Message from Trustee Sara around Temporary Relocation of Pape School and Childcare
This is Sara Ehrhardt the TDSB Trustee for Toronto-Danforth. As you may be aware Metrolinx Ontario Line construction is planned to take place on and around Pape Ave Junior Public school and the areas used by Pape Childrens House. After learning about the unexpected expropriation of 25 houses on the east side of Pape Avenue and closure of a large portion of the school yard during Metrolinx tunneling, TDSB staff have recommended temporarily relocating Pape School and childcare to Jones School located at 540 Jones (next to Earl Grey school) beginning September 2025.
The anticipated deadline for delegation requests is this Tuesday January 14 at 4pm. Please feel free to cc me on any delegation requests:
I am committed to working with our community through this.
Thank you, and take care,