Keeping Up With Colonial

Click above to view this month's edition.
Dates to Remember
Feb 11- Cookies with the Community (see below), & Board of Education Meeting, 7 PM, William Penn Innovation Center or live stream at www.colonialschooldistrict.org
Feb. 14- Staff Development-NO SCHOOL
Feb. 17- President's Day-SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED

Polar Plunge Southern Style

An adult team of 15 Southern Sharks took the “plunge” to support a favorite Colonial partner, Special Olympics Delaware. Raising over $3,200 in donations, the sharks braved the cold with a little help from the Delaware City Fire Company. Way to go, Southern!

Jungle Fever at Leach

Jungle Jim is always welcomed at Leach. Students and staff love the little creatures he brings on each visit.

Baby it's Cold Inside!

Wilbur Wildcats took to the ice at the University of Delaware's indoor arena. The 3rd-graders  bundled up and had a blast!

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Who loves a pep rally? Everybody at New Castle Elementary School!

Colonial Students Invited to George Read

Health & Wellness Updates

                                               Cold and Flu Season is Here!

Statewide, there has been an increase in cold and flu-like symptoms among children and adults.  To help keep everyone healthy and minimize the spread of illness, we encourage you to monitor your child for any signs of illness, including:

  • Coughing
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
    If your child shows symptoms or feels unwell, please keep them home to rest and recover. This helps prevent the spread of illness and ensures that all students can stay as healthy as possible.

    As always, make sure your child is practicing good hygiene, including frequent handwashing, covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, and using hand sanitizer when necessary.

    We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our school community healthy. If you have any concerns or questions, contact your school nurse or your child’s primary care provider.

                                School-Based Health Centers in Colonial:
                            Support Your Child's Physical & Emotional Well-being
This month, we recognize the work our centers do to support the needs of our students.  If your child needs assistance, please contact a member of the school-based health center using the contact information below.

Nemours School-Based Health Centers
Available at all district elementary schools, and McCullough Middle.
Phone: (302) 512-7500
Website: app.nemours.org/sbhc

Christiana Care School-Based Health Center
Available at: William Penn
Phone: (302) 324-5740
Website:WP Wellness Center

Be Present, Be Powerful!
Every winter, bad weather — snow, slush, freezing temperatures or even heavy rains — can present challenges to getting children to school. So do the illnesses such as colds, flu, fevers, and earaches that often come with the winter months. Here are some recommendations to help keep your student on track for attending school:

1.  Develop backup plans for getting your children to school in bad weather. 

2.  Keep your children healthy. 

3.  Keep your children engaged in learning if they cannot attend school in person. 

For more tips and strategies that make a difference in getting your child to school every day, visit this link.

SafeDE is here for you!

SafeDE is a free application available to students, families, and staff.  The app provides everyone the opportunity to:

Find resources
Chat with a crisis counselor
Anonymously connect with the school to report concerns or ask for help.

For more information and to access the SafeDE application, please visit:
SafeDE Information on the district website.

WE Celebrate You!

School counselors in Colonial are known for “Helping Students Thrive” through the connections they make with students, families, and staff.  They patiently listen and help our students connect to resources to help them achieve.  Please take a moment during National School Counselor Week to celebrate all the great school counselors in Colonial!

Carrie Downie-Brittany Toler-McNeill

Castle Hills-Jennifer Dunkelberger & Jignasa Wedell
Eisenberg-Kristin Donovan
New Castle- Tanya Aviola & Sarah Hoffman

Pleasantville-Angela Velasquez

Southern-Katrina Cowan & Lisa Gale

Wilbur-Jennifer Emery, Angela Smith & Nathan Waters

Wilmington Manor-Meghan Feby

George Read-Kim Carlson, Mario Rivera & Keri Young

Gunning Bedford-John Arent, Shaheda Pine & Allison Sheppard

McCullough-Tonya Bailey-Smiley, Khalil Fitzpatrick, & Julia Fornoff

William Penn-Nichelle Artwell, Adrienne Basilio, Sadat Burton, Andy Capone, Jason Coleman, Rachel Handy-Hayes, Sarah Martin, Lindsey Townsend, & Shauna Whitehead

Colonial Early Education Program-Christina Cento
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