Reflection by Jack Padon ’19
Reflection by Jack Padon ’19
Light From The Bluff
February 2020 - Issue 35

Scripture Reflection

“But when you give to the poor, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Matthew 6:3–4
I find it curious that God gave us such instructions on the “best way” to give to others. I imagine that Christ, understanding the inner workings of human beings, knew exactly what He was doing by inviting us to sneak in a good deed in secret.

What if one time this week – when the thought of doing something good for someone arises –you let yourself do it, and better yet, you try your best to not let them know you are behind it? Imagine, your colleague at work is stressed, busy beyond belief. Their work is behind, they are craving an extra kick to get them through, and you notice. While they are gone for another cup of coffee, you slip a few complimenting words of encouragement on a sticky note, post it to their keyboard, and leave the scene like you stole the cookie from the cookie jar. With all your might, you try not to get caught and oh, the giddy five-year-old in you enjoys the commanded game of hide-n-seek. For that short moment you look up to God in secret...and giggle. 

You may or may not get caught in your secret do-goodery, but then it hits you. The Father has already rewarded you. You have lost complete sight of the begrudging email in draft requesting overdue work from that one difficult colleague, and you have forgotten the sighing fact that you too are harried and overworked. Instead of spending a stressful minute whacking up a tough email, you have created an inside joke with God, through which God shared with you a glimpse into one of His favorite activities – sneaking good into people’s lives. And you are on the receiving end.

God subtly weaves blessings into the backdrop of our lives to which we do not pay attention – birds chirping behind the morning alarm, a soft breeze on our habitual way out the door, an unexpected jam that comes on the radio, a funny message sent from a loved one, or an unexpected compliment when we need it. God adorns us with sneaky little gifts hinting toward how much He loves us. When we secretly do the same to others who are poor in finance, in spirit, or in encouragement, God joins in on our secret, and reveals to us the sneaking good He has been doing for us all day long.
Reflection by Jack Padon ’19
Each month we feature a Scripture reflection written by a member of the UP community. If you're interested in contributing to a future issue, please email for more information.

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Lenten Resources

There are just over two weeks left before the beginning of the season of Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday on February 26. Check out some of the resources below to start thinking ahead to how you want to utilize this time of preparation for Easter.
Why Ashes?
Have you ever attended an Ash Wednesday service and wondered about the ashes placed on our foreheads? Listen to this short reflection about Ash Wednesday’s deeper meanings given by Fr. Mike Schmitz.
Lent Playlist
Looking for different music to listen to during the Lenten season? Check out this playlist by the Vigil Project, featuring some of their own original music plus a variety of Christian and secular tracks.
The Purpose of Lent
Do people “give things up” during Lent merely for self-improvement? Read this reflection from the Grotto Network about how our Lenten practices can go a bit deeper than the resolutions we take on at New Year’s.

A Quote for February

Either we learn to find our Lord in ordinary, everyday life, or we shall never find him. ~St. Josemaria Escriva | 503.943.7328 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203
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