Dear Ken,
I sincerely want to thank you. Over the years, my wife and I have been to fourteen different counsellors; all leaving my wife feeling spiritually, mentally, and emotionally abused, adding to her feeling suicidal and hopeless.
Three different friends from three different parts of Phoenix all recommended that we go to Christ Quest Ministries. I took that as a hint from God.
After three years of counselling, seminars and the CQI Zoom classes, I am a new and different person. Even though we were elders and pastors in our church, I never heard answers to the question I had about life. And they were answered with God’s biblical principles that changed my life.
Your ministry literally showed me how to fulfill God’s command that I become a living illustration of the Christ to my wife. The Christ Quest Institute inspired my faith in God to a degree I never knew was possible.
Pastor Jeff
Does Nancy look happy and surprised? She is! A group of friends decided to put together a surprise birthday party for her 83rd birthday.
She blesses me because of all the cards she receives, she only keeps the ones I’ve made her. Thanks Hon.
Really, Women are Impossible to Understand?
That’s a common conclusion among men and women. However, in 1st Peter 3:7 (KJV), God commands husbands to understand their wife. Still, if that’s impossible, what kind of God commands husbands to do something impossible? Especially since He’s the One Who created them, and we don’t believe He included them being understandable?
Then too, if it were natural for men to understand women — why would God need to command husbands to do something that we’re already doing.
The difficulty is not in understanding them physically, husbands feel confident in that case. However, since God is Spirit, the understanding God requires of a husband is spiritual understanding. And when a husband is a walking-talking-living example of Jesus, (as commanded in
Ephesians 5:25-27) he would thoroughly understand his wife’s inner person — her heart — her spirit, and care for her as God requires.