Dear Faculty:
Happy New Year! We hope you had a restful and rejuvenating winter break. As we step into a new semester, the Center for Faculty Development is here to support you with resources, workshops, and programs designed to enrich your teaching, scholarly/creative work, and leadership/professional growth.
See below for announcements and upcoming events and opportunities. Of special note, it is FSR season! Please see the emails from the Office of the Provost (sent on 11/20 and 11/22) for more information and for a link to the FSR form. Some colleges have specialized instructions that would have been sent to you separately by the Dean of your college. To support you as you work on your FSR, we have an FSR Workroom this week and our directors will have office hours starting next week, in case you have questions or need guidance with your FSR. See below for more detail.
We also have information below about an exciting new leadership series we’ll be running this semester.
Wishing you a successful and fulfilling semester ahead!
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We are happy to announce our new 2025 Faculty Fellows!
Office of Center for Faculty Development: Jordan Freitas (CMSI) Office of Mission and Ministry: Elizabeth Drummond (HIST) Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Keisha Chin Goosby (SOE) and Ivy Fofie (CMST) The Coelho Center for Disability Law Policy and Innovation: Amanda Apgar (WGST)
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You may recall that last semester we raffled off 5 spots to the Lilly Conference in San Diego. Here is our list of winners! We hope you all enjoy the conference this week.
- Jalylah Burrell (AFAM)
- Kenneth Jackson (PSYC)
- Nora Murphy (PSYC)
- Corrina Laughlin (CMST)
- Elham Ghashghai (ECE)
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Spring 2025 Leadership Series: Impactful Leadership for Enhancement, Adaptation, and Decision-making (iLEAD)
We are grateful for the feedback that you provided by completing the Leadership Needs Assessment Survey in Spring 2024 and by participating in focused interviews in August 2024. The Center for Faculty Development is piloting a leadership development experience for Spring 2025 (January-April) that is designed to provide the training that you have asked for through skill-focused professional development. We plan to offer this experience in Spring 2025 and then repeat it annually. We will be offering a series of six workshops focused on three areas:
- 2 workshops on Strategic Decision Making - 2 workshops on Trust Building - 2 workshops on Leadership Development Faculty can take as many of these workshops as they like. If a faculty member completes any two of the six workshops, then they will receive a picnic backpack with everything you need for an outdoor event or adventure (see image below)
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If a faculty member completes four of the six workshops and participates in a 1:1 leadership development planning session for 2025-2026 (30-minutes) then they will receive a leadership certificate for completion of the Leadership Level 1 Series from the CFD and a Remarkable writing/note-taking instrument to support the implementation of their leadership development plan and university service during the 2025-2026 academic year.
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You can find more information (including workshops dates and sign-up information) here.
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New Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on Intellectual Virtues in the LMU Classroom
This semester we will have a new FLC designed to bring together an interdisciplinary group of faculty who are interested in reflecting on the nature of intellectual virtues and how we might go about strengthening them in our students. The main readings for this FLC will focus, in particular, on curiosity, open-mindedness, intellectual humility, intellectual courage, and intellectual perseverance. The discussions will be wide-ranging and fun! For anyone interested in joining in, you can contact either Jason Baehr ( or Dan Speak (
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Thurs, 1/9 10:00 – 3:00pm in Uhall 3030: FSR Workroom (In-Person)
Want some company as you work on completing your 2023-2024 FSR? Join us in the CFD on Thursday, January 9th as we share space with other faculty members to work on FSRs. Email Sarah Adeyinka-Skold ( with any questions or concerns!
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Mon, 1/27 12:00 – 1:45pm in Uhall 3030: Do the Work, Don’t Let the Work Do You! - Watch Party (In-Person)
Join our communal watch party of the NCFDD's Core Curriculum Skill #2: "How to Align Your Time With Your Priorities." Are you unfamiliar with the NCFDD? Do you know what it is but haven't yet had the time to explore it? Are you a big fan and dying to share the NCFDD with your fellow faculty? Then come join us and let's crack open the NCFDD together! This interactive webinar watch-party will provide you with a practical approach to your work week so that you can better meet your goals, build in your scholarly and creative practice, and regain your personal time. The information will be presented visually, aurally, and through activities for multiple points of access and engagement. Faculty of all ranks and areas are welcome (this workshop will be relevant to all faculty of all scholarly and creative disciplines). Lunch will be served.
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Tues, 1/28 12:30 – 1:30pm in Uhall 3030: Gen Z Perspectives on Sustainability and Social Impact: Lessons Learned for Revising Curriculum (In-Person)
An increasing number of schools are incorporating sustainability themes within their curricula. At LMU, faculty across multiple colleges are increasingly responding to real-world challenges by introducing students to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this session, a multidisciplinary panel of faculty discuss how they applied these insights to refine their teaching approaches.
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Mon, 3/3 and Tues, 3/4 9:00 – 4:30pm at the Collins Center: Spring Break Writing Retreat
Want to get some writing done during Spring Break? All faculty are invited to a two-day, on campus writing retreat during Spring Break. Bring your writing materials and join on Monday, March 3rd and Tuesday, March 4th (9am to 4:30pm) in the Collins Center. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided. Email Sarah Adeyinka-Skold ( with any questions or concerns!
Breakfast and lunch provided with RSVP by Wed, 2/26 at 5:00pm
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Do you need individualized assistance as you prepare your classes, or as you work on your FSR or on your tenure/promotion portfolio? Or do you just need a little break and a cup of coffee/tea and a snack? Please feel free to drop in during the following times to meet with a member of our team. Please note: office hours will begin the first week of the semester (Jan 13)
Roz Le Blanc (Director of Scholarly and Creative Practice) Office Hours: 9:30-12:30pm Mondays online by appointment; Calendly link
9:30-12:20pm Fridays in the CFD, UNH 3000
Ed Mosteig (Director of Teaching and Learning) Office Hours:
11:00-2:00pm on Mondays in the CFD, UNH 3000.
9:00-12:00pm on Thursdays online by appoinment; Calendly link
Rebecca Sager (Director of Leadership and Professional Development) Office Hours: 12:20-3:30pm on Tuesdays by appointment; Bookings link 12:00-3:00pm on Wednesdays in the CFD, UNH 3000
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Announcements & Partner Events
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Wed, 1/22 3:30 – 5:30pm in McIntosh 3999: National Day of Racial Healing: Story Circle Training
Facilitators: Julia Wade & Jamal Epperson Join us to experience a story circle, an experience offered through the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Alliance through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. After experiencing a story circle, participants will have an opportunity to learn from other faculty how they have incorporated this racial justice oriented facilitation within their classroom and will be trained on how to lead a story circle. Please RSVP here.
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Wed, 3/19: Mark Your Calendars: Spring Teaching with Technology Symposium
Join us on March 19 at 9am in University Hall for an inspiring morning of innovation and collaboration. Dive into the latest in instructional technology, research computing, AI Innovation, and more. This event is co-hosted by the Center for Faculty Development and Information Technology Services. Call for speaking proposals: click here to submit your idea for a talk, demo, or panel.
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Please save the date for the Annual Faculty Recognition/Awards Ceremony. This year the ceremony will take place on April 8 from 2:30 – 5:00 in Hilton 100. This event offers us a time to come together as a university and celebrate our faculty colleagues.
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Please find the Box links below to access notes from recent events:
You can always find information about past CFD events here.
Thank you for all you do!
Your Center for Faculty Development
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