April 8, 2021 | 26 Nisan 5781
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Hebrew College Inaugural Arts Initiative Exhibit "Faith in Isolation Expressed" Opens April 12
“All religions have beautiful things to share with one another. I want to show how different religious practitioners who were isolated from their communities were strengthened by their faith, revealing the core values of their inherent purpose. I want to show how they embraced this time with grit and grace.” — Photographer and Curator Brenda Bancel
The exhibit will be open for public viewing by appointment in Hebrew College's Cutler Atrium from April 12 through June 6.
Hebrew College is grateful that our Arts Initiative is supported by Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston’s Arts and Culture Initiative. (Pictured above, online service at Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley, MA.)
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"Faith in Isolation Expressed" Multifaith Panel
“This thoughtful and evocative exhibit provides us with a much-needed context to process all that we have experienced over the past year—loneliness, loss, gratitude, and hope. Our panel discussion and other programming will allow for powerful sharing across traditions.” — Rabbi Or Rose, Founding Director, Hebrew College Miller Center
Panelists include: Rabbi Or Rose, Miller Center founding director; Dr. Celene Ibrahim, author of Women and Gender in the Qur’an and editor of One Nation, Indivisible: Seeking Liberty and Justice from the Pulpit to the Streets; and Shively T. J. Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of New Testament at Boston University School of Theology.
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Hebrew College Arts & Culture: Looking Ahead
Hebrew College is kicking off its Arts Initiative with the "Faith in Isolation Expressed" photography exhibit and multifaith panel, and there is much more to come! Hebrew College established its Arts and Culture Initiative in keeping with the College’s long-standing mission of fostering love of Torah, social justice, pluralism, and creativity. All exhibitions will provide public access to learning and on-going conversation.
Next up, the Arts Committee plans to curate a second show in fall 2021 entitled “Seeing Torah,” a visual diary documenting artist Anita Rabinoff-Goldman’s study and artistic response to the 54 Torah portions over the cycle of a single Jewish year.
Hebrew College is grateful to our Arts Committee members for their dedication, creativity, and love of learning. Members include Deborah Feinstein, Founding Chair and Board of Trustees Member; Nancy Kaplan Belsky; Dorothea Buckler; Bette Ann Libby; Joshua Meyer; and Susan Schechter.
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Why Aaron Had No Words
Parashat Shemini (Leviticus 9:1-11:47) By Leah Carnow, Hebrew College rabbinical student
There is a story told in Avot D’Rabbi Natan that when the son of Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai dies, his students come to comfort him. One by one, each of the students brings up a figure from the Torah who has also experienced the loss of a child. And each time, Yohanan ben Zakkai responds exactly the same way, saying: “Isn’t it enough that I have my own pain, and now you’re reminding me of their pain as well?”
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Hebrew College Spring Event Sneak Peek
Join us for Hebrew College's annual spring event on May 2, when we will hear multiple voices from Hebrew College and the wider Jewish community answer the question "What makes a community?" (Watch two responses above.) We also will celebrate five visionary community leaders: Beverly Bavly, Nancy Kaplan Belsky, Susan Schechter, Myra Snyder, and Diane Troderman.
RSVP to join us for a short Welcome Reception at 4:50 p.m., followed by the program from 5 to 5:30 p.m. Free admission. Gifts, sponsorships, and tributes are appreciated. Tribute deadline: April 16.
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Blessing for the Mayor of Boston Hebrew College alumna Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum`14 delivered one of the blessings to new Boston mayor, Kim Janey, at a March 26 interfaith service. Listen to her blessing at 24:42 of the video here.
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Calling All Prozdor Alumni
Reconnect with your Prozdor classmates and other alumni at our virtual Spring Prozdor Alumni Reunion on April 27 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. EST. Join us for this special evening of learning with Prozdor teachers Norman Finkelstein, Matthew Lowe, and Rabbi Laura Bellows`18.
This event is open to all Prozdor grads. Please share with your former classmates! We also encourage you to update your information so we can stay in touch as Hebrew College gets ready to celebrate our Centennial in 2022.
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Hebrew College Virtual Spring Events
"Faith in Isolation Expressed" Photography Exhibit Sponsored by the Hebrew College Arts Initative and the Miller Center April 12-June 6 | M-F by appointment Learn more
Faith in Isolation: A Multifaith Panel Discussion Sponsored by the Hebrew College Arts Initative and the Miller Center Featuring Rabbi Or Rose; Celene Ibrahim, Ph.D.; and Shively T.J. Smith, Ph.D. April 18 | 5-6:15 p.m. EST Learn more
Hebrew College Me'ah Graduation April 22 | 6:30-8 p.m. EST Learn more
Third Jewish Climate Action Conference Hebrew College & co-sponsors April 25 | 11 a.m.-7 p.m. EST Learn more
Spring Hebrew College Prozdor Alumni Reunion April 27 | 7:30-8:30 p.m. EST Learn more
Bathing in Resplendence: A Breath Lab Full Moon Workshop with Batya Ellinoy, Hebrew College rabbinical student April 29 | 7-8:30 p.m. EST Learn more
Hebrew College Virtual Spring Event: What Makes a Community? May 2 | Welcome Reception 4:50-5 p.m. | Program 5-5:30 p.m. EST Learn more
18th Annual Connie Spear Birnbaum Memorial Lecture and Chai Anniversary Celebration featuring Yossi Klein Halevi Hosted by the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts Co-sponsored by Hebrew College May 2 | 12:30 p.m. EST Learn more
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