A New Semester Greeting from your University Chaplain
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Dear Jumbos,
Happy New Semester! As this first week of September draws to a close and I reflect on the many Orientation and Welcome events that have taken place across our campuses, I’ve been thinking about one of my favorite excerpts from theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book Life Together. He writes: “We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts.”
Now, this is definitely a time for giving thanks for the “big things:” rituals of welcome and return like Matriculation and the MD White Coat Ceremony, the Class of 2028 Illumination Ceremony and Senior Sunrise. I give thanks for new and returning students from around the world bringing treasures of accomplishments and aspirations. I give thanks for new and returning faculty inspiring and challenging students even as they change our worlds through their own writing and research. I give thanks for new and returning staff working tirelessly to make Tufts’ residence halls and dining centers, campus buildings and grounds, programs and activities places of true belonging.
But these are also days to give thanks for the “ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts:” hugging a friend you hadn't seen since finals ended in May; bumping into a favorite professor on the sidewalk; swapping stories of summer adventures from the lab to the beach; returning to your hallowed spot in your favorite library; getting coffee at Tamper; relishing the sunset on the Tisch Roof. These are the small-yet really not small–gifts of life together at Tufts that make the big ones possible. And they are the gifts of life together that have power to sustain us in the hard and holy work of community building, reimagining and healing we are called to do together in this, and every, time. I am grateful to begin this year at Tufts with all of you.
Pax et Lux, Peace and Light!
Elyse Nelson Winger
University Chaplain
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Photo spotlight
The 2024-2025 Interfaith Ambassador team kicked off the year together at a 24-hour retreat during Labor Day Weekend at Rolling Ridge in West Andover!
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Religious and Philosophical Events and Gatherings
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Our events and weekly gatherings are open to everyone in the Tufts community. You can find a calendar and descriptions of our regular events on our website. If you have an idea for a gathering or event, please contact the University Chaplaincy.
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Welcome Back BBQ Shabbat
Friday, Sep. 6th, 5:30PM - 7:30PM, Granoff Family Hillel Center, 220 Packard Ave.
Welcome back to campus! Join Tufts Hillel for Welcome Back Shabbat. More upcoming events can be found on the Hillel website.
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Spanish/English Bilingual Mass
Sunday, September 8th from 5:00PM - 6:00PM at Goddard Chapel
Misa bilingüe en ingles y español
Domingo, 8 de Septiembre (cada segundo Domingo del mes)
Cada segundo domingo del mes, vamos a celebrar la misa bilingüe. Nosotros queremos que ustedes nos ayuden en planificar con la selección de música, cantando o participar en el coro, leyendo escrituras, y escribir oraciones. Nuestra guía de adoración proporciona la lectura en ambos idiomas, con toda la música y lecturas en español y la homilía en inglés. Estos contribuciones son una bendición para nuestra comunidad y nosotros tenemos la esperanza que vas a traer sus espíritus de tradiciones a Tufts. Contacte a jose.rodriguez_sanchez@tufts.edu para aprender más o para inscribiste para ayudar!
Sunday, September 8 (every second Sunday of the month)
Every second Sunday of the month, we celebrate Bilingual Mass. We would love for you to help us plan with music selection, singing or performing in the choir, reading scripture, and writing prayers. Our worship aid provides the readings in both languages, with all music and readings in Spanish and the homily in English. These services are such a blessing to our community, and we hope you will bring the spirit of your traditions to Tufts! Email jose.rodriguez_sanchez@tufts.edu to learn more or sign up!
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Donuts & Prayers hosted by Tufts Daily Flame
Tuesday, September 10th at 6:00PM on Prez Lawn
Join Tufts Daily Flame for a time of fellowship and sumptuous Dunkin' Donuts on Prez lawn. We will pray together and look at a few power scriptures to strengthen us this semester. You do not have to, but you can bring a verse to share. We would love to hear what verses are encouraging you as well. For more information, please email tuftsdailyflame@gmail.com.
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Otherwise Humanisms with Tisch Library and the Humanist Chaplaincy
Wednesday, September 11th from 12:00 PM-1:15 PM at Tisch Library in the Tower Gallery
Join Tisch Library and the Humanist Chaplaincy this month for "Otherwise Humanisms," a curated collection exploring humanist perspectives beyond Western modernity. Starting on September 11, come engage in thoughtful conversations with Humanist Chaplain Anthony Cruz Pantojas every Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m. at Tisch Library.
