January 8, 2025  
Baptism of the Lord and Confirmation Sunday
Join us this Sunday to remember your baptism and pray over and celebrate our confirmands as they make their own professions of faith and choose to be part of this family of faith during our 10:45 am worship. 
Twice a year the staff at Parkway Hills gathers with our church family for a time of conversation, dreaming, and planning for the mission and ministry of our church.  These days apart take place one Saturday in January and one Wednesday evening in May. Our Saturday morning apart is approaching. Mark the date, Saturday, January 18, 2025 in the Garden room from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and join us for a morning of planning and dreaming.  A light breakfast will be provided. Nursery available upon request. Following our day apart, we will recognize and commission our 2025 leaders in worship Sunday, January 19 as we continue to welcome, grow, serve, and celebrate together. 

Thank you!

Our appreciation goes to those who gave their labor and time to dismantle, label, and store away our Christmas decorations.

Laundry help needed: Jan Brister for many years at the end of each semester has collected unclaimed coats from the lost and found table of her elementary school. She takes the bags of coats and sorts them by size. We have delivered coats to East Flora Elementary School and the Hispanic Ministry of FUMC of Morton to be distributed to those in need. The coats need to be laundered before we send them on their way to new homes. Can you help? She will be washing one bag of the coats and needs three more people to take the bag of small, medium, or XL size coats. Call the church office to help.

Join us in the new year for Sunday School! The children's ministry will continue hearing the many stories in the Bible as we journey through the Old and New Testaments. All ages begin in the Garden Room at 9:30 a.m. for gathering time and activities. Then the classes break into small groups based on grade levels to explore the Bible stories.
For more information on Sunday School curriculum and activities contact Haven Boyd
We always need volunteers to aid with our kids ministry. To sign up to teach an individual class one Sunday, *click here or contact Haven to be added to a rotation. 
*All volunteers must submit a background check before volunteering with children and youth.  
To stay connected to all KID MIN events, get the Remind app and text @phumcc to 81010.

Welcome Night 2025! Sunday, January 12, 5:30-7:30pm: Every two years we host a special night to officially welcome the newest completed Bridge class into the youth ministry. Returning youth, make sure to show up and support our newest students at the confirmation service in morning worship and on Sunday night. Students exiting Bridge, please confirm you attendance with Geoff if you haven't already.
Identity Weekend, February 14-16: Our Spring 2025 spiritual formation weekend is focused on using fun and service to gain a stronger sense of who we are in Christ and to let our older students share our ministry identity with our younger students! Cost: $55, or $45 for additional siblings in the same family thanks to our youth retreat scholarship fund via the Vanco app or online giving
Adults, you make our ministry possible! We have lots of ways to serve for this exciting new semester. Click to see our ongoing semester needs or contact Geoff for more info. 
To stay connected to all youth events, get the Remind app and text @phumcy to 81010.
Peanut butter for MadCAAP
We started 2025 off well taking over 156 peanut butter jars to the food pantry at MadCAAP!
Meeting This Week 
Men's Group at 7:30 am. Join them in the Garden Room
or via Zoom
**Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
Password: 142295 
Handbell practice 9:00 am

Women of ALL ages are always welcome to the Ladies Zoom 10:00 am
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 

Small Groups at 9:30 am
Confirmation Brunch in Youth Room at 9:30
Worship: Baptism of the Lord and Confirmation at 10:45 am 
Engage Welcome Night for the Bridge Students 5:30 - 7:30/Youth Room
Choir practice at 5:30 pm

Quilters meet from Noon to 3:00 in the Garden Room

Grace Place Homeless Ministry; meet at PHUMC at 7:00 am to carpool
In English, the phrase Becas con Bendiciones means “Scholarships with Blessings.”
This month, your Communion gifts will supply scholarships for impoverished Honduran students.Though public school in Honduras is technically "free" to attend, there are uniform requirements, shoes, sports clothing for P.E. classes, matriculation fees, maintenance fees, and basic school supplies which put formal education out of the reach of many children. In January 2006 PHUMC's Wednesday night children's program studied United Methodist missions in Honduras, learning a little Spanish, sampling some Honduran foods, and discovering that kids in Honduras got only four or five years of schooling because their parents couldn't afford to pay for uniforms, school supplies, and fees. So our kids jumped in to help.They began collecting change at home and at church, made announcements to the congregation, decorated collection boxes for Wednesday night supper tables, and quickly raised $300 for "Scholarships with Blessings" to help kids in Honduras stay in school longer. Since that beginning in 2006, Parkway Hills has sponsored dozens of Honduran children. We receive thank-you letters and pictures from our sponsored kids every year which you can view in teh foyer of the worship center.They are so grateful for our support!
Last year we provided 18 scholarships!
Your gift of $120 provides 100% of the school-related needs for a child in this program. Thank you for giving generously. 


2024 End of Year Report
Income:  $673,681.52
Expenses:  $598,200.16

December Communion offering (Little Light of Mine):  $1,183.00

Christmas Eve offering (East Flora families affected by fire):  $1,447.00

January Communion offering: $529.00 to date,
supports Becas con Bendiciones, Scholarships with Blessings for Honduran children.
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