’ve included a few links to upcoming winter events, I hope you’ll join in community and talk with friends, family and neighbours about what our schools need.
Take care,
TDSB Trustee, Toronto-Danforth