UMKC - University of Missouri-Kansas City
April 2, 2020
Dear UMKC Family,
Since we announced our move to online learning for the rest of the semester, one of the most frequent questions we received was whether UMKC would still hold in-person commencement ceremonies in May. We know what a treasured tradition and milestone commencement is for our graduates who have worked long and hard for their diplomas.

That said, we also have been watching how the COVID-19 pandemic has been unfolding locally and nationally to ensure that we make a decision that addresses the need to keep our campus community – including you and your families – safe and healthy.

With that in mind, though students will still graduate in May, we reluctantly must postpone in-person commencement ceremonies. Instead, we will offer a two-pronged commencement celebration – and we’ll be sending a survey early next week to get more detailed input from you on the following:

  • In May, we fully intend to find a fun, creative way to celebrate your graduation and commencement virtually. We have ideas, but want to hear yours.
  • In December 2020, we also will plan to host our biggest in-person commencement celebration ever, inviting May and December grads to march across the stage and receive their diplomas. Again, give us your ideas and input via the coming survey.
Thanks for your patience while we weighed the decision to postpone. We know that some of your families will want to cancel hotel rooms or airfare if you had already booked for May. 

In the meantime, we look forward to creating a new, virtual celebration in May so we can still bring some pomp and circumstance to our graduates and their loved ones upon the completion of your degrees. Again, more information to come after we get your survey input.

We continue to appreciate your patience and resilence as we work to develop creative solutions for the unique challenges of coronavirus. We Roos pride ourselves on our ingenuity and innovation, and we look forward to a double celebration of  your academic success.
In this together,

C. Mauli Agrawal, Ph.D.                  Jenny Lundgren, Ph.D.
Chancellor                                          Interim Provost 
University of Missouri-Kansas City | Kansas City, MO 64110 | (816) 235-1000
UMKC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
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