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Voices for Peace and Light
Rehearsals begin Thursday, September 12th from 12:10PM to 1:10PM at Goddard Chapel
All are welcome to sing with Voices for Peace and Light, the University Chaplaincy's interfaith, intergenerational choir. Membership is drawn from the greater Tufts community - students, faculty, staff, alum, and neighbors. We welcome experienced choral singers and people brand new to choral music. Please contact Music Director Suzie Cartreine at chaplaincymusic@tufts.edu for more information.
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True Colors Dinner and General Interest Meeting
Wednesday, September 18th from 6:00PM - 7:00PM at the LGBT Center, 2nd Floor, 226 College Ave
True Colors is an interfaith gathering of students at the LGBT Center for community-building, conversation, crafts, and other relaxing activities. Our focus is on the intersection of queer and spiritual identities in whatever way you understand that. Join us for this general interest meeting with dinner and time to brainstorm ideas for the fall, hosted by Protestant Chaplain Dan Bell. Contact: Daniel.Bell@tufts.edu.
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Resources and Opportunities
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Apply to be a Choral Scholar with Voices for Peace and Light Apply by Friday, September 13th
The Voices for Peace and Light Choir is the University Chaplaincy's community choir, welcoming students, staff/faculty, and local singers of all experience levels. We are hiring four section leaders (SATB) for the 2024-2025 academic year - all Tufts graduate and undergraduate students are invited to apply via Handshake. You can find the link to the application below, and you can email Music Director Suzie Cartriene with any questions.
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Apply to be a Piano Scholar with the University Chaplaincy Apply by Friday, September 13th
The University Chaplaincy is hiring two advanced student pianists to serve as Piano Scholars for the 2024-25 year. Piano Scholars will be coached in the art of service playing by the University Chaplaincy Music Director. Following a period of instruction and observation, the Piano Scholars will gradually take over responsibilities of playing for the Protestant Evening Worship services (Sunday evenings, 7 PM.) The Piano Scholars are paid positions, secured by audition. For more information, please contact Music Director Suzie Cartreine.
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Upcoming Religious Celebrations and Observances
To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, including information about seeking religious accommodations at Tufts, please follow the link to the Tufts Multifaith Calendar.
Paryusana Festival Fri., Aug. 30 – Sat., Sep. 7, 2024 Tradition: Jainism Considered the holiest period of the year, these eight days are marked for Jains by fasting, meditation, prayer and public readings of the life story of Lord Mahavira. Observed especially by the followers of the Shvetambara sect, Paryusana concludes on Samvatsari, the most solemn occasion of self-scrutiny and forgiveness. On this day, Jains ask for forgiveness from their relatives and friends for any offense they may have committed by deed, word or thought. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work and may include fasting.
Ganesh Chaturthi Fri., Sep. 6, 2024 Tradition: Hinduism A celebration of Ganesh’s birthday, one of the major Hindu deities. Ganesh, who has the head of an elephant, is the God of Success and is invoked at the beginning of all new undertakings. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
Das Laxana Festival Sun., Sep. 8 – Tue., Sep. 17, 2024 Tradition: Jainism In the Paryusana Festival of Jain Digumbar Sect, this is 10-day festival that is considered to be a holy convocation. During these days, Jains impose some restraints on their daily activities by fasting, meditation and prayer. The last day of Paryusana is the most solemn occasion of forgiveness and the examination of one's own thoughts and feelings. On this day, Jains ask for forgiveness from their relatives and friends for any offense they may have committed by deed, word or thought. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work and may include fasting.
Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos Sun., Sep. 8, 2024 Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox
The Feast commemorates the birth of the Mother of Jesus Christ.
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Support the University Chaplaincy
Supporting programs at Tufts University in religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life is easy and vital to our work. To donate, please click on the button below. Thank you for your generosity.
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The University Chaplaincy is a dynamic hub supporting religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life for all members of the Tufts community. We provide spiritual care, support religious and philosophical communities, educate about spiritual and ethical issues in society and the world, and promote multifaith engagement.