March 16, 2022  

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Southern Christian Services

Kelsey Neeley with Southern Christian Services joined us in worship Sunday, March 13,  to let us know more about their important work in providing safe, loving homes for children and teens. If you would like to know more, or are considering being a foster parent, please visit
We at PHUMC share many of our prayer quilts with children sponsored through this organization.  Watch the video here that was aired during our service:
This Lent we remember, celebrate and practice embodied faith. Each Sunday we will lift a story of Jesus and reflect on what Jesus teaches us about practicing embodied faith.  Last Sunday we found Jesus lamenting over Jerusalem and giving us the image of a mother hen caring for her chicks; you may find the service here. This Sunday Jesus gives us the image of the gardener.  I hope to see you there. I invite you to pray over how God is calling you this season to practice embodied faith. We have given some ways you can more fully enter this season but go where the Spirit leads!  No matter how you choose to walk through this season, we ALL walk it together.  May we observe a Holy Lent.  May we practice an embodied faith.
This Sunday: Luke 13:1-9/TheCare of a Gardener


Sunday, March 20th Kids’ Ministry Meeting immediately following worship in the Garden Multipurpose Room to plan the Easter Egg Hunt. All parents and guardians are invited to attend. Childcare will be provided. For more information, contact Brooke Grant at
Watch our live services, view this week's worship bulletin during the broadcast, register your attendance online, and interact with other members of our community all in one place at! Past services can be rewatched at this site as well. 

For youth: ENGAGE will be out and about this week! On Sunday, March 20 at 5:30 pm we're meeting at Newk's on Highland Colony Parkway to share dinner and talk about what it's like to make reading the Bible a habit. Bring money for dinner. 
Women's Ministry Night Out!
Join the women of Parkway Hills for a night of dinner and fellowship.
Thursday, March 24 @ 6 pm
Georgia Blue
RSVP to Megan Mawhorter by Tuesday, March 22.

Easter Yard Signs
Part of practicing embodied faith is sharing the hope that is our gospel story.  We share the hope when we invite others to come hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and join us in our mission and ministry as church together.  One easy way is to purchase a yard sign for Easter.  They are $8 and will be available for pickup in the office March 20.  You can pay via our mobile app or online (look for Easter yard sign!) or bring a check to the office. We only have 50, so it will be first come, first serve. 
Parkway Hills Women's Ministry is planning a plant swap for the month of May.  If you are currently dividing plants and wondering what to do with the bounty you may have, hang on to it and bring it to our plant swap!  If you are not blessed with a green thumb, don't worry, you can do like Pastor Dawn will do and just buy a plant to bring.  See Chere Peel if you have questions. More info to come on this gathering and other women's ministry opportunities.  

The lay leadership of the East Jackson and West Jackson Districts are excited to announce our next Lay Servant Ministries School which will take place on Saturday, April 9, 2022 at Clinton First United Methodist Church, 100 Mt. Salus Road, Clinton, MS.  To register and for more information about Lay Servant Ministries click here.  

Meeting This Week:    
Handbells meet in the Choir Room every Thursday 9-10 am. Join us!
Choir practice this Sunday evening at 6:00 pm. Have a musical gift you would like to share? Reach out to our Director of Music, David White:
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room,
via Zoom.
                 ** PLEASE NOTE: there is a new meeting ID and Password!                                                **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 328 170 485
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Prayer Quilt Ministry will not meet this Monday, March 21,  but will resume meeting the following Monday from Noon to 3:00. 
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create comforting quilts for children in distress. 
 March Communion Offering $1,505.00
United Methodist  Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Gifts to support humanitarian needs for those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries through UMCOR international disaster response, Advance #982450.
 To donate to Communion offering, text $any amount followed by the word Communion to 601-509-4735. 
Year to Date, February 2022
Income: $84,166.83
Expenses: $107,305.07
Stewardship Goal:  "Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Principal Balance: $163,307.79
(Only 10 remaining payments!)
         Gifts have been received for Boy Scout Troop 164                   in memory of Rick Kolar
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