AUGUST 6, 2020

We're Preparing for the Safe Return to School

This week Governor John Carney announced that all school districts are in scenario 2  in regards to the Safe Return to School Process. What does that mean for Colonial? 

Our plans for remote and face to face learning will move forward as stated. A robust instructional schedule, for both remote and face-to-face options,  is being developed now.  Colonial’s Safe Return to School teams are working very hard on plans for what the “new normal” will look like. 

What’s happening this week:
  • We are determining our teacher's schedules for teaching. We will be surveying our staff in the near future to help with planning for both face to face and remote teaching options.
  • The Governor announced the state will provide free COVID-19 testing for teachers and staff before the school year begins, and monthly testing will be done throughout the school year with an at-home testing option.  He stated that districts throughout the state will also host community testing sites for students wishing to get tested before the school year begins.  We will inform the public of these dates when they become available.  
  • This is a reminder, you can be tested at any time. Get more information at

Summer Learning Comes to an End

From July 6 through August 6 this summer, Colonial offered more than 100 students in grades 1-8 a virtual learning experience so they could continue to grow academically, socially, and emotionally.  Tools such as interactive whiteboards, breakout rooms, and video and game-based learning tools were used to combat what educators call the "summer slide."

WE Feed!

During the pandemic,  WE HAVE provided over 530,706 MEALS to children in our community.  Thank you to our staff who made this possible!

You make us WHO WE ARE!!!!!

WE Need Your Help

We all know the last part of the school year was taxing on our students, staff, and families.  The upcoming school year will have similar challenges for students who are returning to school, and for students who will continue remote learning at home.  Adults can help to emotionally prepare students for our “new normal” by doing the following things: 

● Talk with your child about their feelings about the situation; acknowledging and
validating those feelings (grief, disappointment, worry, relief, etc.)  Supporting children to
recognize and name their emotions helps them develop self-awareness.
● Check-in with your own state of well-being.  Ensure that you are naming your own
emotions and finding ways to help yourself manage and regulate, which in turn will
enable you to better support your child.

 Remote or Distance Learning
● If your child was involved in remote learning in the spring, talk about what
worked well and what they would like to be different.  Think about scheduling that
works for your family, including taking time for breaks and when your child will complete
independent work.
● Help your child set up their distance learning workspace in a way that supports
their individual needs (ex: whether they like to sit, stand, or lie on their bellies; what
makes them physically comfortable to do their best learning)

Face- to- Face Learning
● Help prepare your child for what school will now be like--wearing and caring for a
mask, washing and sanitizing hands frequently, understanding that the classroom will
look VERY different from how it did in March, maintaining physical distance from others
● Reach out to teachers and school staff with questions/concerns as you would
during any other year
Final Point:
● Reassure your child that even though school looks different, their teachers and school
staff are still there to care about and support them and help them move forward in their

WE Must Stay Informed!

Please continue to view our weekly instructional videos designed to help students and adults. This week, more about the importance of social distancing can be viewed below.

WE Are Proud of You!

Colonial’s District Teacher of the Year for 2020-2021 was recently featured on 6ABC for being a special teacher to students at McCullough Middle School.  Thank you  Khayee Bey for representing Who WE Are!  To view, click the link below:
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