TVA and Jack Daniel’s to Power Distillery with Solar
Jack Daniel’s has partnered with TVA, Duck River Electric Membership Corporation, and Nashville-based solar power producer Silicon Ranch to provide the whiskey maker’s Lynchburg distillery with 20 MW of solar energy. The deal involves a long-term power purchase agreement with Silicon Ranch to build, own, and operate the solar facility nearby the Moore County distillery. To further its sustainability goals, Jack Daniel’s also runs its distillery with a zero waste to landfill policy and has programs to protect the water and wood used to make its whiskey.

The project is another win for TVA’s Green Invest program, which has already secured solar farms to help meet the renewable energy goals of auto manufacturers, data centers, local power companies, cities, and universities. Since 2018, Green Invest has attracted nearly $2.7 billion in solar investment and procured over 2,100 MW of solar on behalf of TVA customers.
EPB and TVA Celebrate 400th Home Uplift Participant
The Electric Power Board of Chattanooga (EPB) and TVA announced this month the completion of their 400th Home Uplift energy renovation. The effort began in 2015 to provide high-impact home energy upgrades that reduce residential energy burden. The Home Uplift program has been replicated in communities across the Tennessee Valley, such as those served by Nashville Electric Service, Knoxville Utilities Board, BrightRidge, Memphis Light, Gas, & Water, Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation, and West Kentucky Rural Electric.

Those who qualify receive home improvements at no cost to help them dramatically reduce their power bills. On average, EPB’s Home Uplift participants save $500 on their energy costs each year. Eligible energy efficiency upgrades include HVAC replacements, sealed duct work, wall insulation, water heater and pipe insulation, window and door replacement, and more. Environmentally, the energy savings for the 400 homes translate to 1,472 metric tons of carbon equivalent avoided. Click here to learn more about TVA EnergyRight’s Home Uplift program.
TTU Industrial Assessment Center Seeking Clients for No-Cost Energy Assessments
Assessing the energy efficiency of equipment and appliances can be vital to improving a plant’s efficiency, thus reducing energy consumption and operating costs. The Tennessee Industrial Assessment Center offers no-cost in-plant energy assessments to qualified small and medium-sized industrial facilities (e.g., manufacturers, agricultural producers, etc.) through a program funded by U.S. DOE. A team of engineering faculty and students from Tennessee universities spend the day measuring the efficiency of a plant’s major energy-using equipment, such as compressed air systems, steam systems, lighting, pumps, and motors. As part of their assessment, they provide specific low-to-no cost recommendations for projects to reduce energy use and save money on utility bills. All information is kept confidential, and there is no required commitment to implement the proposed improvement projects. Visit the IAC website or contact Michelle Davis at or 931-372-6386 to find out if your facility is eligible for this free program.
Metro Nashville Recognized for 2020 Solar Deal
The American Cities Climate Challenge Renewables Accelerator has selected Metro Nashville’s 2020 Green Invest solar deal as one of the “Top 10 Most Noteworthy City Renewable Deals of 2020.” The 100 MW project, which is tied for the largest renewable deal east of the Mississippi River in 2020, is recognized for its innovative use of public-private partnerships (e.g., collaboration with Vanderbilt University and other partners) to support the procurement process and to leverage collective buying power in order to meet shared climate goals more affordably and efficiently.

Metro Nashville’s solar array, which was announced last November, will produce enough electricity to power over 11,000 homes and will result in carbon emissions savings equivalent to the removal of more than 14,000 cars from the road each year for the 20 year term of the agreement. It represents a one-third step toward 100% renewable energy for the local government’s electric power needs and will lower its annual greenhouse gas emissions by 12%.
Socket Arts Contest
For Earth Day 2021, the Metro Nashville Department of General Services’ Socket program launched its third annual Arts Contest, co-sponsored by the Nashville Public Library. For drawing/mixed media submissions from contestants ages 5-10, the art should explain how Socket the Dog (the Metro Nashville sustainability mascot) helps the planet. For drawing/mixed media submissions from contestants ages 11-17 AND for poetry/spoken word submissions from all age groups, the art should explain how its creators practice environmental sustainability in Nashville.
The deadline for all art entries is May 12. Winners will choose from several great prizes, including annual family memberships to the Nashville Zoo, Adventure Science Center, or Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. Click here to learn more.
2021 Better Buildings, Better Plants Virtual Summit
The 2021 Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit will be held as a virtual leadership symposium from May 17-20. Through the virtual summit, Better Buildings partners will have the opportunity to share best practices and new ideas for maintaining building operations, addressing workforce challenges, and continuing to improve energy security and resilience. The Summit will feature a series of webinars and peer exchanges as well as networking calls for the education, healthcare, local government, commercial, industrial, multifamily housing, and workforce development sectors. The Summit will also include a fireside chat with U.S. DOE national laboratories on trends and emerging technologies in the building energy space. Finally, the Summit will feature a collaborative workshop highlighting tools and resources on planning for energy resilience as well as sessions on community solar for multifamily buildings and energy efficiency barriers. Attendance is free of charge. View the full Summit schedule here. To sign up for individual sessions, meet-ups, and workshops, register here.
Energy Efficiency Finance Forum
The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) will hold its 13th Annual Energy Efficiency Finance Forum in a virtual format from May 25-26. This event will explore the role that financing can play in cutting-edge energy initiatives and will highlight major opportunities to finance projects that save energy, reduce costs, and create jobs. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with leaders in finance, government, the utility sector, and from energy service companies to learn about successful projects and innovative models. Click here to register.
Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast
A new report from the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy examines power generation and emission trends, the role of electric utilities in decarbonizing power supply, and opportunities to decarbonize the Southeast’s electric sector. The Southeast is home to some of the largest utilities in the nation (e.g., TVA, Duke Energy, Southern Company, and NextEra) and the role of utilities in decarbonizing the power supply is critical as the Biden Administration aims for a carbon-free power sector by 2035. The report details how different utilities and states in the region are approaching the effort to decarbonize and how each may be able to improve. For example, some utilities (e.g., Dominion SC and Southern Company) have announced a zero or net-zero goal to improve their decarbonization efforts and to stay on track to achieve zero emissions before 2100. To learn more, click here.
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