In Genesis 2:7, God also gave a descriptive name to that combination event and that descriptive name is a living soul. So, since that happened to me at that point I became a male with a brand-new heart, and a brand-new spirit!
Let me describe what took place the second time I got a new heart. I’m an identical twin. My brother and I started life as one person, but my brother Lennie and I split and became two people. I got my own heart, and he got his.
Let me describe how unique being an identical twin is by telling you of an actual event. While my wife Nancy and I were newly married, one morning while I was sleeping, I had a dream. It was about my brother Lennie, who was driving his brand new 1959 Ford Skyliner down from Big Bear Mountain in California.
Our friend Joe was with him when they had an accident. Next in my dream, Lennie was at the sheriff’s station calling me to come to pick him and Joe up. At that second, my phone which was sitting next to my bed rang, waking me up.
It was Lennie calling me from the sheriff’s station because he and Joe had an accident in his brand new 1959 Ford Skyliner while coming down from Big Bear Mountain. That’s only one of many such events.
My third new heart took place when I accepted Jesus, the Christ, as my Savior. That’s regarded as: being “born again”. That’s when my new heart, my spirit, was set on the journey to Christ-likeness — to develop a new heart that’s loving and caring.
My fourth new heart was when I discovered the difference between my physical, human heart and my spiritual, emotionally functional, human spirit/heart. That would involve me becoming more and more emotionally functional. Having devoted myself, my heart (my spirit), I’m able to emotionally identify with the hearts/spirits of my wife Nancy, my daughters Denise, Kristy and Sarah along with their husbands. Then with all my grandkids and great grandkids, because everyone has a heart (a spirit) and needs to learn God’s purposes for creating every emotion. As well as to recognize each emotion that originates within their spirit.
My latest new heart… the fifth… was last July 13th, 2022, when my heart’s aorta valve was replaced through the TAVR process.
I have one more new heart, number six to come. That’ll be when I’m resurrected to be with my Savior, Jesus, the Son of God and God. I’ll be a new, resurrected man with my last new heart.
But I’m in my 88th year, which means I’ve got to wait for another 32 years or so before I get my last new heart. When I’m there getting my new heart, I hope I’ll see you there too.
P.S. I just had a procedure where two arteries, that were 95% and 90% clogged, cleaned and stents put in. I have one more artery that is 99.99% clogged to be cleaned & stents put in which will take place in a few weeks. Since I say God has a lesson in everything, I thought I’d mention the lesson in this: Just like when a car gets a large number of miles on it, it needs to have the “plugs” changed so it can put more on mileage on. Because of the many miles on this engine (me), I needed to have my “plugs” changed so I can put more mileage on me.
Thank you so much to those who have been praying for me!