Reflection by Rachel Polzer ’19
Reflection by Rachel Polzer ’19
Light From The Bluff
March 2020 - Issue 36

Scripture Reflection

“Direct my heart toward your testimonies and away from gain.” 
Psalm 119:36
I first came across this verse in the Liturgy of the Hours, the cycle of prayers and scripture prayed daily by the Church. The scripture translation I initially read differed a little: “Incline my heart according to your will, O God!” This struck me as the most perfect prayer. We are called to live our lives according to God’s will, not our own, so asking for God to help us direct our hearts toward Him reminds us of this.
This fall I found myself in a time of transition. I’d finished the PACE program at UP and no longer lived in an intentional community. It was up to me to find community and make a home for myself. But I felt conflicted – what I’d thought I wanted for the past few years was changing. The new friendships I was forming were challenging me, opening me up to new people and possibilities. I felt the inner conflict of not knowing what was coming next, not being able to plan every last detail of my life. I wanted to have control of my life’s trajectory and timeline. But in a variety of ways, God reminded me that that’s not my place. I can’t be in control of everything, not if I want to live my life for Him. 
In this time of transition and change, this verse became my mantra, my constant prayer: “Direct my heart toward your testimonies and away from gain.” All those plans that I’d had, all the ways in which I wanted to control my life, were distracting me from my true calling: living according to God’s will. What good is earthly gain, if heavenly goodness is sacrificed? Our temporal gain is insignificant, superficial, when held up next to the glory of God’s will. I find myself constantly reminded—in little ways and in great—that our human wills are so often misguided. God’s will is all we need. 
I had a conversation with a friend in which he spoke about the beauty of uniformity with God’s will: uniting, not merely conforming, our wills to God’s. Only this unity will bring us true peace and joy. In asking God to direct our hearts toward His testimonies and away from our own selfish desires, we are asking Him to unite our wills with His. This brings us closer to perfect unity with God, which is closer to the experience of Heaven.
Reflection by Rachel Polzer ’19
Each month we feature a member of the UP community using Scripture to reflect on a time of transformation or growth in their faith. If you're interested in contributing to a future issue, please email for more information.

Best of Portland Magazine 

Image of Portland and Mt. Hood as seen from The Bluff on a winter day
"A Sin" by Brian Doyle
“We forget all too easily that the wriggle of holy is born only through the stammer and stumble of us, who are always children. So we turn again and again to each other, and bow, and ask forgiveness, and mill what mercy we can muster from the muddle of our hearts..."
Read more here.

Media of the Month

Text: "I don't wanna go." Image: Grove of trees.
"I Don't Wanna Go" by Chris Renzema
This month's media piece is a song from Christian and Gospel songwriter Chris Renzema.
"I Don't Wanna Go," from his 2018 album "I'll Be The Branches," explores trust in God from the perspective of various Biblical characters amidst their own struggles and sudden changes.
Listen here.

Corners of Campus

The first page of the book of Genesis from the St. John's Bible
The Clark Library at UP is home to a Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible, the first completely handwritten and illuminated Bible to have been commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey since the invention of the printing press. In creating the edition found at UP, special ink, paper, and printing techniques were used to replicate the original. Only 299 of these copies were produced, and UP exhibits the only complete set in the state of Oregon.
A volume of The Saint John’s Bible is visible in the display case on the Clark Library’s main floor. Guests can visit the Library to view the currently displayed page, or schedule an appointment to view a specific volume.
Explore the Saint John’s Bible Online
Is there a place or experience on The Bluff that has spiritual meaning to you? Let us know so that we can feature it!

A Verse for March

Text: "Give me back the joy of your salvation, and a willing spirit sustain in me. Psalm 51:12" Image: Blossom at UP and the bell tower. | 503.943.7328 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203
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