Recent interest rate fluctuations have caused shifts in market activity, with some buyers converging on available listings and others waiting for rates to drop. Sellers have been hesitant to let go of their favorable mortgages, leading to low inventory. Find our full market recap here.
News + trends.
Black-owned businesses are reanchoring in the Central District
Seattle's Black community sees new paths to property ownership through prospective purchases of commercial spaces in the CD. A Black arts nonprofit is the first to to the table by purchasing a retail storefront within a larger building. READ MORE
Wash. needs 1M new housing units by 2044 to meet demand
A recent population projection suggests that the state will need thousands of new units a year to house its residents.
A fresh coat of paint makes all the difference. This year, color is back in a big way — monochromatic rooms are shaking things up, covering spaces from floor to ceiling in vibrant hues, with furniture and accents to match.
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