from the women of  
H E R I T A G E   C H R I S T I A N   U N I V E R S I T Y

S E P T E M B E R    2 0 2 1

His Workmanship

My favorite verse is Ephesians 2:10: "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." So much is packed into this verse!
  • God fashioned us, carefully and lovingly, in His image, through the saving work of Christ.
  • We were created to do good things! We have a purpose.
  • God planned for us. He has been working throughout history to bring about His perfect will.
No, righteousness does not consist solely of good works. But the good things we do reflect our status as children of God and our desire to walk in His ways. May we honor Him with our actions.

In Christ,
Melissa McFerrin
Coordinator of Women's Continuing Education

Need some inspiration? Follow Radiant on Spotify and Pinterest!

HCU's Robin Phillips has created a playlist on Spotify called "Radiant: Women of HCU," which features some of our favorite songs. Spotify is a free service that allows you to listen to music of your choice. Click the button below to start listening! Radiant also has an account on Pinterest, where you can find ideas for all areas of life. To start following our account, click the second button below. Thanks, Robin!
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Wisdom's Gentleness

Do you think the world could use a little more "wisdom from above" in the way we share our thoughts? Autumn Richardson thinks so too. Check out this month's article for her excellent lesson from James 3:13.
Read the Article

September Scripture Writing Plan

Don't forget to make God your priority this month, and every month, by committing at least 10 minutes a day to meditate and reflect on God's Word. A great way to do this is by using a scripture writing plan. The Ruffled Mango produces great plans every month to focus our attention on God's Word. Take a look at this month's plan by clicking below.
View the Writing Plan

Don't Forget About Class Starting September 13!

Our fall ladies' class, "High Impact, Low Profile Women of the Old Testament," begins this month! Join us on Monday nights in September, October, and November at 6:00 pm, starting on September 13. This class is free and will be available online and on-campus. Videos will be livestreamed on Facebook and saved for viewing later. Each week will cover a different woman whose story might get overlooked in the larger biblical narrative, but whose actions changed the course of history. We will be studying Hagar, Rizpah, Gomer, and many others. To register, click the button below.
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Upcoming Events

September 13 - November 15: "High Impact, Low Profile Women of the Old Testament" women's class. Join us Mondays at 6:00 pm on HCU's campus or online.
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