August 17, 2022  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

This fall as we engage in worship together, we will think deeply about our call as disciples of Jesus Christ.  What does it mean to be a disciple?  How does it look?  How do I invite others into a life of discipleship?  “Disciple Like Jesus: Making Disciples Like Jesus Who Make Disciples Like Jesus” by Phil Maynard and Eddie Pipkin will guide our worship and time of discussion. The staff and leadership team at Parkway Hills is reading through this book and we invite our church family to read alongside us. We have a link to a FREE electronic version of the book or you may order a hard copy from your favorite bookseller. 
We will offer two nights this fall for discussion and sharing around what we have read, heard, and learned, Wednesday, September 28 and Wednesday, October 26 @ 6:30. We are part of a global church whose stated mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the worldWe believe Jesus made a difference in our world and we believe as disciples of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we, too, can make a difference in our world. May we indeed follow in the footsteps of Jesus welcoming, growing, serving, and celebrating as disciples of Jesus Christ. May we live into the words we sing each and every Sunday, living to be more like Jesus, this is our call. I hope to see you each Sunday in worship, and I hope you will reach out and invite someone into this journey of faith with us. If you need to miss, remember, you can always engage in worship and give online.   

Reminder: Don't miss this Sunday's important meeting immediately following the August 21 worship service. There will be a light lunch and volunteer information meeting in the Garden Room for Children's Ministry current and new volunteers. We plan to cover the many ways one can volunteer in this department - so all volunteers are welcome! We hope to see many new faces there to encourage and assist in the formation of our children's faith at PHUMC as we begin a new chapter. 

This meeting will also cover the multiple ways to volunteer and assist in the fall calendar events, Sunday School rotations and curriculum, Extended Session Worship rotations and formation and more. 

Come and hear all the various ways you can be a presence in the lives of our PHUMC kids. RSVP with Rev. Haven at
Acolyte training will be available Sunday, August 28.  All children will meet in the Garden at 9:30. Children in 1st grade through 5th grade will be walked over to the Worship Center to begin training at 9:45 with Rev. Haven. An acolyte rotation schedule will be created starting for Sunday, Sept. 4. 
PHUMC Youth 
We had a great time kicking off the year at our annual parent/guardian and youth meeting! If you couldn't be there, click here to get caught up from our notes for the meeting
Engage, our youth Sunday nights for food, fun, fellowship, and Bible study, starts back this week from 5:30-7:30pm! Note the new, longer time.
     Adults, we have a few more needs remaining for Sunday night plus some special events coming up. To provide dinner or volunteer for Engage Bible study nights, click here. For other fall semester events, click here or contact Geoff for more info.

If you have a used laptop you don't need, Lisa Shelby in our congregation needs one for one of her college children.You can let Linda in the church office know.

We took 37 jars of peanut butter to MadCAAP this week. So far in 2022 our Parkway Hills kids have provided 134 jars of peanut butter to the food pantry at MadCAAP. They were especially grateful this time as the need is great and they are running low on supplies, so keep bringing in that peanut butter and helping us feed hungry bellies! 
We also took them a box of Bombas Socks (250 pairs) and boxes of canned goods donated by PHUMC members.
It was a good day to serve. Thank you Parkway Hills family for reaching out in love. #habitatforhumanity #womenbuild
Meeting This Week:    
PHUMC Homeless Ministry served at Grace Place this morning. 
Leadership Team meeting tonight, Wednesday at 6:00 in the Garden.
Handbells are taking the month of August off. See you Thursday, September 1.
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room,
via Zoom.
   **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting id number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Children's Ministry Volunteer Meeting
Sunday, immediately following Worship Service
in the Garden, lunch served.

Choir Practice at 6:00 this Sunday. 

Prayer Quilt Ministry Mondays, from Noon to 3:00. 
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create comforting quilts for children in distress. 

August Communion supports
Mississippi Choctaw Mission,
 an extension ministry of the Mississippi United Methodist Church. The Choctaw Mission 
creates programs that reach out in service and education to the 10,000 tribal members of the Choctaw people in Mississippi to address life management skills for children, youth and young adults, to meet needs of health and education, and to share hope.
August Communion to date: $565.00
Year to Date, July 2022
Income: $334,641.99
Expenses: $392,463.97
Stewardship Goal:  "Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Principal Balance as of August 5: $63,781.65
(Only 4 remaining payments!)      

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